blob: 3a14eb18de3d53a612a771a7845cd9557ec03cac [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. _deployment:
To run HV-VES Collector container you need to specify required command line options and environment variables.
Command line parameters can be specified either by using long form (--long-form) or short form (-s) followed by argument if needed (see `Arg` column in table below). These parameters can be omitted if corresponding environment variables are set. These variables are named after command line option name rewritten using `UPPER_SNAKE_CASE` and prepended with `VESHV_` prefix, for example `VESHV_CONFIGURATION_FILE`.
Command line options have precedence over environment variables in cases when both are present.
Currently HV-VES requires single command line parameter which points to base configuration file.
.. csv-table::
:widths: auto
:delim: ;
:header: Long form , Short form , Arg , Env form , Description
configuration-file ; c ; yes ; VESHV_CONFIGURATION_FILE ; Path to JSON file containing HV-VES configuration
Environment variables that are required by HV-VES are used by collector for provisioning of run-time configuration and are usually provided by DCAE platform.
.. csv-table::
:widths: auto
:delim: ;
:header: Environment variable name , Description
CONSUL_HOST ; Hostname under which Consul service is available
CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE ; Hostname under which Config Binding Service is available
HOSTNAME ; Configuration key of HV-VES as seen by CBS, usually *dcae-hv-ves-collector*
There is also optional command line parameter which configures container-internal port for Healthcheck Server API (see :ref:`healthcheck_and_monitoring`).
.. csv-table::
:widths: auto
:delim: ;
:header: Long form , Short form , Arg , Env form , Description
health-check-api-port ; H ; yes ; VESHV_HEALTH_CHECK_API_PORT ; Health check rest api listen port
.. _configuration_file:
Configuration file
File must provide base configuration for HV-VES Collector in JSON format.
Some entries in configuration can also be obtained from Config Binding Service (see :ref:`run_time_configuration`). **Every entry defined in configuration file will be OVERRIDEN if it is also present in run-time configuration.**
Following JSON shows every possible configuration option. Default file shipped with HV-VES container can be found in the collector's repository (see :ref:`repositories`).
.. literalinclude:: resources/base-configuration.json
:language: json
The configuration is split into smaller sections.
Tables show restrictions on fields in file configuration and short description.
.. csv-table::
:widths: auto
:delim: ;
:header-rows: 2
Key ; Value type ; Description
server.listenPort ; number ; Port on which HV-VES listens internally
server.idleTimeoutSec ; number ; Idle timeout for remote hosts. After given time without any data exchange, the connection might be closed
.. csv-table::
:widths: auto
:delim: ;
:header-rows: 2
Config Binding Service
Key ; Value type ; Description
cbs.firstRequestDelaySec ; number ; Delay of first request to Config Binding Service in seconds
cbs.requestIntervalSec ; number ; Interval of configuration requests in seconds
.. csv-table::
:widths: auto
:delim: ;
:header-rows: 2
Key ; Value type ; Description
security.sslDisable ; boolean ; Disables SSL encryption
security.keys.keyStoreFile ; String ; Key store path used in HV-VES incoming connections
security.keys.keyStorePasswordFile ; String ; Key store password file used in HV-VES incoming connections
security.keys.trustStoreFile ; String ; Path to file with trusted certificates bundle used in HV-VES incoming connections
security.keys.trustStorePasswordFile ; String ; Trust store password file used in HV-VES incoming connections
All security entries are mandatory with `security.sslDisable` set to `false`. Otherwise only `security.sslDisable` needs to be specified. If `security.sslDisable` flag is missing, then it is interpreted same as it would be set to `false`.
.. csv-table::
:widths: auto
:delim: ;
:header-rows: 2
Key ; Value type ; Description
logLevel ; String ; Log level on which HV-VES publishes all log messages. Valid argument values are (case insensitive): ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE.
Horizontal Scaling
Kubernetes command line tool (`kubectl`) is recommended for manual horizontal scaling of HV-VES Collector.
To scale HV-VES deployment you need to determine its name and namespace in which it is deployed.
For default OOM deployment, HV-VES full deployment name is `deployment/dep-dcae-hv-ves-collector` and it is installed under `onap` namespace.
1. If the namespace is unknown, execute the following command to determine possible namespaces.
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl get namespaces
2. Find desired deployment (in case of huge output you can try final call in combination with `grep hv-ves` command).
You can also see current replicas amount under a corresponding column.
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl get --namespace ${ONAP_NAMESPACE} deployment
3. To scale deployment execute:
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl scale --namespace ${ONAP_NAMESPACE} ${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} --replicas=${DESIRED_REPLICAS_AMOUNT}
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl get pods --namespace ${ONAP_NAMESPACE} --selector app=dcae-hv-ves-collector