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.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. Copyright (C) 2019 IBM.
Resource Definition
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
A Resource definition models the how a specific resource can be resolved.
A resource is a variable/parameter in the context of the service. It can be anything, but it should not be confused with SDC or Openstack resources.
A Resource definition can have multiple sources to handle resolution in different ways.
The main goal of Resource definition is to define re-usable entity that could be shared.
Creation of data dictionaries is a standalone activity, separated from the blueprint design.
As part of modelling a Resource definition entry, the following generic information should be provided:
.. |image0| image:: image0.jpg
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Bellow are properties that all the resource source have will have
The modeling does allow for data translation between external capability and CDS for both input and output key mapping.
.. |image1| image:: image1.jpg
:width: 7.88889in
:height: 4.43750in
vf-module-model-customization-uuid and vf-module-label are two data dictionaries. A SQL table, VF_MODULE_MODEL, exist to correlate them.
Here is how input-key-mapping, output-key-mapping and key-dependencies can be used:
vf-module-label Resource definition
"name" : "vf-module-label",
"tags" : "vf-module-label",
"updated-by" : "adetalhouet",
"property" : {
"description" : "vf-module-label",
"type" : "string"
"sources" : {
"primary-db" : {
"type" : "source-primary-db",
"properties" : {
"type" : "SQL",
"query" : "select sdnctl.VF_MODULE_MODEL.vf_module_label as vf_module_label from sdnctl.VF_MODULE_MODEL where sdnctl.VF_MODULE_MODEL.customization_uuid=:customizationid",
"input-key-mapping" : {
"customizationid" : "vf-module-model-customization-uuid"
"output-key-mapping" : {
"vf-module-label" : "vf_module_label"
"key-dependencies" : [ "vf-module-model-customization-uuid" ]
Resource source:
Defines the contract to resolve a resource.
A resource source is modeled, following TOSCA_ node type definition and derives from the Resource_ source.
Also please click below for detailed resource source details
.. toctree::
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.. _TOSCA:
.. _Resource_: