| { |
| "owner": "mS-Developer", |
| "spec": { |
| "self": { |
| "version": "1.5.4", |
| "name": "dcae-ves-collector", |
| "description": "Collector for receiving VES events through restful interface", |
| "component_type": "docker" |
| }, |
| "streams": { |
| "subscribes": [], |
| "publishes": [ |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-fault" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-measurement" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-syslog" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-heartbeat" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-other" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-mobileflow" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-statechange" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-thresholdCrossingAlert" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-voicequality" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-sipsignaling" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "7.30.1", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-pnfRegistration" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "7.30.1", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-notification" |
| }, |
| { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "7.30.1", |
| "type": "message router", |
| "config_key": "ves-perf3gpp" |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| "services": { |
| "calls": [], |
| "provides": [ |
| { |
| "route": "/eventListener/v1", |
| "verb": "POST", |
| "request": { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "4.27.2" |
| }, |
| "response": { |
| "format": "ves.coll.response", |
| "version": "1.0.0" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "route": "/eventListener/v2", |
| "verb": "POST", |
| "request": { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "4.27.2" |
| }, |
| "response": { |
| "format": "ves.coll.response", |
| "version": "1.0.0" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "route": "/eventListener/v3", |
| "verb": "POST", |
| "request": { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "4.27.2" |
| }, |
| "response": { |
| "format": "ves.coll.response", |
| "version": "1.0.0" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "route": "/eventListener/v4", |
| "verb": "POST", |
| "request": { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "4.27.2" |
| }, |
| "response": { |
| "format": "ves.coll.response", |
| "version": "1.0.0" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "route": "/eventListener/v5", |
| "verb": "POST", |
| "request": { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "5.28.4" |
| }, |
| "response": { |
| "format": "ves.coll.response", |
| "version": "1.0.0" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "route": "/eventListener/v7", |
| "verb": "POST", |
| "request": { |
| "format": "VES_specification", |
| "version": "7.30.1" |
| }, |
| "response": { |
| "format": "ves.coll.response", |
| "version": "1.0.0" |
| } |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| "parameters": [ |
| { |
| "name": "collector.service.port", |
| "value": 8080, |
| "description": "standard http port collector will open for listening;", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "collector.service.secure.port", |
| "value": 8443, |
| "description": "secure http port collector will open for listening ", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": true |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "collector.keystore.file.location", |
| "value": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/cert.jks", |
| "description": "fs location of keystore file in vm", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "collector.keystore.passwordfile", |
| "value": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/jks.pass", |
| "description": "location of keystore password file in vm", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "collector.truststore.file.location", |
| "value": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/trust.jks", |
| "description": "fs location of truststore file in vm", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "collector.truststore.passwordfile", |
| "value": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/trust.pass", |
| "description": "location of truststore password file in vm", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "collector.dmaap.streamid", |
| "value": "fault=ves-fault|syslog=ves-syslog|heartbeat=ves-heartbeat|measurementsForVfScaling=ves-measurement|measurement=ves-measurement|mobileFlow=ves-mobileflow|other=ves-other|stateChange=ves-statechange|thresholdCrossingAlert=ves-thresholdCrossingAlert|voiceQuality=ves-voicequality|sipSignaling=ves-sipsignaling|notification=ves-notification|pnfRegistration=ves-pnfRegistration|perf3gpp=ves-perf3gpp", |
| "description": "domain-to-streamid mapping used by VESCollector to distributes events based on domain. Both primary and secondary config_key are included for resilency (multiple streamid can be included commma separated). The streamids MUST match to topic config_keys. For single site without resiliency deployment - configkeys with -secondary suffix can be removed", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": true, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "auth.method", |
| "value": "noAuth", |
| "description": "Property to manage application mode, possible configurations: noAuth - default option - no security (http) , certOnly - auth by certificate (https), basicAuth - auth by basic auth username and password (https),certBasicAuth - auth by certificate and basic auth username / password (https),", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "header.authlist", |
| "value": "sample1,$2a$10$pgjaxDzSuc6XVFEeqvxQ5u90DKJnM/u7TJTcinAlFJVaavXMWf/Zi|userid1,$2a$10$61gNubgJJl9lh3nvQvY9X.x4e5ETWJJ7ao7ZhJEvmfJigov26Z6uq|userid2,$2a$10$G52y/3uhuhWAMy.bx9Se8uzWinmbJa.dlm1LW6bYPdPkkywLDPLiy", |
| "description": "List of id and base 64 encoded password.For each onboarding VNF - unique userid and password should be assigned and communicated to VNF owner. Password value should be base64 encoded in config here", |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "sourced_at_deployment": true, |
| "designer_editable": true |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "collector.schema.checkflag", |
| "value": 1, |
| "description": "Schema check validation flag. When enabled, collector will validate input VES events against VES Schema defined on collector.schema.file ", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "collector.schema.file", |
| "value": "{\"v1\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v2\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v3\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v4\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v5\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_28.4.1.json\",\"v7\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_30.1.1.json\"}", |
| "description": "VES schema file name per version used for validation", |
| "designer_editable": true, |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "event.transform.flag", |
| "value": 1, |
| "description": "flag to enable tranformation rules defined under eventTransform.json; this is applicable when event tranformation rules preset should be activated for transforming <VES5.4 events to 5.4", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "tomcat.maxthreads", |
| "value": "200", |
| "description": "Tomcat control for concurrent request", |
| "sourced_at_deployment": false, |
| "policy_editable": false, |
| "designer_editable": false |
| } |
| ], |
| "auxilary": { |
| "healthcheck": { |
| "type": "http", |
| "interval": "15s", |
| "timeout": "1s", |
| "endpoint": "/healthcheck" |
| }, |
| "volumes": [ |
| { |
| "container": { |
| "bind": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate" |
| }, |
| "host": { |
| "path": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "container": { |
| "bind": "/opt/app/VESCollector/logs" |
| }, |
| "host": { |
| "path": "/opt/logs/DCAE/VESCollector/logs" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "container": { |
| "bind": "/opt/app/VESCollector/etc" |
| }, |
| "host": { |
| "path": "/opt/logs/DCAE/VESCollector/etc" |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "ports": [ |
| "8080:0", |
| "8443:0" |
| ], |
| "log_info": { |
| "log_directory": "/opt/app/VESCollector/logs/" |
| }, |
| "tls_info": { |
| "cert_directory": "/opt/app/dcae-certificate/", |
| "use_tls": true |
| } |
| }, |
| "artifacts": [ |
| { |
| "type": "docker image", |
| "uri": "nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.ves.vescollector:latest" |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| } |