| .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. |
| .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 |
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| .. _troubleshooting: |
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| Troubleshooting |
| =============== |
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| **NOTE** |
| |
| According to **ONAP** logging policy, **HV-VES** logs contain all required markers as well as service and client specific Mapped Diagnostic Context (later referred as MDC) |
| |
| Default console log pattern: |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | %date{"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX", UTC}\t| %thread\t| %highlight(%-5level)\t| %msg\t| %marker\t| %rootException\t| %mdc\t| %thread |
| |
| A sample, fully qualified message implementing this pattern: |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | 2018-12-18T13:12:44.369Z | p.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | DEBUG | Client connection request received | ENTRY | | RequestID=d7762b18-854c-4b8c-84aa-95762c6f8e62, InstanceID=9b9799ca-33a5-4f61-ba33-5c7bf7e72d07, InvocationID=b13d34ba-e1cd-4816-acda-706415308107, PartnerName=C=PL, ST=DL, L=Wroclaw, O=Nokia, OU=MANO, CN=dcaegen2-hvves-client, StatusCode=INPROGRESS, ClientIPAddress=, ServerFQDN=a4ca8f96c7e5 | reactor-tcp-nio-2 |
| |
| |
| For simplicity, all log messages in this section are shortened to contain only: |
| * logger name |
| * log level |
| * message |
| |
| Error and warning logs contain also: |
| * exception message |
| * stack trace |
| |
| Also exact exception's stack traces has been dropped due to readability |
| |
| **Do not rely on exact log messages or their presence, as they are often subject to change.** |
| |
| Deployment/Installation errors |
| ------------------------------ |
| |
| **Missing required parameters** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.main | ERROR | Failed to create configuration: Base configuration filepath missing on command line |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.main | ERROR | Failed to start a server | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.api.model.MissingArgumentException: Base configuration filepath missing on command line |
| |
| These log messages are printed when the single required parameter, configuration file path, was not specified (via command line, or as an environment variable). |
| Command line arguments have priority over environment variables. If you configure a parameter in both ways, **HV-VES** applies the one from the command line. |
| For more information about **HV-VES** configuration parameters, see :ref:`deployment`. |
| |
| Configuration errors |
| -------------------- |
| |
| **Consul service not available** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | ERROR | Failed to retrieve CBS client: consul-server: Temporary failure in name resolution |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | WARN | Exception from configuration provider client, retrying subscription | java.net.UnknownHostException: consul-server: Temporary failure in name resolution |
| |
| |
| **HV-VES** looks for Consul under hostname defined in CONSUL_HOST environment variable. If the service is down, above logs will appear and after few retries collector will shut down. |
| |
| |
| **Config Binding Service not available** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.services.sdk.rest.services.cbs.client.impl.CbsLookup | INFO | Config Binding Service address: config-binding-service:10000 |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | INFO | CBS client successfully created |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | ERROR | Error while creating configuration: config-binding-service: Temporary failure in name resolution |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | WARN | Exception from configuration provider client, retrying subscription |
| |
| Logs indicate that **HV-VES** successfully retrieved Config Binding Service (later referred as CBS) connection string from Consul, though the address was either incorrect, or the CBS is down. |
| Make sure CBS is up and running and the connection string stored in Consul is correct. |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Missing configuration on Consul** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.services.sdk.rest.services.cbs.client.impl.CbsLookup | INFO | Config Binding Service address: config-binding-service:10000 |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | INFO | CBS client successfully created |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | ERROR | Error while creating configuration: Request failed for URL 'http://config-binding-service:10000/service_component/invalid-resource'. Response code: 404 Not Found |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | WARN | Exception from configuration provider client, retrying subscription | | org.onap.dcaegen2.services.sdk.rest.services.adapters.http.exceptions.HttpException: Request failed for URL 'http://config-binding-service:10000/service_component/dcae-hv-ves-collector'. Response code: 404 Not Found |
| |
| |
| **HV-VES** logs this information when connected to Consul, but cannot find JSON configuration under given key which in this case is **invalid-resource**. |
| For more information, see :ref:`run_time_configuration` |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Invalid configuration format** |
| |
| :: |
| | org.onap.dcae.services.sdk.rest.services.cbs.client.impl.CbsLookup | INFO | Config Binding Service address: config-binding-service:10000 |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | INFO | CBS client successfully created |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | INFO | Received new configuration: |
| | {"streams_publishes":{"perf3gpp":{"typo":"kafka","kafka_info":{"bootstrap_servers":"message-router-kafka:9092","topic_name":"HV_VES_PERF3GPP"}}}} |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | ERROR | Error while creating configuration: Could not find sub-node 'type'. Actual sub-nodes: typo, kafka_info |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.config.impl.CbsConfigurationProvider | WARN | Exception from configuration provider client, retrying subscription | org.onap.dcaegen2.services.sdk.rest.services.cbs.client.api.exceptions.StreamParsingException: Could not find sub-node 'type'. Actual sub-nodes: typo, kafka_info |
| |
| |
| This log is printed when you upload a configuration in an invalid format |
| Received json contains invalid Streams configuration, therefore **HV-VES** does not apply it and becomes **unhealthy**. |
| For more information on dynamic configuration, see :ref:`run_time_configuration`. |
| |
| |
| Message handling errors |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| **Handling messages when invalid Kafka url is specified** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Handling new client connection |
| | org.apache.kafka.clients.ClientUtils | WARN | Removing server invalid-message-router-kafka:9092 from bootstrap.servers as DNS resolution failed for invalid-message-router-kafka |
