.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. | |
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 | |
.. _quickstart: | |
Quickstart | |
========== | |
The ``dcae-cli`` is a Python command-line tool built to aide component | |
developers with the development and testing of their micro-service | |
component for the DCAE platform. It will help developers do functional | |
and integration testing of their components locally and on remote | |
environments as simple as possible. | |
The tool requires the component developers to create a valid component | |
specification for their component which is used by the tool. This same | |
component specification will be published in the :any:`onboarding catalog <glossary-onboarding-catalog>` at the end of development | |
and testing. | |
.. The git repository can be found `here <ONAP%20LINK%20TBD>`__ | |
Pre-requisite | |
------------- | |
For Docker | |
~~~~~~~~~~ | |
There are two options for development with Docker: developing locally on | |
your machine which requires Docker to be installed and developing | |
remotely by deploying onto remote infrastructure. | |
For local development | |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | |
- You must install `Docker | |
engine <https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/>`__ locally on | |
your machine. | |
- You must know the *external ip* of where the Docker engine is | |
running. The external ip is needed so that service discovery will | |
wire up correctly. | |
- For OSX users, this means making sure the VirtualBox VM that is | |
running your Docker engine has a bridged adapter and getting the | |
ip of that adapter. | |
For remote development | |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | |
You need access to a remote host with Docker engine installed with | |
remote API access. You must have the associated connection information: | |
domain name or IP and port (should be either 2375 or 2376). This | |
information should be set in :any:`an active profile <setting-profile>`. | |
For CDAP | |
~~~~~~~~ | |
TBD | |
Install | |
------- | |
:: | |
pip install --extra-index-url https://YOUR_NEXUS_PYPI_SERVER/simple dcae-cli | |
To do an upgrade, use the ``--upgrade`` flag. | |
Configuration | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
When you run the tool for the first time, the tool will create a | |
`configuration | |
directory <http://click.pocoo.org/5/api/#click.get_app_dir>`__ and | |
generate a configuration file. | |
Configuration is first sourced from an remote server that the platform | |
team manages. This is overlaid with configuration details that you will | |
be prompted to input particularly your user id. | |
``--reinit`` | |
^^^^^^^^^^^^ | |
Configuration can be re-initialized or reset. There is a ``--reinit`` | |
flag that is to be used to re-initialize your configuration and your | |
environment profiles. | |
To re-initialize: | |
:: | |
$ dcae_cli --reinit | |
Verify | |
~~~~~~ | |
Verify that its installed: | |
:: | |
$ dcae_cli --help | |
Usage: dcae_cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... | |
Options: | |
-v, --verbose Prints INFO-level logs to screen. | |
--reinit Re-initialize dcae-cli configuration | |
--version Show the version and exit. | |
--help Show this message and exit. | |
Commands: | |
catalog | |
component | |
data_format | |
profiles | |
Version | |
------- | |
You can verify the version of the dcae-cli with the following command: | |
:: | |
$ dcae_cli --version |