blob: a7109a0037128291fe41102c149141fedccddfad [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Logging is controlled by the configuration provided to **SNMPTRAP** by CBS,
or via the fallback config file specified as the environment
variable "CBS_SIM_JSON" at startup. The section of that JSON configuration
that influences the various forms of application logging is referenced
throughout this document, with examples.
Using the JSON configuration, a base directory is specified for application
data and EELF log files. Specific filenames (again, from the JSON
config) are appended to the base directory value to create a full-path
filename for use by SNMPTRAP.
Also available is the ability to modify how frequently logs are rolled to
time-stamped versions (and a new empty file is started) as well as what
severity level to log to program diagnostic logs. Files will be rolled to
an archived/timestamped version hourly. The actual archival (to a
timestamped filename) occurs when the first trap is
received **in a new hour** (or minute, or day - depending
on "roll_frequency" value).
Defaults are shown below:
.. code-block:: json
"files": {
<other json data>
"roll_frequency": "hour",
"minimum_severity_to_log": 2
<other json data>
Where to Access Information: APPLICATION DATA (TRAPS)
**SNMPTRAP** produces application-specific logs (e.g. trap logs/payloads,
etc) as well as various other statistical and diagnostic logs. The
location of these logs is controlled by the JSON config, using these
.. code-block:: json
"files": {
"**runtime_base_dir**": "/opt/app/snmptrap",
"log_dir": "logs",
"data_dir": "data",
"pid_dir": "tmp",
"arriving_traps_log": "snmptrapd_arriving_traps.log",
"snmptrapd_diag": "snmptrapd_prog_diag.log",
"traps_stats_log": "snmptrapd_stats.csv",
"perm_status_file": "snmptrapd_status.log",
"roll_frequency": "hour",
"minimum_severity_to_log": 2
<other json data>
The base directory for all data logs is specified with:
Remaining log file references are appended to the *runtime_base_dir*
value to specify a logfile location. The result using the
above example would create the files:
.. code-block:: bash
**SNMPTRAP** logs all arriving traps. These traps are saved in a
filename created by appending *runtime_base_dir*, *log_dir*
and *arriving_traps_log* from the JSON config. Using the example
above, the resulting arriving trap log would be:
.. code-block:: bash
An example from this log is shown below:
.. code-block:: none
1529960544.4896748 Mon Jun 25 17:02:24 2018; Mon Jun 25 17:02:24 2018 com.att.dcae.dmaap.IST3.DCAE-COLLECTOR-UCSNMP 15299605440000 server001 server001 v2c 751564798 0f40196a-78bb-11e8-bac7-005056865aac , "varbinds": [{"varbind_oid": "", "varbind_type": "OctetString", "varbind_value": "TEST TRAP"}]
*(Add: varbind type enumerations)*
SNMPTRAP's first priority is to receive and decode SNMP traps, then
publish the results to a configured DMAAP/MR message bus. Traps that
are successfully published (e.g. publish attempt gets a "200/ok"
response from the DMAAP/MR server) are logged to a file named by
the technology being used combined with the topic being published to.
If you find a trap in this published log, it has been acknowledged as
received by DMAAP/MR. If consumers complain of "missing traps", the
source of the problem will be downstream (*not with SNMPTRAP*) if
the trap has been logged here.
For example, with a json config of:
.. code-block:: json
"dmaap_info": {
"location": "mtl5",
"client_id": null,
"client_role": null,
"topic_url": ""
.. code-block:: json
"files": {
"**runtime_base_dir**": "/opt/app/snmptrap",
result in traps that are confirmed (200/ok) as published logged to the file:
.. code-block:: bash
An example from this JSON log is shown below:
.. code-block:: json
"uuid": "0f40196a-78bb-11e8-bac7-005056865aac",
"agent address": "",
"agent name": "server001",
"cambria.partition": "server001",
"community": "",
"community len": 0,
"epoch_serno": 15299605440000,
"protocol version": "v2c",
"time received": 1529960544.4896748,
"trap category": "DCAE-COLLECTOR-UCSNMP",
"sysUptime": "751564798",
"notify OID": "",
"notify OID len": 9,
"varbinds": [
"varbind_oid": "",
"varbind_type": "OctetString",
"varbind_value": "TEST TRAP"
For program/operational logging, **SNMPTRAP** follows the EELF logging
convention. Please be aware that the EELF specification results in
messages spread across various files. Some work may be required to
find the right location (file) that contains the message you are
looking for.
