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DCAE Deployment (using Helm and Cloudify)
This document describes the details of the Helm chart based deployment process for R4 ONAP and how DCAE is deployed through this process.
Deployment Overview
ONAP R4 extends the Kubernetes deployment method introduced in R2 and continued in R3.
Kubernetes is a container orchestration technology that organizes containers into composites of various patterns for easy deployment, management, and scaling.
ONAP uses Kubernetes as the foundation for fulfilling its platform maturity promises.
ONAP manages Kubernetes specifications using Helm charts, under which all Kubernetes yaml-formatted resource specifications and additional files
are organized into a hierarchy of charts, sub-charts, and resources. These yaml files are further augmented with Helm's templating, which makes dependencies
and cross-references of parameters and parameter derivatives among resources manageable for a large and complex Kubernetes system such as ONAP.
At deployment time, with a single **helm deploy** command, Helm resolves all the templates and compiles the chart hierarchy into Kubernetes resource definitions,
and invokes Kubernetes deployment operations for all the resources.
All ONAP Helm charts are organized under the **kubernetes** directory of the **OOM** project, where roughly each ONAP component occupies a subdirectory.
DCAE charts are placed under the **dcaegen2** directory.
In Dublin, all DCAE platform components (exception of Dashboard) have corresponding Helm chart which will be used to trigger the deployment.
All DCAE Services are deployed through Cloudify Blueprint. The default ONAP DCAE deployment includes small subset of DCAE services deployed through Bootstrap pod to meet
ONAP Integration usecases. Optionally operators can deploy on-demand other MS required for their usecases as described in `On-demand MS Installation
The PNDA data platform is an optional DCAE component that is placed under the **pnda**
directory. Details for how to configure values to enable PNDA installation during Helm install
are described in `Installing PNDA through Helm Chart
DCAE Chart Organization
Following Helm conventions, the DCAE Helm chart directory (``oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2``) consists of the following files and subdirectories:
* ``Chart.yaml``: metadata.
* ``requirements.yaml``: dependency charts.
* ``values.yaml``: values for Helm templating engine to expand templates.
* ``resources``: subdirectory for additional resource definitions such as configuration, scripts, etc.
* ``templates``: subdirectory for Kubernetes resource definition templates.
* ``charts``: subdirectory for sub-charts.
The dcaegen2 chart has the following sub-charts:
* ``dcae-bootstrap``: deploys the DCAE bootstrap service that performs some DCAE initialization and deploys additional DCAE components.
* ``dcae-cloudify-manager``: deploys the DCAE Cloudify Manager instance.
* ``dcae-config-binding-service``: deploys the DCAE config binding service.
* ``dcae-deployment-handler``: deploys the DCAE deployment handler service.
* ``dcae-healthcheck``: deploys the DCAE healthcheck service that provides an API to check the health of all DCAE components.
* ``dcae-policy-handler``: deploys the DCAE policy handler service.
* ``dcae-redis``: deploys the DCAE Redis cluster.
* ``dcae-servicechange-handler``: deploys the DCAE service change handler service. A subchart (``dcae-inventory-api``) deploys the DCAE inventory API service.
DCAE Deployment
At deployment time, when the **helm deploy** command is executed,
all DCAE resources defined within the subcharts above are deployed.
These include:
* the DCAE bootstrap service
* the DCAE healthcheck service
* the DCAE platform components:
* Cloudify Manager
* Config binding service
* Deployment handler
* Policy handler
* Service change handler
* Inventory API service (launched as a subchart of service change handler)
* Inventory postgres database service (launched as a dependency of the inventory API service)
* DCAE postgres database service (launched as a dependency of the bootstrap service)
* DCAE Redis cluster
Some of the DCAE subcharts include an initContainer that checks to see if
other services that they need in order to run have become ready. The installation
of these subcharts will pause until the needed services are available.
In addition, DCAE operations depends on a Consul server cluster.
For ONAP OOM deployment, the Consul cluster is provided as a shared
resource. Its charts are defined under the ``oom/kubernetes/consul``
directory, not as part of the DCAE chart hierarchy.
The dcae-bootstrap service has a number of prerequisites because the subsequently deployed DCAE components depends on a number of resources having entered their normal operation state. DCAE bootstrap job will not start before these resources are ready. They are:
* dcae-cloudify-manager
* consul-server
* msb-discovery
* kube2msb
* dcae-config-binding-service
* dcae-db
Once started, the DCAE bootstrap service will call Cloudify Manager to deploy
a series of blueprints which specify the additional DCAE R4 components.
These blueprints use the DCAE Kubernetes plugin (``k8splugin``) to deploy
Docker images into the ONAP Kubernetes cluster. For each component, the plugin
creates a Kubernetes deployment and other Kubernetes resources (services, volumes, logging sidecar, etc.)
as needed.
The DCAE bootstrap service creates the following Kubernetes deployments:
* deploy/dep-dcae-dashboard
* deploy/dep-dcae-hv-ves-collector
* deploy/dep-dcae-prh
* deploy/dep-dcae-snmptrap-collector
* deploy/dep-dcae-tca-analytics
* deploy/dep-dcae-ves-collector
* deploy/dep-holmes-engine-mgmt
* deploy/dep-holmes-rule-mgmt
After deploying all of the blueprints, the DCAE bootstrap service
continues to run. The bootstrap container can be useful for
troubleshooting or for launching additional components. The bootstrap
container logs (accessed using the ``kubectl logs`` command) show the
details of all of the component deployments.
DCAE Configuration
Deployment time configuration of DCAE components are defined in several places.
