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# org.onap.dcae
# ================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
import time, json, os, re, logging
from itertools import chain
from functools import partial
import requests
import consul
import six
from discovery_client import util
_logger = util.get_logger(__name__)
class DiscoveryInitError(RuntimeError):
class DiscoveryRegistrationError(RuntimeError):
class DiscoveryResolvingNameError(RuntimeError):
# Consul calls for services
def _get_configuration_from_consul(consul_handle, service_name):
index = None
while True:
index, data = consul_handle.kv.get(service_name, index=index)
if data:
return json.loads(data["Value"].decode("utf-8"))
_logger.warn("No configuration found for {0}. Try again in a bit."
def _get_relationships_from_consul(consul_handle, service_name):
"""Fetch the relationship information from Consul for a service by service
name. Returns a list of service names."""
index = None
rel_key = "{0}:rel".format(service_name)
while True:
index, data = consul_handle.kv.get(rel_key, index=index)
if data:
return json.loads(data["Value"].decode("utf-8"))
_logger.warn("No relationships found for {0}. Try again in a bit."
def _lookup_with_consul(consul_handle, service_name, max_attempts=0):
num_attempts = 1
while True:
index, results = consul_handle.catalog.service(service_name)
if results:
return results
num_attempts += 1
if max_attempts > 0 and max_attempts < num_attempts:
return None
_logger.warn("Service not found {0}. Trying again in a bit."
def _register_with_consul(consul_handle, service_name, service_ip, service_port,
# Note: Unhealthy services should not return in queries i.e.
# dig @ -p 8600 foo.service.consul
health_url = "http://{0}:{1}/{2}".format(service_ip, service_port, health_endpoint)
return consul_handle.agent.service.register(service_name, address=service_ip,
port=service_port, check= { "HTTP": health_url, "Interval": "5s" })
# Config binding service call
def _get_configuration_resolved_from_cbs(consul_handle, service_name):
This is what a minimal python client library that wraps the CBS would look like.
POSSIBLE TODO: break this out into pypi repo
This call does not raise an exception if Consul or the CBS cannot complete the request.
It logs an error and returns {} if the config is not bindable.
It could be a temporary network outage. Call me again later.
It will raise an exception if the necessary env parameters were not set because that is irrecoverable.
This function is called in my /heatlhcheck, so this will be caught early.
config = {}
results = _lookup_with_consul(consul_handle, "config_binding_service",
if results is None:
logger.error("Cannot bind config at this time, cbs is unreachable")
cbs_hostname = results[0]["ServiceAddress"]
cbs_port = results[0]["ServicePort"]
cbs_url = "http://{hostname}:{port}".format(hostname=cbs_hostname, port=cbs_port)
#get my config
my_config_endpoint = "{0}/service_component/{1}".format(cbs_url,
res = requests.get(my_config_endpoint)
config = res.json()"get_config returned the following configuration: {0}".format(json.dumps(config)))
_logger.error("in get_config, the config binding service endpoint {0} blew up on me. Error code: {1}, Error text: {2}".format(my_config_endpoint, res.status_code, res.text))
return config
# Functionality for putting together service's configuration
def _get_connection_types(config):
"""Get all the connection types for a given configuration json
Crawls through the entire config dict recursively and returns the entries
that have been identified as service connections in the form of a list of tuples -
[(config key, component type), ..]
where "config key" is a compound key in the form of a tuple. Each entry in
the compound key is a key to a level within the json data structure."""
def grab_component_type(v):
# To support Python2, unicode strings are not type `str`. Specifically,
# the config string values from Consul maybe encoded to utf-8 so better
# be prepared.
if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
# Regex matches on strings like "{{foo}}" and "{{ BAR }}" and
# extracts the alphanumeric string inside the parantheses.
result = re.match("^{{\s*([-_.\w]*)\s*}}", v)
return if result else None
def crawl(config, parent_key=()):
if isinstance(config, dict):
rels = [ crawl(value, parent_key + (key, ))
for key, value in config.items() ]
rels = chain(*rels)
elif isinstance(config, list):
rels = [ crawl(config[index], parent_key + (index, ))
for index in range(0, len(config)) ]
rels = chain(*rels)
rels = [(parent_key, grab_component_type(config))]
# Filter out the entries with Nones
rels = [(key, rel) for key, rel in rels if rel]
return rels
return crawl(config)
def _has_connections(config):
return True if _get_connection_types(config) else False
def _resolve_connection_types(service_name, connection_types, relationships):
def find_match(connection_type):
ret_list = []
for rel in relationships:
if connection_type in rel:
return ret_list
return [ (key, find_match(connection_type))
for key, connection_type in connection_types ]
def _resolve_name(lookup_func, service_name):
"""Resolves the service component name to detailed connection information
Currently this is grouped into two ways:
1. CDAP applications take a two step approach - call Consul then call the
CDAP broker
2. All other applications just call Consul to get IP and port
lookup_func: fn(string) -> list of dicts
The function should return a list of dicts that have "ServiceAddress" and
"ServicePort" key value entries
service_name: (string) service name to lookup
Return depends upon the connection type:
1. CDAP applications return a dict
2. All other applications return a string
def handle_result(result):
ip = result["ServiceAddress"]
port = result["ServicePort"]
if not (ip and port):
raise DiscoveryResolvingNameError(
"Failed to resolve name for {0}: ip, port not set".format(service_name))
