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demx8as69872fa02018-07-06 10:27:37 +02001 module ietf-ptp-dataset{
2 namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-ptp-dataset";
3 prefix "ptp-dataset";
4 organization "IETF TICTOC Working Group";
5 contact
6 "WG Web:
7 WG List: <>
8 WG Chair: Karen O'Donoghue
9 <>
10 WG Chair: Yaakov Stein
11 <mailto:>
12 Editor: Yuanlong Jiang
13 <>
14 Editor: Rodney Cummings
15 <>";
16 description
17 "This YANG module defines a data model for the configuration
18 of IEEE 1588-2008 clocks, and also for retrieval of the state
19 data of IEEE 1588-2008 clocks.";
21 revision "2017-02-08" {
22 description "Version 4.0";
23 reference "draft-ietf-tictoc-1588v2-yang";
24 }
26 typedef delay-mechanism-enumeration {
27 type enumeration {
28 enum E2E {
29 value 1;
30 description
31 "The port uses the delay request-response
32 mechanism.";
33 }
34 enum P2P {
35 value 2;
36 description
37 "The port uses the peer delay mechanism.";
38 }
39 enum DISABLED {
40 value 254;
41 description
42 "The port does not implement any delay
43 mechanism.";
44 }
45 }
46 description
47 "The propagation delay measuring option used by the
48 port. Values for this enumeration are specified
49 by the IEEE 1588 standard exclusively.";
50 reference
51 "IEEE Std 1588-2008:";
52 }
54 typedef port-state-enumeration {
55 type enumeration {
57 value 1;
58 description
59 "The port is initializing its data sets, hardware, and
60 communication facilities.";
61 }
62 enum FAULTY {
63 value 2;
64 description
65 "The port is in the fault state.";
66 }
67 enum DISABLED {
68 value 3;
69 description
70 "The port is disabled, and is not communicating PTP
71 messages (other than possibly PTP management
72 messages).";
73 }
74 enum LISTENING {
75 value 4;
76 description
77 "The port is listening for an Announce message.";
78 }
79 enum PRE_MASTER {
80 value 5;
81 description
82 "The port is in the pre-master state.";
83 }
84 enum MASTER {
85 value 6;
86 description
87 "The port is behaving as a master port.";
88 }
89 enum PASSIVE {
90 value 7;
91 description
92 "The port is in the passive state.";
93 }
95 value 8;
96 description
97 "A master port has been selected, but the port is still
98 in the uncalibrated state.";
99 }
100 enum SLAVE {
101 value 9;
102 description
103 "The port is synchronizing to the selected
104 master port.";
105 }
106 }
107 description
108 "The current state of the protocol engine associated
109 with the port. Values for this enumeration are specified
110 by the IEEE 1588 standard exclusively.";
111 reference
112 "IEEE Std 1588-2008:, 9.2.5";
113 }
115 typedef time-interval-type {
116 type int64;
117 description
118 "Derived data type for time interval,
119 represented in units of nanoseconds and
120 multipled by 2^16";
121 reference
122 "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 5.3.2";
123 }
125 typedef clock-identity-type {
126 type binary {
127 length "8";
128 }
129 description
130 "Derived data type to identify a clock";
131 reference
132 "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 5.3.4";
133 }
135 grouping port-identity-grouping {
136 description
137 "Derived data type to identify a port, which contains
138 two members: clockIdentity and portNumber.";
139 reference
140 "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 5.3.5";
142 leaf clock-identity {
143 type clock-identity-type;
144 description
145 "Identity of the clock";
146 }
148 leaf port-number {
149 type uint16;
150 description
151 "Port number";
152 }
153 }
155 grouping clock-quality-grouping {
156 description
157 "Derived data type for quality of a clock, which contains
158 clockClass, clockAccuracy and offsetScaledLogVariance.";
159 reference
160 "IEEE Std 1588-2008: 5.3.7";
162 leaf clock-class {
163 type uint8;
164 default 248;
165 description
166 "The clockClass denotes the traceability of the time
167 or frequency distributed by the clock.";
168 }
170 leaf clock-accuracy {
171 type uint8;
172 description
173 "The clockAccuracy indicates the expected accuracy
174 of the clock.";
175 }
177 leaf offset-scaled-log-variance {
178 type uint16;
179 description
180 "The offsetScaledLogVariance provides an
181 estimate of the variations of the clock
182 from a linear timescale when it is not synchronized
183 to another clock using the protocol.";
184 }
185 }
187 grouping default-ds-entry {
188 description
189 "Collection of members of the default data set.";
191 leaf two-step-flag {
192 type boolean;
193 description
194 "When set, the clock is a two-step clock; otherwise,
195 the clock is a one-step clock.";
196 }
198 leaf clock-identity {
199 type clock-identity-type;
200 description
201 "The clockIdentity of the local clock";
202 }
204 leaf number-ports {
205 type uint16;
206 description
207 "The number of PTP ports on the device.";
208 }