* Helm Chart templates:
* Helm/Kubernetes template files can contain static values for configuration parameters;
* Helm Chart resources:
* Helm/Kubernetes resources files can contain static values for configuration parameters;
* Helm values.yaml files:
* The values.yaml files supply the values that Helm templating engine uses to expand any templates defined in Helm templates;
* In a Helm chart hierarchy, values defined in values.yaml files in higher level supersedes values defined in values.yaml files in lower level;
* Helm command line supplied values supersedes values defined in any values.yaml files.
In addition, for DCAE components deployed through Cloudify Manager blueprints, their configuration parameters are defined in the following places:
* The blueprint files can contain static values for configuration parameters;
* The blueprint files are defined under the ``blueprints`` directory of the ``dcaegen2/platform/blueprints`` repo, named with "k8s" prefix.
* The blueprint files can specify input parameters and the values of these parameters will be used for configuring parameters in Blueprints. The values for these input parameters can be supplied in several ways as listed below in the order of precedence (low to high):
* The blueprint files can define default values for the input parameters;
* The blueprint input files can contain static values for input parameters of blueprints. These input files are provided as config resources under the dcae-bootstrap chart;
* The blueprint input files may contain Helm templates, which are resolved into actual deployment time values following the rules for Helm values.
Now we walk through an example, how to configure the Docker image for the DCAE dashboard, which is deployed by Cloudify Manager.
In the ``k8s-dashboard.yaml-template`` blueprint template, the Docker image to use is defined as an input parameter with a default value:
.. code-block:: yaml
description: 'Docker image for dashboard'
default: ''
Then in the input file, ``oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2/charts/dcae-bootstrap/resources/inputs/k8s-dashboard-inputs.yaml``,
it is defined again as:
.. code-block:: yaml
dashboard_docker_image: {{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.componentImages.dashboard }}
Thus, when ``common.repository`` and ``componentImages.policy_handler`` are defined in the ``values.yaml`` files,
their values will be plugged in here and the resulting ``policy_handler_image`` value
will be passed to the Policy Handler blueprint as the Docker image tag to use instead of the default value in the blueprint.
Indeed the ``componentImages.dashboard`` value is provided in the ``oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2/charts/dcae-bootstrap/values.yaml`` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
dashboard: onap/org.onap.ccsdk.dashboard.ccsdk-app-os:1.1.0
The final result is that when DCAE bootstrap calls Cloudify Manager to deploy the DCAE dashboard, the 1.1.0 image will be deployed.
DCAE Service Endpoints
Below is a table of default hostnames and ports for DCAE component service endpoints in Kubernetes deployment:
================== ================================= ======================================================
Component Cluster Internal (host:port) Cluster external (svc_name:port)
================== ================================= ======================================================
VES dcae-ves-collector:8080 xdcae-ves-collector.onap:30235
HV-VES dcae-hv-ves-collector:6061 xdcae-hv-ves-collector.onap:30222
TCA dcae-tca-analytics:11011 xdcae-tca-analytics.onap:32010
PRH dcae-prh:8100 NA
SNMPTrap dcae-snmptrap-collector:6162/udp xdcae-snmptrap-collector:30470/UDP
Policy Handler policy-handler:25577 NA
Deployment Handler deployment-handler:8443 NA
Inventory inventory:8080 NA
Config binding config-binding-service:10000 config-binding-servicee:30415
DCAE Healthcheck dcae-healthcheck:80 NA
Cloudify Manager dcae-cloudify-manager:80 NA
DCAE Dashboard dcae-dashboard:8080/8443 xdcae-dashboard:30418/30419
================== ================================= ======================================================
In addition, a number of ONAP service endpoints that are used by DCAE components are listed as follows
for reference by DCAE developers and testers:
==================== ============================ ================================
Component Cluster Internal (host:port) Cluster external (svc_name:port)
==================== ============================ ================================
Consul Server consul-server:8500 consul-server:30270
Robot robot:88 robot:30209 TCP
Message router message-router:3904 message-router:30227
Message router message-router:3905 message-router:30226
Message router Kafka message-router-kafka:9092 NA
MSB Discovery msb-discovery:10081 msb-discovery:30281
Logging log-kibana:5601 log-kibana:30253
AAI aai:8080 aai:30232
AAI aai:8443 aai:30233
==================== ============================ ================================
Uninstalling DCAE
All of the DCAE components deployed using the OOM Helm charts will be
deleted by the ``helm undeploy`` command. This command can be used to
uninstall all of ONAP by undeploying the top-level Helm release that was
created by the ``helm deploy`` command. The command can also be used to
uninstall just DCAE, by having the command undeploy the `top_level_release_name`-``dcaegen2``
Helm sub-release.
Helm will undeploy only the components that were originally deployed using
Helm charts. Components deployed by Cloudify Manager are not deleted by
the Helm operations.
When uninstalling all of ONAP, it is sufficient to delete the namespace
used for the deployment (typically ``onap``) after running the undeploy
operation. Deleting the namespace will get rid of any remaining resources
in the namespace, including the components deployed by Cloudify Manager.
When uninstalling DCAE alone, deleting the namespace would delete the
rest of ONAP as well. To delete DCAE alone, and to make sure all of the
DCAE components deployed by Cloudify Manager are uninstalled:
* Find the Cloudify Manager pod identifier, using a command like:
``kubectl -n onap get pods | grep dcae-cloudify-manager``
* Execute the DCAE cleanup script on the Cloudify Manager pod, using a command like:
``kubectl -n onap exec`` `cloudify-manager-pod-id` ``-- /scripts/``
* Finally, run ``helm undeploy`` against the DCAE Helm subrelease
The DCAE cleanup script uses Cloudify Manager and the DCAE Kubernetes
plugin to instruct Kubernetes to delete the components deployed by Cloudify
Manager. This includes the components deployed when the DCAE bootstrap
service ran and any components deployed after bootstrap.