# TODO: Need a better way to identify CDAP apps. Really need to make this
# better.
if "cdap" in service_name:
redirectish_url = "http://{0}:{1}/application/{2}".format(ip, port,
r = requests.get(redirectish_url)
details = r.json()
# Pick out the details to expose to the component developers
return { key: details[key]
for key in ["connectionurl", "serviceendpoints"] }
return "{0}:{1}".format(ip, port)
results = lookup_func(service_name)
return [ handle_result(result) for result in results ]
except Exception as e:
raise DiscoveryResolvingNameError(
"Failed to resolve name for {0}: {1}".format(service_name, e))
def _resolve_configuration_dict(ch, service_name, config):
Helper used by both resolve_configuration_dict and get_configuration
if _has_connections(config):
rels = _get_relationships_from_consul(ch, service_name)
connection_types = _get_connection_types(config)
connection_names = _resolve_connection_types(service_name, connection_types, rels)
# NOTE: The hardcoded use of the first element. This is to keep things backwards
# compatible since resolve name now returns a list.
for key, conn in [(key, [_resolve_name(partial(_lookup_with_consul, ch), name)[0] for name in names]) for key, names in connection_names]:
config = util.update_json(config, key, conn)"Generated config: {0}".format(config))
return config
# Public calls
def get_consul_hostname(consul_hostname_override=None):
"""Get the Consul hostname"""
return consul_hostname_override \
if consul_hostname_override else os.environ["CONSUL_HOST"]
raise DiscoveryInitError("CONSUL_HOST variable has not been set!")
def get_service_name():
"""Get the full service name
This is expected to be given from whatever entity is starting this service
and given by an environment variable called "HOSTNAME"."""
return os.environ["HOSTNAME"]
raise DiscoveryInitError("HOSTNAME variable has not been set!")
def resolve_name(consul_host, service_name, max_attempts=3):
"""Resolve the service name
Do a service discovery lookup from Consul and return back the detailed connection
For CDAP apps, returns a dict. All others a string with the format "<ip>:<port>"
ch = consul.Consul(host=consul_host)
lookup_func = partial(_lookup_with_consul, ch, max_attempts=max_attempts)
return _resolve_name(lookup_func, service_name)
def resolve_configuration_dict(consul_host, service_name, config):
Utility method for taking a given service_name, and config dict, and resolving it
ch = consul.Consul(host=consul_host)
return _resolve_configuration_dict(ch, service_name, config)
def get_configuration(override_consul_hostname=None, override_service_name=None,
"""Provides this service component's configuration information fully resolved
This method can either resolve the configuration locally here or make a
remote call to the config binding service. The default is to use the config
binding service.
override_consul_hostname (string): Consul hostname to use rather than the one
set by the environment variable CONSUL_HOST
override_service_name (string): Use this name over the name set on the
HOSTNAME environment variable. Default is None.
from_cbs (boolean): True (default) means use the config binding service otherwise
set to False to have the config pulled and resolved by this library
Returns the fully resolved service component configuration as a dict
# Get config, bootstrap
consul_hostname = get_consul_hostname(override_consul_hostname)
# NOTE: We use the default port 8500
ch = consul.Consul(host=consul_hostname)
service_name = override_service_name if override_service_name else get_service_name()"service name: {0}".format(service_name))
if from_cbs:
return _get_configuration_resolved_from_cbs(ch, service_name)
# The following will happen:
# 1. Fetching the configuration by service component name from Consul
# 2. Fetching the relationships for this service component by service component
# name
# 3. Pick out the connection types from the templetized fields in the configuration
# 4. Resolve the connection types with connection names using the step #2
# information
# 5. Resolve the connection names with the actual connection via queries to
# Consul using the connection name
config = _get_configuration_from_consul(ch, service_name)
return _resolve_configuration_dict(ch, service_name, config)
def register_for_discovery(consul_host, service_ip, service_port):
"""Register the service component for service discovery
This is required in order for other services to "discover" you so that you
can service their requests.
NOTE: Applications may not need to make this call depending upon if the
environment is using Registrator.
ch = consul.Consul(host=consul_host)
service_name = get_service_name()
if _register_with_consul(ch, service_name, service_ip, service_port, "health"):"Registered to consul: {0}".format(service_name))
_logger.error("Failed to register to consul: {0}".format(service_name))
raise DiscoveryRegistrationError()