210 container clock-quality {
211 description
212 "The clockQuality of the local clock.";
214 uses clock-quality-grouping;
215 }
217 leaf priority1 {
218 type uint8;
219 description
220 "The priority1 attribute of the local clock.";
221 }
223 leaf priority2{
224 type uint8;
225 description
226 "The priority2 attribute of the local clock. ";
227 }
229 leaf domain-number {
230 type uint8;
231 description
232 "The domain number of the current syntonization
233 domain.";
234 }
236 leaf slave-only {
237 type boolean;
238 description
239 "When set, the clock is a slave-only clock.";
240 }
241 }
243 grouping current-ds-entry {
244 description
245 "Collection of members of current data set.";
247 leaf steps-removed {
248 type uint16;
249 default 0;
250 description
251 "The number of communication paths traversed
252 between the local clock and the grandmaster clock.";
253 }
254 leaf offset-from-master {
255 type time-interval-type;
256 description
257 "The current value of the time difference between
258 a master and a slave clock as computed by the slave.";
259 }
261 leaf mean-path-delay {
262 type time-interval-type;
263 description
264 "The current value of the mean propagation time between
265 a master and a slave clock as computed by the slave.";
267 }
268 }
270 grouping parent-ds-entry {
271 description
272 "Collection of members of the parent data set.";
274 container parent-port-identity {
275 description
276 "The portIdentity of the port on the master";
277 uses port-identity-grouping;
278 }
279 leaf parent-stats {
280 type boolean;
281 default false;
282 description
283 "When set, the values of
284 observedParentOffsetScaledLogVariance and
285 observedParentClockPhaseChangeRate of parentDS
286 have been measured and are valid.";
287 }
288 leaf observed-parent-offset-scaled-log-variance {
289 type uint16;
290 default 0xFFFF;
291 description
292 "An estimate of the parent clock's PTP variance
293 as observed by the slave clock.";
294 }
295 leaf observed-parent-clock-phase-change-rate {
296 type int32;
297 description
298 "An estimate of the parent clock's phase change rate
299 as observed by the slave clock.";
300 }
301 leaf grandmaster-identity {
302 type binary{
303 length "8";
304 }
306 description
307 "The clockIdentity attribute of the grandmaster clock.";
309 }
310 container grandmaster-clock-quality {
311 description
312 "The clockQuality of the grandmaster clock.";
313 uses clock-quality-grouping;
314 }
315 leaf grandmaster-priority1 {
316 type uint8;
317 description
318 "The priority1 attribute of the grandmaster clock.";
319 }
320 leaf grandmaster-priority2 {
321 type uint8;
322 description
323 "The priority2 attribute of the grandmaster clock.";
324 }
325 }
327 grouping time-properties-ds-entry {
328 description
329 "Collection of members of the timeProperties data set.";
330 leaf current-utc-offset-valid {
331 type boolean;
332 description
333 "When set, the current UTC offset is valid.";
334 }
335 leaf current-utc-offset {
336 type int16;
337 description
338 "The offset between TAI and UTC when the epoch of the
339 PTP system is the PTP epoch, i.e., when ptp-timescale
340 is TRUE; otherwise, the value has no meaning.";
341 }
342 leaf leap59 {
343 type boolean;
344 description
345 "When set, the last minute of the current UTC day
346 contains 59 seconds.";
347 }
348 leaf leap61 {
349 type boolean;
350 description
351 "When set, the last minute of the current UTC day
352 contains 61 seconds.";
353 }
354 leaf time-traceable {
355 type boolean;
356 description
357 "When set, the timescale and the currentUtcOffset are
358 traceable to a primary reference.";
359 }
360 leaf frequency-traceable {
361 type boolean;
362 description
363 "When set, the frequency determining the timescale
364 is traceable to a primary reference.";
365 }
366 leaf ptp-timescale {
367 type boolean;
368 description
369 "When set, the clock timescale of the grandmaster
370 clock is PTP; otherwise, the timescale is ARB
371 (arbitrary).";
372 }
373 leaf time-source {
374 type uint8;
375 description
376 "The source of time used by the grandmaster clock.";
378 }
379 }
381 grouping port-ds-entry {
382 description
383 "Collection of members of the port data set.";
385 container port-identity {
386 description
387 "The portIdentity attribute of the local port.";
388 uses port-identity-grouping;
389 }
391 leaf port-state {
392 type port-state-enumeration;
393 default "INITIALIZING";
394 description
395 "Current state associated with the port.";
396 }
398 leaf log-min-delay-req-interval {
399 type int8;
400 description
401 "The base-two logarithm of the minDelayReqInterval
402 (the minimum permitted mean time interval between
403 successive Delay_Req messages).";
404 }
406 leaf peer-mean-path-delay {
407 type time-interval-type;
408 default 0;
409 description
