| --- |
| - import_playbook: ../common-packer/provision/docker.yaml |
| |
| - hosts: all |
| become_user: root |
| become_method: sudo |
| vars: |
| apt_file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list |
| docker_compose_version: 1.29.2 |
| glide_checksum: sha256:c403933503ea40308ecfadcff581ff0dc3190c57958808bb9eed016f13f6f32c |
| glide_version: v0.13.1 |
| golang_version: 1.9.1 |
| npm_version: "6.14.13" |
| |
| tasks: |
| - name: "Checking for x86_64" |
| set_fact: |
| host_arch: "amd64" |
| golang_checksum: sha256:07d81c6b6b4c2dcf1b5ef7c27aaebd3691cdb40548500941f92b221147c5d9c7 |
| when: "'x86_64' in ansible_architecture" |
| |
| - name: "Checking for aarch64" |
| set_fact: |
| host_arch: "arm64" |
| golang_checksum: sha256:d31ecae36efea5197af271ccce86ccc2baf10d2e04f20d0fb75556ecf0614dad |
| when: "'aarch64' in ansible_architecture" |
| |
| - name: 'Install Docker Compose {{docker_compose_version}}' |
| command: curl -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/{{docker_compose_version}}/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64" |
| become: true |
| |
| - file: |
| path: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose |
| mode: "+x" |
| become: true |
| |
| - name: 'Install GoLang {{golang_version}}' |
| block: |
| - name: 'Fetch golang {{golang_version}} to /tmp/go{{golang_version}}.linux-{{host_arch}}.tar.gz' |
| get_url: |
| url: 'https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go{{golang_version}}.linux-{{host_arch}}.tar.gz' |
| dest: '/tmp/go{{golang_version}}.linux-{{host_arch}}.tar.gz' |
| checksum: '{{golang_checksum}}' |
| - name: 'Install golang {{golang_version}} to /usr/local' |
| unarchive: |
| src: '/tmp/go{{golang_version}}.linux-{{host_arch}}.tar.gz' |
| dest: /usr/local |
| remote_src: true |
| become: true |
| - name: Create symbolic link to go bin |
| file: |
| src: "/usr/local/go/bin/go" |
| dest: "/usr/bin/go" |
| state: link |
| become: true |
| |
| - name: Install libxml2-utils |
| apt: |
| name: libxml2-utils |
| state: present |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install python-tox and deps |
| pip: |
| name: |
| - tox |
| - tox-pyenv |
| - virtualenv |
| - more-itertools~=5.0.0 |
| - zipp==1.0.0 |
| state: present |
| become: true |
| |
| - apt_repository: |
| repo: ppa:deadsnakes/ppa |
| state: present |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Update and upgrade apt packages |
| apt: |
| upgrade: 'yes' |
| update_cache: yes |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install Python 3.6 and packages |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - python3.6 |
| - python3.6-dev |
| - python3.6-tk |
| - libssl-dev |
| - libmysqlclient-dev |
| - gcc |
| - python3-venv |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install Python 3.7 |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - python3.7 |
| - python3.7-dev |
| - python3.7-tk |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install Python 3.8 |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - python3.8 |
| - python3.8-dev |
| - python3.8-tk |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install Python 3.9 |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - python3.9 |
| - python3.9-dev |
| - python3.9-tk |
| - python3.9-distutils |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install nodejs-dev libssl1.0-dev dep |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - libssl1.0-dev |
| update_cache: yes |
| state: fixed |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version == '18.04' |
| |
| - name: Install nodejs-dev dep for npm |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - nodejs-dev |
| update_cache: yes |
| state: fixed |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version == '18.04' |
| |
| - name: Install libnode-dev dep for npm |
| apt: |
| name: libnode-dev |
| update_cache: yes |
| state: fixed |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version == '20.04' |
| |
| - name: Install supporting packages (Ubuntu 18.04) |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - unzip |
| - xz-utils |
| - libxml-xpath-perl |
| - wget |
| - make |
| - sshuttle |
| - netcat |
| - libssl-dev |
| - libffi-dev |
| - xmlstarlet |
| - xvfb |
| - crudini |
| - maven |
| - python-ncclient |
| update_cache: yes |
| state: fixed |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version == '18.04' |
| |
| - name: Install supporting packages (Ubuntu 20.04) |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - unzip |
| - xz-utils |
| - libxml-xpath-perl |
| - wget |
| - make |
| - sshuttle |
| - netcat |
| - libssl-dev |
| - libffi-dev |
| - xmlstarlet |
| - xvfb |
| - crudini |
| - maven |
| update_cache: yes |
| state: fixed |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version == '20.04' |
| |
| - name: Install npm and addon packages |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - nodejs |
| - npm |
| - node-gyp |
| update_cache: yes |
| state: fixed |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: npm self-update |
| command: npm install npm@{{ npm_version }} -g |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: npm install n module |
| command: npm install n -g |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Upgrade latest stable node version |
| command: n stable | PATH="$PATH" |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Add Google Chrome key |
| apt_key: |
| url: https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub |
| state: present |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Add Google Chrome repo |
| copy: content="deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" dest={{apt_file}} owner=root group=root mode=644 |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Update apt cache |
| apt: update_cache=yes |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install Google Chrome |
| apt: |
| name: google-chrome-stable |
| state: present |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install Erlang dependency packages |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - libsctp1 |
| - libwxbase3.0-0v5 |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install Erlang dependency package libwxgtk3 for 18.04 |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - libwxgtk3.0-0v5 |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version == '18.04' |
| |
| - name: Install Erlang dependency package libwxgtk3 for 20.04 |
| apt: |
| name: |
| - libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5 |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version == '20.04' |
| |
| - name: Install Erlang |
| apt: |
| deb: https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang/debian/pool/esl-erlang_19.3.6-1~ubuntu~trusty_amd64.deb |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: 'Download latest rebar3 bin' |
| command: curl -o /usr/bin/rebar3 -L "https://s3.amazonaws.com/rebar3/rebar3" |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - file: |
| path: /usr/bin/rebar3 |
| mode: "+x" |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Download geckodriver |
| unarchive: |
| src: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v0.18.0/geckodriver-v0.18.0-linux64.tar.gz |
| dest: /usr/bin |
| mode: 0755 |
| remote_src: yes |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Download Firefox version 55.0.3 |
| unarchive: |
| src: https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/55.0.3/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-55.0.3.tar.bz2 |
| dest: /opt |
| mode: 0755 |
| remote_src: yes |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Create symbolic link to firefox bin |
| file: |
| src: "/opt/firefox/firefox" |
| dest: "/usr/bin/firefox" |
| state: link |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' and ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' |
| |
| - name: Install jinja2 |
| pip: |
| name: jinja2 |
| state: present |
| become: true |
| when: ansible_architecture == 'x86_64' |