blob: fb5890ff6483783def0f93673bee299d50b70e23 [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. _sliceanalysis-installation:
Slice Analysis MS can be deployed using cloudify blueprint using bootstrap container of an existing DCAE deployment.
Deployment Pre-requisites
- DCAE and DMaaP pods should be up and running.
- DMaaP Bus Controller PostInstalls job should have completed successfully (executed as part of an OOM install).
- PM mapper service should be running.
- Config DB service should be running.
- Make sure that cfy is installed and configured to work with the Cloudify deployment.
Deployment steps
1. Execute bash on the bootstrap Kubernetes pod.
kubectl -n onap exec -it <dcaegen2-dcae-bootstrap> bash
2. Go to the /blueprints directory.
Check that the tag_version in the slice-analysis-ms blueprint is correct for the release
of ONAP that it is being installed on see Nexus link below for slice-analysis-ms for tag_versions.
Nexus link:
3. Create an input file.
4. Run the Cloudify install command to install the slice-analysis-ms with the blueprint and the newly created input file k8s-slice-input.yaml.
$ cfy install k8s-slice-analysis-ms.yaml -i k8s-slice-input.yaml --blueprint-id sliceanalysisms
Details of the sample output are available at:
5. To un-deploy
$ cfy uninstall sliceanalysisms
Application configurations
|Configuration | Description |
|samples | Minimum number of samples to be present |
| | for analysis |
|minimumPercentageChange | Minimum percentage of configuration change |
| | above which control loop should be triggered |
|initialDelaySeconds | Initial delay in milliseconds for the consumer |
| | thread to start after the application startup |
|config_db | Host where the config DB application is running|
|performance_management_topicurl| Dmaap Topic URL to which PM data are posted |
| | by network functions |
|dcae_cl_topic_url | Dmaap topic to which onset message to trigger |
| | the control loop are posted |
|dcae_cl_response_topic_url | Dmaap topic URL to which Policy posts the |
| | message after successful control loop trigger |
|intelligent_slicing_topic_url | Dmaap topic URL to which ML MS posts the |
| | messages |
|dmaap_polling_interval | Dmaap Polling interval in milliseconds |