Merge "Update: Hyper Links"
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * dcaegen2-collectors-veshv
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 NOKIA
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+ */
+syntax = "proto3";
+package org.onap.ves;
+message VesEvent {
+    CommonEventHeader commonEventHeader=1;  // required
+    bytes eventFields=2;                    // required, payload
+    // this field contains a domain-specific GPB message
+    // the field being opaque (bytes), the decoding of the payload occurs in a separate step
+    // the name of the GPB message for domain XYZ is XYZFields
+    // e.g. for domain==HVMEAS, the GPB message is HVMEASFields
+// VES CommonEventHeader adapted to GPB (Google Protocol Buffers)
+// Aligned with VES 7.0.1 schema, and extending to hvMeas Domain.
+message CommonEventHeader
+    string version = 1;                     // required, "version of the gpb common event header"
+    string domain = 2;                      // required, "the eventing domain associated with the event", allowed values:
+    uint32 sequence = 3;                    // required, "ordering of events communicated by an event source instance or 0 if not needed"
+    enum Priority
+    {
+        HIGH = 1;
+        MEDIUM = 2;
+        NORMAL = 3;
+        LOW = 4;
+    }
+    Priority priority = 4;                  // required, "processing priority"
+    string eventId = 5;                     // required, "event key that is unique to the event source"
+    string eventName = 6;                   // required, "unique event name"
+    string eventType = 7;                   // "for example - guest05,  platform"
+    uint64 lastEpochMicrosec = 8;           // required, "the latest unix time aka epoch time associated with the event from any component--as microseconds elapsed since 1 Jan 1970 not including leap seconds"
+    uint64 startEpochMicrosec = 9;          // required, "the earliest unix time aka epoch time associated with the event from any component--as microseconds elapsed since 1 Jan 1970 not including leap seconds"
+    string nfNamingCode = 10;               // "4 character network function type, aligned with vnf naming standards"
+    string nfcNamingCode = 11;              // "3 character network function component type, aligned with vfc naming standards"
+    string nfVendorName = 12;               // " Vendor Name providing the nf "
+    bytes reportingEntityId = 13;           // "UUID identifying the entity reporting the event, for example an OAM VM; must be populated by the ATT enrichment process"
+    string reportingEntityName = 14;        // required, "name of the entity reporting the event, for example, an EMS name; may be the same as sourceName should match A&AI entry"
+    bytes sourceId = 15;                    // "UUID identifying the entity experiencing the event issue; must be populated by the ATT enrichment process"
+    string sourceName = 16;                 // required, "name of the entity experiencing the event issued use A&AI entry"
+    string timeZoneOffset = 17;             // "Offset to GMT to indicate local time zone for the device"
+    string vesEventListenerVersion = 18;    // required, "Version of the VesEvent Listener"
+    reserved "InternalHeaderFields";        // "enrichment fields for internal VES Event Listener service use only, not supplied by event sources"
+    reserved 100;
diff --git a/docs/sections/apis/ves-hv.rst b/docs/sections/apis/ves-hv.rst
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+Component description can be found under `HV-VES Collector`_.
+.. _HV-VES Collector: ../services/ves-hv/index.html
+TCP Endpoint
+HV-VES is exposed as NodePort service on Kubernetes cluster on port 30222/tcp.
+It uses plain TCP connections tunneled in SSL/TLS or can be run in insecure manner without data encryption on the socket.
+Without TLS client authentication/authorization is not possible.
+Connections are stream-based (as opposed to request-based) and long running.
+Payload is binary-encoded, currently using Google Protocol Buffers representation of the VES Common Header.
+.. literalinclude:: VesEvent.proto
+    :language: protobuf
+The PROTO file, which contains the VES CommonHeader, comes with a binary-type Payload parameter, where domain-specific
+data shall be placed. Domain-specific data are encoded as well with GPB, and they do require a domain-specific
+PROTO file to decode the data.
+HV-VES makes routing decisions based mostly on the content of the **Domain** parameter in VES Common Header.
+Inside HV-VES docker container runs small http service for healthcheck - exact port for this service can be configured
+at deployment using `--health-check-api-port` command line option.
