| .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. |
| .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 |
| |
| Installation |
| ============ |
| |
| An environment suitable for running docker containers is recommended. |
| If that is not available, SNMPTRAP source can be downloaded and run |
| in a VM or on baremetal. |
| |
| Both scenarios are documented below. |
| |
| As a docker container |
| --------------------- |
| |
| **trapd** is delivered as a docker container based on python 3.6. The |
| host or VM that will run this container must have the docker application |
| loaded and available to the userID that will be running the SNMPTRAP container. |
| |
| If running from a docker container, it is assumed that *Config |
| Binding Service* has been installed and is successfully providing valid |
| configuration assets to instantiated containers as needed. |
| |
| Also required is a working DMAAP/MR environment. trapd |
| publishes traps to DMAAP/MR as JSON messages and expects the host |
| resources and publishing credentials to be included in the *Config Binding Service* |
| config. |
| |
| Installation |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The following command will download the latest trapd container from |
| nexus and launch it in the container named "trapd": |
| |
| ``docker run --detach -t --rm -p 162:6162/udp -P --name=trapd nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.snmptrap:2.0.3 ./bin/snmptrapd.sh start`` |
| |
| Running an instance of **trapd** will result in arriving traps being published |
| to the topic specified by Config Binding Services. |
| |
| Standalone |
| ---------- |
| |
| **trapd** can also be run outside of a container environment, without CBS interactions. |
| If CBS is not present, SNMPTRAP will look for a JSON configuration file specified via the |
| environment variable CBS_SIM_JSON at startup. Location of this file should be specified |
| as a relative path from the <SNMPTRAP base directory>/bin directory. E.g. |
| |
| Installation |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Prerequisites |
| """"""""""""" |
| |
| trapd requires the following to run in a non-docker environment: |
| |
| - Python 3.6+ |
| - Python module “pysnmp” 4.4.5 |
| - Python module “requests” 2.18.3 |
| |
| To install prerequisites: |
| |
| ``export PATH=<path to Python 3.6 binary>:$PATH`` |
| |
| ``pip3 install --no-cache-dir requests==2.18.3`` |
| |
| ``pip3 install --no-cache-dir pysnmp==4.4.5`` |
| |
| Download latest trapd version from Gerrit |
| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| Download a copy of the latest trapd image from gerrit in it's standard runtime location: |
| |
| ``cd /opt/app`` |
| |
| ``git clone --depth 1 ssh://<your linux foundation id>@gerrit.onap.org:29418/dcaegen2/collectors/snmptrap snmptrap`` |
| |
| "Un-dockerize" |
| """""""""""""" |
| |
| ``mv /opt/app/snmptrap/snmptrap /opt/app/snmptrap/bin`` |
| |
| Configure for your environment |
| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| In a non-docker environment, ONAP trapd is controlled by a locally hosted JSON configuration file. It is |
| referenced in the trapd startup script as: |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| CBS_SIM_JSON=../etc/snmptrapd.json |
| |
| |
| This file should be in the exact same format is the response from CBS in a fully implemented container/controller environment. A sample file is included with source/container images, at: |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| /opt/app/snmptrap/etc/snmptrapd.json |
| |
| Make applicable changes to this file - typically things that will need to change include: |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| "topic_url": "http://localhost:3904/events/ONAP-COLLECTOR-SNMPTRAP" |
| |
| Action: Change 'localhost' and topic name (ONAP-COLLECTOR-SNMPTRAP) to desired values in your environment. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| "snmpv3_config" (needed only when SNMPv3 agents are present) |
| |
| Action: Add/delete/modify entries as needed to align with SNMP agent configurations in a SNMPv3 environment. |
| |
| Start the application |
| """"""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| ``nohup /opt/app/snmptrap/bin/snmptrapd.sh start > /opt/app/snmptrap/logs/snmptrapd.out 2>&1 &`` |
| |