[k6] Exclude timings when error occur
If an error occurs during k6 test, e.g. tcp connection refused, the
timing of failed response is included in the average response time.
This can lead to incorrect plots when errors occur, e.g. operations
appear to be faster when really the operations are failing.
- use custom Trend metrics for all measurements
- only log results when operations return expected response codes
Issue-ID: CPS-2345
Signed-off-by: danielhanrahan <daniel.hanrahan@est.tech>
Change-Id: Iab1db5e5ca9530f33da239187348cabcd0605648
diff --git a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
index 88da750..43036b1 100644
--- a/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
+++ b/k6-tests/ncmp/common/utils.js
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
'#,Test Name,Unit,Limit,Actual',
makeSummaryCsvLine('1', 'Registration of CM-handles', 'CM-handles/second', 'cmhandles_created_per_second', data, options),
makeSummaryCsvLine('2', 'De-registration of CM-handles', 'CM-handles/second', 'cmhandles_deleted_per_second', data, options),
- makeSummaryCsvLine('3', 'CM-handle ID search with Module filter', 'milliseconds', 'http_req_duration{scenario:id_search_module}', data, options),
- makeSummaryCsvLine('4', 'CM-handle search with Module filter', 'milliseconds', 'http_req_duration{scenario:cm_search_module}', data, options),
+ makeSummaryCsvLine('3', 'CM-handle ID search with Module filter', 'milliseconds', 'id_search_duration', data, options),
+ makeSummaryCsvLine('4', 'CM-handle search with Module filter', 'milliseconds', 'cm_search_duration', data, options),
makeSummaryCsvLine('5a', 'NCMP overhead for Synchronous single CM-handle pass-through read', 'milliseconds', 'ncmp_overhead_passthrough_read', data, options),
makeSummaryCsvLine('5b', 'NCMP overhead for Synchronous single CM-handle pass-through read with alternate id', 'milliseconds', 'ncmp_overhead_passthrough_read_alt_id', data, options),
makeSummaryCsvLine('6', 'NCMP overhead for Synchronous single CM-handle pass-through write', 'milliseconds', 'ncmp_overhead_passthrough_write', data, options),
diff --git a/k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-kpi.js b/k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-kpi.js
index 013849b..769b4b2 100644
--- a/k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-kpi.js
+++ b/k6-tests/ncmp/ncmp-kpi.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
import { check } from 'k6';
-import { Gauge, Trend } from 'k6/metrics';
+import { Trend } from 'k6/metrics';
import { Reader } from 'k6/x/kafka';
import {
@@ -34,12 +34,14 @@
import { executeCmHandleSearch, executeCmHandleIdSearch } from './common/search-base.js';
import { passthroughRead, passthroughReadWithAltId, passthroughWrite, batchRead } from './common/passthrough-crud.js';
-let cmHandlesCreatedPerSecondGauge = new Gauge('cmhandles_created_per_second');
-let cmHandlesDeletedPerSecondGauge = new Gauge('cmhandles_deleted_per_second');
+let cmHandlesCreatedPerSecondTrend = new Trend('cmhandles_created_per_second', false);
+let cmHandlesDeletedPerSecondTrend = new Trend('cmhandles_deleted_per_second', false);
let passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrend = new Trend('ncmp_overhead_passthrough_read', true);
let passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrendWithAlternateId = new Trend('ncmp_overhead_passthrough_read_alt_id', true);
let passthroughWriteNcmpOverheadTrend = new Trend('ncmp_overhead_passthrough_write', true);
-let dataOperationsBatchReadCmHandlePerSecondTrend = new Trend('data_operations_batch_read_cmhandles_per_second');
+let idSearchDurationTrend = new Trend('id_search_duration', true);
+let cmSearchDurationTrend = new Trend('cm_search_duration', true);
+let dataOperationsBatchReadCmHandlePerSecondTrend = new Trend('data_operations_batch_read_cmhandles_per_second', false);
const reader = new Reader({
@@ -100,13 +102,14 @@
thresholds: {
- 'cmhandles_created_per_second': ['value >= 22'],
- 'cmhandles_deleted_per_second': ['value >= 22'],
+ 'cmhandles_created_per_second': ['avg >= 22'],
+ 'cmhandles_deleted_per_second': ['avg >= 22'],
'ncmp_overhead_passthrough_read': ['avg <= 100'],
'ncmp_overhead_passthrough_read_alt_id': ['avg <= 100'],
'ncmp_overhead_passthrough_write': ['avg <= 100'],
- 'http_req_duration{scenario:id_search_module}': ['avg <= 625'],
- 'http_req_duration{scenario:cm_search_module}': ['avg <= 13000'],
+ 'id_search_duration': ['avg <= 625'],
+ 'cm_search_duration': ['avg <= 13000'],
+ 'data_operations_batch_read_cmhandles_per_second': ['avg >= 150'],
'http_req_failed{scenario:id_search_module}': ['rate == 0'],
'http_req_failed{scenario:cm_search_module}': ['rate == 0'],