+This service exposes single endpoint **GET /health/ready** which returns **HTTP 200 OK** in case HV-VES is healthy
+and ready for connections. Otherwise it returns **HTTP 503 Service Unavailable** with short reason of unhealthiness.
diff --git a/docs/sections/installation_oom.rst b/docs/sections/installation_oom.rst
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 Below is a table of default hostnames and ports for DCAE component service endpoints in Kuubernetes deployment:
-    ==================   ============================      ================================
+    ==================   ============================      =================================
     Component            Cluster Internal (host:port)      Cluster external (svc_name:port)
-    ==================   ============================      ================================
+    ==================   ============================      =================================
     VES                  dcae-ves-collector:8080           xdcae-ves-collector.onap:30235
+    HV-VES               dcae-hv-ves-collector:6061        xdcae-hv-ves-collector.onap:30222
     TCA                  dcae-tca-analytics:11011          xdcae-tca-analytics.onap:32010
     Policy Handler       policy-handler:25577              NA
     Deployment Handler   deployment-handler:8443           NA
@@ -131,19 +132,21 @@
     Config binding       config-binding-service:10000      NA
     DCAE Healthcheck     dcae-healthcheck:80               NA
     Cloudify Manager     dcae-cloudify-manager:80          NA
-    ==================   ============================      ================================
+    ==================   ============================      =================================
-In addition, a number of ONAP service endpoints that are used by DCAE components are listed as follows for reference by DCAE developers and testers:
-    ==================   ============================      ================================
-    Component            Cluster Internal (host:port)      Cluster external (svc_name:port)
-    ==================   ============================      ================================
-    Consul Server        consul-server:8500                consul-server:30270
-    Robot                robot:88                          robot:30209 TCP
-    Message router       message-router:3904               message-router:30227
-    Message router       message-router:3905               message-router:30226
-    MSB Discovery        msb-discovery:10081               msb-discovery:30281
-    Logging              log-kibana:5601                   log-kibana:30253
-    AAI                  aai:8080                          aai:30232
-    AAI                  aai:8443                          aai:30233
-    ==================   ============================      ================================
+In addition, a number of ONAP service endpoints that are used by DCAE components are listed as follows
+for reference by DCAE developers and testers:
+    ====================   ============================      ================================
+    Component              Cluster Internal (host:port)      Cluster external (svc_name:port)
+    ====================   ============================      ================================
+    Consul Server          consul-server:8500                consul-server:30270
+    Robot                  robot:88                          robot:30209 TCP
+    Message router         message-router:3904               message-router:30227
+    Message router         message-router:3905               message-router:30226
+    Message router Kafka   message-router-kafka:9092         NA
+    MSB Discovery          msb-discovery:10081               msb-discovery:30281
+    Logging                log-kibana:5601                   log-kibana:30253
+    AAI                    aai:8080                          aai:30232
+    AAI                    aai:8443                          aai:30233
+    ====================   ============================      ================================
diff --git a/docs/sections/services/ves-hv/configuration.rst b/docs/sections/services/ves-hv/configuration.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+HV-VES expects to be able to fetch configuration directly from consul service in following JSON format:
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+        "dmaap.kafkaBootstrapServers": "kafka-host:9093",
+        "collector.routing": [
+                {
+                    "fromDomain": "PERF3GPP",
+                    "toTopic": "topic-1"
+                },
+                {
+                    "fromDomain": "HEARTBEAT",
+                    "toTopic": "topic-2"
+                },
+                ...
+        ]
+    }
+During ONAP OOM/Kubernetes deployment this configuration is created from HV-VES cloudify blueprint.
+Endpoint on which HV-VES seeks configuration can be configured during deployment as described in installation_.
+.. _installation: ./installation.html
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+**HV-VES** is delivered as a docker container and published in ONAP Nexus repository following image naming convention.
+Full image name is `onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.hv-ves.hv-collector-main`.
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+Compatibility aspects (VES-JSON)
+HV-VES Collector has been designed as a high-volume variant of the existing VES(JSON) collector, and not a completely new collector.
