blob: 945000796ec8ceb55cd80ff4e1e1c7b62d3a4a74 [file] [log] [blame]
# Usage: source ./ and use functions defined here
# is required for API calls
export MAVEN_OPTS="-T1C"
function veshv_full_rebuild() {
mvn clean install -Panalysis ${MAVEN_OPTS}
function veshv_rebuild() {
mvn clean install ${MAVEN_OPTS}
function veshv_build() {
mvn install ${MAVEN_OPTS}
function veshv_fast_build() {
mvn install -DskipTests ${MAVEN_OPTS}
function veshv_docker_start() {
docker-compose down
docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose up
function veshv_docker_clean() {
docker volume prune
function veshv_build_and_start() {
veshv_fast_build && veshv_docker_start
function veshv_fresh_restart() {
docker-compose down
docker-compose rm -f
veshv_fast_build && docker-compose up
function veshv_simul_dcaeapp_count() {
http --json GET http://localhost:8100/messages/count
function veshv_simul_dcaeapp_last_key() {
http --json GET http://localhost:8100/messages/last/key
function veshv_simul_dcaeapp_last_value() {
http --json GET http://localhost:8100/messages/last/value
function veshv_simul_client() {
# feed me with json file using "<"
http --json POST http://localhost:8000/simulator/sync
function veshv_simul_client_async() {
# feed me with json file using "<"
http --json POST http://localhost:8000/simulator/async