'http_req_failed{scenario:passthrough_read}': ['rate == 0'],
@@ -115,7 +118,6 @@
'http_req_failed{group:::teardown}':['rate == 0'],
'http_req_failed{scenario:data_operation_send_async_http_request}': ['rate == 0'],
'kafka_reader_error_count{scenario:data_operation_consume_kafka_responses}': ['count == 0'],
- 'data_operations_batch_read_cmhandles_per_second': ['avg >= 150'],
@@ -134,7 +136,7 @@
const endTimeInMillis = Date.now();
const totalRegistrationTimeInSeconds = (endTimeInMillis - startTimeInMillis) / 1000.0;
- cmHandlesCreatedPerSecondGauge.add(TOTAL_CM_HANDLES / totalRegistrationTimeInSeconds);
+ cmHandlesCreatedPerSecondTrend.add(TOTAL_CM_HANDLES / totalRegistrationTimeInSeconds);
export function teardown() {
@@ -150,45 +152,52 @@
const endTimeInMillis = Date.now();
const totalDeregistrationTimeInSeconds = (endTimeInMillis - startTimeInMillis) / 1000.0;
- cmHandlesDeletedPerSecondGauge.add(TOTAL_CM_HANDLES / totalDeregistrationTimeInSeconds);
+ cmHandlesDeletedPerSecondTrend.add(TOTAL_CM_HANDLES / totalDeregistrationTimeInSeconds);
export function passthrough_read() {
const response = passthroughRead();
- check(response, { 'passthrough read status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 });
- const overhead = response.timings.duration - READ_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
- passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrend.add(overhead);
+ if (check(response, { 'passthrough read status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })) {
+ const overhead = response.timings.duration - READ_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
+ passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrend.add(overhead);
+ }
export function passthrough_read_alt_id() {
const response = passthroughReadWithAltId();
- check(response, { 'passthrough read with alternate Id status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 });
- const overhead = response.timings.duration - READ_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
- passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrendWithAlternateId.add(overhead);
+ if (check(response, { 'passthrough read with alternate Id status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })) {
+ const overhead = response.timings.duration - READ_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
+ passthroughReadNcmpOverheadTrendWithAlternateId.add(overhead);
+ }
export function passthrough_write() {
const response = passthroughWrite();
- check(response, { 'passthrough write status equals 201': (r) => r.status === 201 });
- const overhead = response.timings.duration - WRITE_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
- passthroughWriteNcmpOverheadTrend.add(overhead);
+ if (check(response, { 'passthrough write status equals 201': (r) => r.status === 201 })) {
+ const overhead = response.timings.duration - WRITE_DATA_FOR_CM_HANDLE_DELAY_MS;
+ passthroughWriteNcmpOverheadTrend.add(overhead);
+ }
export function id_search_module() {
const response = executeCmHandleIdSearch('module');
- check(response, { 'module ID search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 });
- check(JSON.parse(response.body), { 'module ID search returned expected CM-handles': (arr) => arr.length === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES });
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle ID search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })) {
+ check(response, { 'CM handle ID search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES });
+ idSearchDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
export function cm_search_module() {
const response = executeCmHandleSearch('module');
- check(response, { 'module search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 });
- check(JSON.parse(response.body), { 'module search returned expected CM-handles': (arr) => arr.length === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES });
+ if (check(response, { 'CM handle search status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 })) {
+ check(response, { 'CM handle search returned expected CM-handles': (r) => r.json('#') === TOTAL_CM_HANDLES });
+ cmSearchDurationTrend.add(response.timings.duration);
+ }
export function data_operation_send_async_http_request() {
- const nextBatchOfCmHandleIds = makeBatchOfCmHandleIds(DATA_OPERATION_READ_BATCH_SIZE,1);
- const response = batchRead(nextBatchOfCmHandleIds)
+ const nextBatchOfCmHandleIds = makeBatchOfCmHandleIds(DATA_OPERATION_READ_BATCH_SIZE, 0);
+ const response = batchRead(nextBatchOfCmHandleIds);
check(response, { 'data operation batch read status equals 200': (r) => r.status === 200 });