blob: 3afcac305301d76ca62272cf924b039cde97c316 [file] [log] [blame]
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Human Interfaces
DCAE provides a number of interfaces for users to interact with the DCAE system.
1. DCAE Bootstrap VM
* The DCAE bootstrap VM accepts ssh connection with the standard access key.
* After ssh into the VM, the DCAE bootstarp docker container can be access via "docker exec" command.
2. DCAE Clouify Manager
* The DCAE Clouify Manager VM accepts ssh connection with the standard access key. The access account is **centos** because this is a CentOS 7 VM.
* The Cloudify Manager GUI can be accessed from http://{{CLOUDIFY_MANAGER_VM_IP}} .
* The standard Cloudify command line CLI as specified here: .
3. DCAE Consul Cluster
* The DCAE Consul Cluster VMs accept ssh connection with the standard access key.
* The Consul GUI can be accessed from http://{{ANY_CONSUL_CLUSTER_VM_IP}}:8500 .
* The standard Consul HTTP API as specified here: .
* The standard Consul CLI access as specified here: .
4. DCAE Docket hosts
* The DCAE Docker host VMs accept ssh connection with the standard access key.
* After ssh into the VM, the running docker containers can be access via "docker exec" command.
* The CDAP VMs accept ssh connection with the standard access key.
* The CDAP GUI can be accessed from http://{{CDAP02_VM_IP}}:11011 .