410 "An estimate of the current one-way propagation delay
411 on the link when the delayMechanism is P2P; otherwise,
412 it is zero.";
413 }
415 leaf log-announce-interval {
416 type int8;
417 description
418 "The base-two logarithm of the mean
419 announceInterval (mean time interval between
420 successive Announce messages).";
421 }
423 leaf announce-receipt-timeout {
424 type uint8;
425 description
426 "The number of announceInterval that have to pass
427 without receipt of an Announce message before the
428 occurrence of the event ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT_
429 EXPIRES.";
430 }
432 leaf log-sync-interval {
433 type int8;
434 description
435 "The base-two logarithm of the mean SyncInterval
436 for multicast messages. The rates for unicast
437 transmissions are negotiated separately on a per port
438 basis and are not constrained by this attribute.";
439 }
441 leaf delay-mechanism {
442 type delay-mechanism-enumeration;
443 description
444 "The propagation delay measuring option used by the
445 port in computing meanPathDelay.";
446 }
448 leaf log-min-pdelay-req-interval {
449 type int8;
450 description
451 "The base-two logarithm of the
452 minPdelayReqInterval (minimum permitted mean time
453 interval between successive Pdelay_Req messages).";
455 }
457 leaf version-number {
458 type uint8;
459 description
460 "The PTP version in use on the port.";
461 }
462 }
464 grouping transparent-clock-default-ds-entry {
465 description
466 "Collection of members of the transparentClockDefault data
467 set (default data set for a transparent clock).";
469 leaf clock-identity {
470 type clock-identity-type;
471 description
472 "The clockIdentity of the transparent clock.";
473 }
474 leaf number-ports {
475 type uint16;
476 description
477 "The number of PTP ports on the device.";
478 }
479 leaf delay-mechanism {
480 type delay-mechanism-enumeration;
481 description
482 "The propagation delay measuring option
483 used by the transparent clock.";
484 }
485 leaf primary-domain {
486 type uint8;
487 default 0;
488 description
489 "The domainNumber of the primary syntonization domain.";
491 }
492 }
494 grouping transparent-clock-port-ds-entry {
495 description
496 "Collection of members of the transparentClockPort data
497 set (port data set for a transparent clock).";
499 container port-identity {
500 description
501 "The portIdentity of the local port.";
503 uses port-identity-grouping;
504 }
505 leaf log-min-pdelay-req-interval {
506 type int8;
507 description
508 "The logarithm to the base 2 of the
509 minPdelayReqInterval (minimum permitted mean time
510 interval between successive Pdelay_Req messages).";
511 }
512 leaf faulty-flag {
513 type boolean;
514 default false;
515 description
516 "When set, the port is faulty.";
517 }
518 leaf peer-mean-path-delay {
519 type time-interval-type;
520 default 0;
521 description
522 "An estimate of the current one-way propagation delay
523 on the link when the delayMechanism is P2P; otherwise,
524 it is zero.";
525 }
526 }
528 list instance-list {
530 key "instance-number";
532 description
533 "List of one or more PTP datasets in the device, one for
534 each domain (see IEEE 1588-2008 subclause 6.3).
535 Each PTP dataset represents a distinct instance of
536 PTP implementation in the device (i.e. distinct
537 Ordinary Clock or Boundary Clock).";
539 leaf instance-number {
540 type uint16;
541 description
542 "The instance number of the current PTP instance";
543 }
544 container default-ds {
545 description
546 "The default data set of the clock.";
547 uses default-ds-entry;
548 }
550 container current-ds {
551 description
552 "The current data set of the clock.";
553 uses current-ds-entry;
554 }
556 container parent-ds {
557 description
558 "The parent data set of the clock.";
559 uses parent-ds-entry;
560 }
562 container time-properties-ds {
563 description
564 "The timeProperties data set of the clock.";
565 uses time-properties-ds-entry;
566 }
568 list port-ds-list {
569 key "port-number";
570 description
571 "List of port data sets of the clock.";
572 leaf port-number{
573 type leafref{
574 path "../port-identity/port-number";
575 }
576 description
577 "Refers to the portNumber memer of
578 portDS.portIdentity.";
579 }
580 uses port-ds-entry;
581 }
582 }
584 container transparent-clock-default-ds {
585 description
586 "The members of the transparentClockDefault Data Set";
587 uses transparent-clock-default-ds-entry;
588 }
590 list transparent-clock-port-ds-list {
591 key "port-number";
592 description
593 "List of transparentClockPort data sets
594 of the transparent clock.";
595 leaf port-number {
596 type leafref {
597 path "../port-identity/port-number";
598 }
599 description
600 "Refers to the portNumber memer
601 of transparentClockPortDS.portIdentity.";
602 }
603 uses transparent-clock-port-ds-entry;
604 }
605 }