EELF logging is controlled by the configuration provided
to **SNMPTRAP** by CBS, or via the fallback config file specified
as an environment variable "CBS_SIM_JSON" at startup. The section
of that JSON configuration that influences EELF logging is:
.. code-block:: json
"files": {
<other json data>
"**eelf_base_dir**": "/opt/app/snmptrap/logs",
"eelf_error": "error.log",
"eelf_debug": "debug.log",
"eelf_audit": "audit.log",
"eelf_metrics": "metrics.log",
"roll_frequency": "hour",
<other json data>
The base directory for all EELF logs is specified with:
Remaining eelf_<file> references are appended to the eelf_base_dir value
to specify a logfile location. The result using the above example would
create the files:
.. code-block:: bash
Again using the above example configuration, these files will be rolled
to an archived/timestamped version hourly. The actually archival (to a
timestamped filename) occurs when the first trap is
received **in a new hour** (or minute, or day - depending
on "roll_frequency" value).
Error / Warning Messages
Program Diagnostics
Detailed application log messages can be found in "snmptrapd_diag" (JSON
config reference). These can be very verbose and roll quickly
depending on trap arrival rates, number of varbinds encountered,
minimum_severity_to_log setting in JSON config, etc.
In the default config, this file can be found at:
.. code-block:: bash
Messages will be in the general format of:
.. code-block:: none
2018-04-25T17:28:10,305|<module>|snmptrapd||||INFO|100||arriving traps logged to: /opt/app/snmptrap/logs/snmptrapd_arriving_traps.log
2018-04-25T17:28:10,305|<module>|snmptrapd||||INFO|100||published traps logged to: /opt/app/snmptrap/logs/DMAAP_com.att.dcae.dmaap.IST3.DCAE-COLLECTOR-UCSNMP.json
2018-04-25T17:28:10,306|<module>|snmptrapd||||INFO|100||Runtime PID file: /opt/app/snmptrap/tmp/
2018-04-25T17:28:48,019|snmp_engine_observer_cb|snmptrapd||||DETAILED|100||snmp trap arrived from, assigned uuid: 1cd77e98-48ae-11e8-98e5-005056865aac
2018-04-25T17:28:48,023|snmp_engine_observer_cb|snmptrapd||||DETAILED|100||dns cache expired or missing for - refreshing
2018-04-25T17:28:48,027|snmp_engine_observer_cb|snmptrapd||||DETAILED|100||cache for server001 ( updated - set to expire at 1524677388
2018-04-25T17:28:48,034|snmp_engine_observer_cb|snmptrapd||||DETAILED|100||snmp trap arrived from, assigned uuid: 0f40196a-78bb-11e8-bac7-005056
2018-04-25T17:28:48,036|notif_receiver_cb|snmptrapd||||DETAILED|100||processing varbinds for 0f40196a-78bb-11e8-bac7-005056
2018-04-25T17:28:48,040|notif_receiver_cb|snmptrapd||||DETAILED|100||adding 0f40196a-78bb-11e8-bac7-005056 to buffer
2018-06-25T21:02:24,491|notif_receiver_cb|snmptrapd||||DETAILED|100||trap 0f40196a-78bb-11e8-bac7-005056865aac : {"uuid": "0f40196a-78bb-11e8-bac7-005056865aac", "agent address": "", "agent name": "server001", "cambria.partition": "server001", "community": "", "community len": 0, "epoch_serno": 15299605440000, "protocol version": "v2c", "time received": 1529960544.4896748, "trap category": "com.att.dcae.dmaap.IST3.DCAE-COLLECTOR-UCSNMP", "sysUptime": "751564798", "notify OID": "", "notify OID len": 9, "varbinds": [{"varbind_oid": "", "varbind_type": "OctetString", "varbind_value": "TEST TRAP"}]}
2018-06-25T21:02:24,496|post_dmaap|snmptrapd||||DETAILED|100||post_data_enclosed: {"uuid": "0f40196a-78bb-11e8-bac7-005056865aac", "agent address": "", "agent name": "server001", "cambria.partition": "server001", "community": "", "community len": 0, "epoch_serno": 15299605440000, "protocol version": "v2c", "time received": 1529960544.4896748, "trap category": "com.att.dcae.dmaap.IST3.DCAE-COLLECTOR-UCSNMP", "sysUptime": "751564798", "notify OID": "", "notify OID len": 9, "varbinds": [{"varbind_oid": "", "varbind_type": "OctetString", "varbind_value": "TEST TRAP"}]}
Platform Status
.. code-block:: json
"perm_status_file": "snmptrapd_status.log",