| Installation |
| ============ |
| |
| SON handler microservice can be deployed using cloudify blueprint using bootstrap container of an existing DCAE deployment |
| |
| Deployment Prerequisites |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| - SON-Handler service requires DMAAP and Policy components to be functional. |
| |
| - SON-hadler service requires the following dmaap topics to be present in the running DMAAP instance : |
| |
| |
| 2.unauthenticated.SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT |
| |
| 3.unauthenticated.SEC_MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT |
| |
| |
| - Policy model required for SON-handler service should be created and pushed to policy component. Steps for creating and pushing the policy model: |
| |
| 1.Login to PDP container and execute |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| kubectl exec -ti --namespace onap policy-pdp-0 bash |
| |
| 2.Create policy model |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| curl -k -v --silent -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/plain' --header 'ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=' --header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==' --header 'Environment: TEST' -d '{ |
| "policyName": "com.PCIMS_CONFIG_POLICY", |
| "policyType": "Config", "attributes" : { "matching" : { "key1" : "value1" } }, |
| "policyConfigType": "Base", |
| "onapName": "DCAE", |
| "configName": "PCIMS_CONFIG_POLICY", |
| "configBodyType": "JSON" }' 'https://pdp:8081/pdp/api/createPolicy' |
| |
| 3.Push policy model |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| curl -k -v --silent -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/plain' --header 'ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=' --header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==' --header 'Environment: TEST' -d '{ |
| "policyName": "com.PCIMS_CONFIG_POLICY", |
| "policyType": "Base"}' 'https://pdp:8081/pdp/api/pushPolicy' |
| |
| 4.Verify config policy is present |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| curl -k -v --silent -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=' --header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==' --header 'Environment: TEST' -d '{ "configName": "PCIMS_CONFIG_POLICY", "policyName": "com.Config_PCIMS_CONFIG_POLICY1*", "requestID":"e65cc45a-9efb-11e8-98d0-529269ffa459" }' 'https://pdp:8081/pdp/api/getConfig' |
| |
| Deployment steps |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| 1.Using DCAE Dashboard |
| - Login to DCAE Dashboard |
| - Go to Inventory --> Blueprints |
| - Upload son-handler blueprint which can be found under blueprints repo (https://gerrit.onap.org/r/dcaegen2/platform/blueprints) |
| - Click on Deploy Action for son-handler blueprint |
| - Deployment logs can be viewed under Deployments section |
| |
| 2.Using cloudify commands |
| |
| - Login to the bootstrap container |
| kubectl exec -ti --namespace onap <bootstrap pod name> bash |
| - The blueprint can be found under dcaegen2 blueprint repo and is part of bootstrap container. (https://gerrit.onap.org/r/dcaegen2/platform/blueprints) |
| - Deploy the microservice into the cloudify using the following command |
| cfy install -d sonhms -b sonhms <blueprint file path> |
| - Deployment status of the microservice can be found from kubernetes pods status (MS will be deployed as a k8s pod in the kubernetes environment under the same namespace as the DCAE environment). |
| kubectl get pods --namespace onap |
| - To uninstall the microservice |
| cfy uninstall sonhms |
| - To delete the blueprint from the cloudify instance |
| cfy blueprints delete sonhms |
| |
| |
| Application Configurations |
| -------------------------- |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |Configuration | Description | |
| +===============================+================================================+ |
| |Streams_subscribes | Dmaap topics that the MS will consume messages | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |Streams_publishes | Dmaap topics that the MS will publish messages | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |postgres.host | Host where the postgres database is running | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |postgres.port | Host where the postgres database is running | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |postgres.username | Postgres username | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |postgres.password | Postgres password | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.pollingInterval | Polling Interval for consuming dmaap messages | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.pollingTimeout | Polling timeout for consuming dmaap messages | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.numSolutions | Number for solutions for OOF optimization | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.minCollision | Minimum collision criteria to trigger OOF | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.minConfusion | Minimum confusion criteria to trigger OOF | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.maximumClusters | Maximum number of clusters MS can process | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.badThreshold | Bad threshold for Handover success rate | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.poorThreshold | Poor threshold for Handover success rate | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.namespace | Namespace where MS is going to be deployed | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.sourceId | Source ID of the Microservice (to OOF) | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.dmaap.server | Location of message routers | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.bufferTime | Buffer time for MS to wait for notifications | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.cg | DMAAP Consumer group for subscription | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.cid | DMAAP Consumer id for subcription | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.configDbService | Location of config DB (protocol, host & port) | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.oof.service | Location of OOF (protocol, host & port) | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.optimizers | Optimizer to trigger in OOF | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.poorCountThreshold | Threshold for number of times poorThreshold | |
| | | can be recorded for the cell | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.badCountThreshold | Threshold for number of times badThreshold can | |
| | | be recorded for the cell | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler. | Timer for oof triggered count in minutes | |
| |oofTriggerCountTimer | | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.policyRespTimer | Timer to wait for notification from policy | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler. | Maximum number of negative acknowledgements | |
| |policyNegativeAckThreshold | from policy for a given cell | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler. | Time interval to trigger OOF with fixed pci | |
| |policyFixedPciTimeInterval | cells | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |sonhandler.nfNamingCode | Parameter to filter FM and PM notifications | |
| | | coming from ves | |
| +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ |
| |