blob: 8216819ac2553f771952131c3d6b970c01294869 [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is a derivative of
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
.. International License.
.. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG.
.. _workflow:
.. note::
**Workflow Scope within CDS Framework**
The workflow is within the scope of the micro provisioning and configuration
management in **controller domain** and does NOT account for the MACRO service orchestration workflow which is covered by the SO Project.
A workflow defines an overall action to be taken on the service, hence is an
entry-point for the run-time execution of the :ref:`CBA Package <cba>`.
A workflow also defines **inputs** and **outputs** that will defined the **payload contract**
of the **request** and **response** (see :ref:`Dynamic API`)
A workflow can be **composed** of one or multiple **sub-actions** to execute.
A CBA package can have as **many workflows** as needed.
.. _workflow_single_action:
Single action
The workflow is directly backed by a component (see :ref:`node_type` -> Component).
In the example bellow, the target of the workflow's steps resource-assignment is ``resource-assignment``
which actually is the name of the ``node_template`` defined after, of type ``component-resource-resolution``.
`Link to example
.. code-block:: json
:caption: **Example**
. . .
"topology_template": {
"workflows": {
"resource-assignment": {
"steps": {
"resource-assignment": {
"description": "Resource Assign Workflow",
"target": "resource-assignment"
"inputs": {
"resource-assignment-properties": {
"description": "Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(resource-assignment).",
"required": true,
"type": "dt-resource-assignment-properties"
"outputs": {
"meshed-template": {
"type": "json",
"value": {
"get_attribute": [
"node_templates": {
"resource-assignment": {
"type": "component-resource-resolution",
"interfaces": {
"ResourceResolutionComponent": {
"operations": {
"process": {
"inputs": {
"artifact-prefix-names": [
"artifacts": {
"vf-module-1-template": {
"type": "artifact-template-velocity",
"file": "Templates/vf-module-1-template.vtl"
"vf-module-1-mapping": {
"type": "artifact-mapping-resource",
"file": "Templates/vf-module-1-mapping.json"
. . .
.. _workflow_multiple_actions:
Multiple sub-actions
The workflow is backed by a Directed Graph engine, dg-generic (see :ref:`node_type` -> DG,
and is an **imperative** workflow.
A DG used as workflow for CDS is composed of multiple execute nodes; each individual
execute node refers to an modelled Component (see :ref:`node_type` -> Component) instance.
In the example above, you can see the target of the workflow's steps execute-script is
``execute-remote-ansible-process``, which is a node_template of type ``dg_generic``
`Link of example
.. code-block:: json
:caption: **workflow plan example**
. . .
"topology_template": {
"workflows": {
"execute-remote-ansible": {
"steps": {
"execute-script": {
"description": "Execute Remote Ansible Script",
"target": "execute-remote-ansible-process"
"inputs": {
"ip": {
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"username": {
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"password": {
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"execute-remote-ansible-properties": {
"description": "Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(execute-remote-ansible).",
"required": true,
"type": "dt-execute-remote-ansible-properties"
"outputs": {
"ansible-variable-resolution": {
"type": "json",
"value": {
"get_attribute": [
"prepare-environment-logs": {
"type": "string",
"value": {
"get_attribute": [
"execute-command-logs": {
"type": "string",
"value": {
"get_attribute": [
"node_templates": {
"execute-remote-ansible-process": {
"type": "dg-generic",
"properties": {
"content": {
"get_artifact": [
"dependency-node-templates": [
"artifacts": {
"dg-execute-remote-ansible-process": {
"type": "artifact-directed-graph",
"file": "Plans/CONFIG_ExecAnsiblePlaybook.xml"
Properties of a workflow
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 75
:header-rows: 1
* - Property
- Description
* - workflow-name
- Defines the name of the action that can be triggered by external system
* - inputs
- | They are two types of inputs, the dynamic ones, and the static one.
.. tabs::
.. tab:: static
Specified at workflow level
* can be inputs for the Component(s), see the inputs section of the component of interest.
* represent inputs to derived custom logic within scripting
These will end up under ``${actionName}-request`` section of the payload (see Dynamic API)
.. tab:: dynamic
Represent the resources defined as input (see :ref:`node_type` -> Source -> Input)
within mapping definition files (see :ref:`artifact_type` -> Mapping).
The **enrichment process** will (see :ref:`enrichment`)
* dynamically gather all of them under a data-type, named ``dt-${actionName}-properties``
* will add it as a input of the workflow, as follow using this name: ``${actionName}-properties``
Example for workflow named `resource-assignment`:
.. code-block:: json
:caption: **dynamic input**
"resource-assignment-properties": {
"required": true,
"type": "dt-resource-assignment-properties"
* - outputs
- | Defines the outputs of the execution; there can be as many output as needed.
| Depending on the Component (see :ref:`node_type` -> Component) of use, some attribute might be retrievable.
.. list-table::
:widths: 50 50
:header-rows: 1
* - type
- value
* - data type (complex / primitive)
- value resolvable using :ref:`expression` -> get_attribute
* - steps
- | Defines the actual step to execute as part of the workflow
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 25 50
:header-rows: 1
* - step-name
- description
- target
* - name of the step
- step description
- | a node_template implementing on of the supported Node Type (see :ref:`node_type` -> DG),
either a Component or a DG
| (see :ref:`workflow_single_action` or :ref:`workflow_multiple_actions`)
.. code-block:: json
:caption: **workflow example**
"workflow": {
"resource-assignment": { <- workflow-name
"inputs": {
"vnf-id": { <- static inputs
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"resource-assignment-properties": { <- dynamic inputs
"required": true,
"type": "dt-resource-assignment-properties"
"steps": {
"call-resource-assignment": { <- step-name
"description": "Resource Assignment Workflow",
"target": "resource-assignment-process" <- node_template targeted by the step
"outputs": {
"template-properties": { <- output
"type": "json", <- complex type
"value": {
"get_attribute": [ <- uses expression to retrieve attribute from context
`TOSCA definition <>`_