blob: e9a8afeb67698e2f88d83f2c6fbce58bbb48842d [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Offered APIs
**SNMPTRAP** supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
standard. It is a well documented and pervasive protocol,
used in all networks worldwide.
As an API offering, the only way to interact with **SNMPTRAP** is
to send traps that conform to the industry standard specification
(RFC1215 - available at ) to a
running instance. To accomplish this, you may:
1. Configure SNMP agents to send native traps to a SNMPTRAP instance.
In SNMP agent configurations, this is usually accomplished by
setting the "trap target" or "snmp manager" to the IP address
of the running VM/container hosting SNMPTRAP.
2. Mimic a SNMP trap using various freely available utilities. Two
examples are provided below, be sure to change the target
("localhost") and port ("162") to applicable values in your
.. code-block:: bash
snmptrap -d -v 1 -c public ${to_ip_address}:${to_portt} . localhost 6 1 '55' . s "test trap"
.. note::
This will display some "read_config_store open failure" errors;
they can be ignored, the trap has successfully been sent to the
specified destination.
.. code-block:: python
from pysnmp.hlapi import *
from pysnmp import debug
# debug.setLogger(debug.Debug('msgproc'))
errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varbinds = next(sendNotification(SnmpEngine(),
UdpTransportTarget(('localhost', 162)),
[ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('.'), OctetString('test trap - ignore')),
ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('.'), OctetString('ONAP pytest trap'))])
if errorIndication:
print("successfully sent first trap example, number %d" % i)