+HV-VES follows the VES-JSON schema - as much as possible
+- It uses a Google Protocol Buffers ( GPB/PROTO ) representation of the VES Common Header
+- The PROTO files tend to use most encoding effective types defined by GPB to cover Common Header fields.
+- It makes routing decisions based mostly on the content of the "Domain" parameter
+- It allows to embed Payload of different types (by default PERF3GPP domain is included)
+Analytics applications impacts
+- An analytics application operating on high-volume data needs to be prepared to read directly from Kafka
+- An analytics application need to operate on GPB encoded data in order to benefit from GPB encoding efficiencies
+- It is assumed, that due to the nature of high volume data, there would have to be dedicated applications provided,
+able to operate on such volumes of data.
+HV-VES was designed to allow for extendability - by adding new domain-specific PROTO files.
+The PROTO file, which contains the VES CommonHeader, comes with a binary-type Payload parameter, where domain-specific data shall be placed.
+Domain-specific data are encoded as well with GPB, and they do require a domain-specific PROTO file to decode the data.
+This domain-specific PROTO needs to be shared with analytics applications - HV-VES is not analyzing domain-specific data.
+In order to support the RT-PM use-case, HV-VES includes a "PERF3GPP" domain PROTO file, as within this domain,
+the high volume data is expected to be reported to HV-VES collector.
+Still, there are no limitations to define additional domains, based on existing VES domains (like Fault, Heartbeat)
+or completely new domains. New domains can be added "when needed".
+GPB PROTO files are backwards compatible, and such a new domain could be added without affecting existing systems.
+Analytics applications will have to be as well equipped with this new domain-specific PROTO file.
+Currently, these additional, domain specific proto files could be simply added to respective repos of HV-VES collector.
+Implementation details
+- Project Reactor is used as a backbone of the internal architecture.
+- Netty is used by means of reactor-netty library.
+- We are using Kotlin so we can write very concise code with great interoperability with existing Java libraries.
+- Types defined in Λrrow library are also used when it improves readability or general cleanness of the code.
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 .. Add or remove sections below as appropriate for the platform component.
-High Volume VES Collector overview and functions
+**HV-VES collector** has been proposed, based on a need to process high-volumes of data generated frequently by a large
+number of NFs. The driving use-case is described and published within presentation during Casablanca Release Developer Forum:
+`Google Protocol Buffers versus JSON - 5G RAN use-case - comparison`_.
+.. _`Google Protocol Buffers versus JSON - 5G RAN use-case - comparison`:
+The goal of the collector is to support high volume data. It uses plain TCP connections.
+Connections are stream-based (as opposed to request-based) and long running.
+Payload is binary-encoded (currently using Google Protocol Buffers).
+HV-VES uses direct connection to DMaaP's Kafka.
+All these decisions were made in order to support high-volume data with minimal latency.
+High Volume VES Collector overview and functions
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+   ./design.rst
+   ./configuration.rst
+   ./delivery.rst
+   ./installation.rst
+   `Offered APIs`_
+.. _`Offered APIs`: ../../apis/ves-hv.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+To run HV-VES Collector container you need to specify required parameters:
+- listen-port - the port on which HV-VES will listen internally
+- config-url - URL of HV-VES configuration on consul
+There are also optional configuration parameters:
+- health-check-api-port - Health check rest api listen port
+- first-request-delay - Delay of first request to consul in seconds
+- request-interval - Interval of consul configuration requests in seconds
+- ssl-disable - Disable SSL encryption
+- key-store - Key store in PKCS12 format path
+- key-store-password - Key store password
+- trust-store - File with trusted certificate bundle in PKCS12 format path
+- trust-store-password - Trust store password
+- idle-timeout-sec - Idle timeout for remote hosts. After given time without any data exchange the connection might be closed
+These parameters can be configured either by passing command line option during `docker run` call or
+by specifying environment variables named after command line option name
+rewritten using `UPPER_SNAKE_CASE` and prepended with `VESHV_` prefix e.g. `VESHV_LISTEN_PORT`.
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