| | org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer | INFO | [Producer clientId=producer-1] Closing the Kafka producer with timeoutMillis = 0 ms. |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.HvVesCollector | WARN | Error while handling message stream: org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException (Failed to construct kafka producer) |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Connection has been close0d |
| |
| |
| **HV-VES** responds with the above when it handles message with domain that has invalid bootstrap_servers specified in **streams_publishes** configuration. |
| To fix this problem you have to correct **streams_publishes** configuration stored in Consul. |
| For more information, see: :ref:`run_time_configuration`. |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Kafka service became unavailable after producer has been created** |
| |
| **HV-VES** lazily creates Kafka producer for each domain. |
| If Kafka service becomes unreachable after producer initialization, appropriate logs will be shown and **HV-VES** will fail to deliver future messages to that Kafka service. |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient | WARN | [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node 1001 could not be established. Broker may not be available. |
| | org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient | WARN | [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node 1001 could not be established. Broker may not be available. |
| | org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient | WARN | [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node 1001 could not be established. Broker may not be available. |
| | org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient | WARN | [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node 1001 could not be established. Broker may not be available. |
| | org.onap.dcae.collector.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Handling new client connection |
| | org.onap.dcae.collector.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Connection has been closed |
| | org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient | WARN | [Producer clientId=producer-1] Connection to node 1001 could not be established. Broker may not be available |
| | org.onap.dcae.collector.veshv.impl.adapters.kafka.KafkaPublisher | WARN | Failed to send message to Kafka. Reason: Expiring 1 record(s) for HV_VES_PERF3GPP-0: 30007 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.HvVesCollector | WARN | Error while handling message stream: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException (Expiring 1 record(s) for HV_VES_PERF3GPP-0: 30007 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time) |
| | org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient | WARN | [Producer clientId=producer-1] Error connecting to node message-router-kafka:9092 (id: 1001 rack: null) |
| |
| |
| To resolve this issue, you can either wait for that Kafka service to be available, or just like in previous paragraph, provide alternative Kafka bootstrap server via dynamic configuration (see :ref:`run_time_configuration`.) |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Message with too big payload size** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Handling new client connection |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.wire.WireChunkDecoder | WARN | Error while handling message stream: org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.wire.WireFrameException (PayloadSizeExceeded: payload size exceeds the limit (1048576 bytes)) |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Connection has been closed |
| |
| |
| The above log is printed when the message payload size is too big. **HV-VES** does not handle messages that exceed maximum payload size specified under streams_publishes configuration (see :ref:`dmaap-connection-objects`) |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Invalid GPB data** |
| |
| Messages with invalid Google Protocol Buffers data encoded are omitted. **HV-VES** responds as follows: |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Handling new client connection |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.HvVesCollector | WARN | Failed to decode ves event header, reason: Protocol message tag had invalid wire type. |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Connection has been closed |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Invalid Wire Frame** |
| |
| Messages with invalid Wire Frame, just like those containing invalid GPB data, will be dropped. The exact reason can be found in logs. |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Handling new client connection |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.HvVesCollector | WARN | Invalid wire frame header, reason: Invalid major version in wire frame header. Expected 1 but was 2 |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.impl.socket.NettyTcpServer | INFO | Connection has been closed |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| |
| For more information, see the :ref:`hv_ves_behaviors` section. |
| |
| |
| Authorization related errors |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| **WARNING: SSL/TLS authorization is a part of an experimental feature for ONAP Dublin release and should be treated as unstable and subject to change in future releases.** |
| **For more information, see** :ref:`ssl_tls_authorization`. |
| |
| **Key or trust store missing** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.main | ERROR | Failed to start a server | java.io.FileNotFoundException: /etc/ves-hv/server.p12 |
| |
| |
| |
| The above error is logged when key store is not provided. Similarly, when trust store is not provided, **/etc/ves-hv/trust.p12** file missing is logged. |
| They can be changed by specifying ``security.keys.trustStore`` or ``security.keys.keyStore`` file configuration entries. |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Invalid credentials** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.main | ERROR | Failed to start a server | java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: failed to decrypt safe contents entry: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption. |
| |
| |
| Key or trust store password provided in configuration is invalid. |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Empty line at the end of password file** |
| |
| :: |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.main | ERROR | Failed to start a server | java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: failed to decrypt safe contents entry: java.io.IOException: getSecretKey failed: Password is not ASCII |
| |
| |
| Password file should not contain empty line at the end of the file, otherwise server startup will fail. |
| |
| ==== |
| |
| **Invalid key store file** |
| |
| :: |
| |
| | org.onap.dcae.collectors.veshv.main | ERROR | Failed to start a server | java.io.EOFException: Detect premature EOF |
| |
| |
| The above is logged when provided keystore has invalid or corrupted content. |
| This log also appears when you try to use key store/trust store in archive format other than inferred from file extension. |