blob: e60dbc458615a3bd5bdf84d328930e2c6cc2045f [file] [log] [blame]
# ================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2021 J. F. Lucas. All rights reserved.
# ================================================================================
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
# Push service registrations and key-value pairs to consul
# Environment variables control the consul address used:
# -- CONSUL_PROTO: The protocol (http or https) used to access consul. DEFAULT: http
# -- CONSUL_HOST: The Consul host address. DEFAULT: consul
# -- CONSUL_PORT: The Consul API port. DEFAULT: 8500
# Command line options
# --service name|address|port : Register a service with name 'name', address 'address', and port 'port'.
# --key keyname|filepath: Register a key-value pair with key 'keyname' and the contents of a file at 'filepath' as its value
# --key-yaml keyname|filepath: Register a key-value pair with name 'keyname', converting the YAML content of the file at 'filepath'
# to JSON, and storing the JSON result as the value. This is used for Helm deployment of DCAE microservices, where the initial
# application configuration is stored in a Helm values.yaml file in YAML form. --key-yaml converts the YAML configuration into
# JSON, which is the format that microservices expect.
# -- delete-key
# A command can include multiple instances of each option.
# Register a service into Consul so that it can be discovered via the Consul service discovery API
# $1: Name under which service is registered
# $2: Address (typically DNS name, but can be IP) of the service
# $3: Port used by the service
function register_service {
service="{\"Node\": \"dcae\", \"Address\": \"$2\", \"Service\": {\"Service\": \"$1\", \"Address\": \"$2\", \"Port\": $3}}"
echo $service
curl -v -X PUT --data-binary "${service}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' $REG_URL
# Store the contents of a file into Consul KV store
# $1: Key under which content is stored
# $2: Path to file whose content will be the value associated with the key
function put_key {
curl -v -X PUT --data-binary @$2 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' ${KV_URL}/$1
# Delete a key from the Consul KV store
# $1: Key to be deleted
function delete_key {
curl -v -X DELETE ${KV_URL}/$1
set -x
# Check Consul readiness
# The readiness container waits for a "consul-server" container to be ready,
# but this isn't always enough. We need the Consul API to be up and for
# the cluster to be formed, otherwise our Consul accesses might fail.
# Wait for Consul API to come up
until curl ${CONSUL_ADDR}/v1/agent/services
echo Waiting for Consul API
sleep 60
# Wait for a leader to be elected
until [[ "$(curl -Ss {$CONSUL_ADDR}/v1/status/leader)" != '""' ]]
echo Waiting for leader
sleep 30
while (( "$#" ))
case $1 in
# ${2//|/ } turns all of the | characters in argument 2 into spaces
# () uses the space delimited string to initialize an array
# this turns an argument like inventory-api|inventory.onap|8080 into
# a three-element array with elements "inventory-api", "inventory.onap", and "8080"
s=(${2//|/ })
register_service ${s[@]}
shift 2;
# See above for explanation of (${2//|/ })
kv=(${2//|/ })
put_key ${kv[@]}
shift 2;
# See above for explanation of (${2//|/ })
kv=(${2//|/ })
cat ${kv[1]} | /opt/app/ | put_key ${kv[0]} -
shift 2;
delete_key $2
shift 2;
echo "ignoring $1"