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# org.onap.dcae
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# Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
import six, json, logging
from collections import Counter
from functools import partial
import pytest
import requests
from discovery_client import discovery as dis
def test_get_connection_types():
config = { "x": "say something", "y": 123, "z": "{{some-analytics}}" }
expected = [(("z", ), "some-analytics"), ]
actual = dis._get_connection_types(config)
assert Counter(expected) == Counter(actual)
# Whitespaces ok
config = { "x": "say something", "y": 123, "z": "{{ some-analytics }}" }
expected = [(("z", ), "some-analytics"), ]
actual = dis._get_connection_types(config)
assert Counter(expected) == Counter(actual)
# Paul wanted the ability to include version so match on more than just one
# subfield
config = { "x": "say something", "y": 123, "z": "{{1-0-0.some-analytics}}" }
expected = [(("z", ), "1-0-0.some-analytics"), ]
actual = dis._get_connection_types(config)
assert Counter(expected) == Counter(actual)
# Need double parantheses
config = { "x": "say something", "y": 123, "z": "{some-analytics}" }
actual = dis._get_connection_types(config)
assert Counter([]) == Counter(actual)
# Nested in dict dict
config = { "x": "say something", "y": 123,
"z": { "aa": { "bbb": "{{some-analytics}}" } } }
expected = [(("z", "aa", "bbb"), "some-analytics"), ]
actual = dis._get_connection_types(config)
assert Counter(expected) == Counter(actual)
# Nested in list dict
config = { "x": "say something", "y": 123,
"z": [ "no-op", { "bbb": "{{some-analytics}}" } ] }
expected = [(("z", 1, "bbb"), "some-analytics"), ]
actual = dis._get_connection_types(config)
assert Counter(expected) == Counter(actual)
# Force strings to be unicode, test for Python2 compatibility
config = { "x": six.u("say something"), "y": 123,
"z": six.u("{{some-analytics}}") }
expected = [(("z", ), "some-analytics"), ]
actual = dis._get_connection_types(config)
assert Counter(expected) == Counter(actual)
def test_resolve_connection_types():
upstream = ""
downstream = ""
connection_types = [("downstream-laika", "laika"),]
relationships = [downstream]
expected = [("downstream-laika", [downstream])]
actual = dis._resolve_connection_types(upstream, connection_types, relationships)
assert sorted(actual) == sorted(expected)
# NOTE: Removed test that tested the scenario where the name stems don't
# match up. This name stem matching was causing grief to others so lifted the
# constraint.
def test_resolve_name_for_platform():
def fake_lookup(fixture, service_name):
if service_name == fixture["ServiceName"]:
return [fixture]
# Good case. Grabbed from Consul call
fixture = { 'Node': 'agent-one', 'ModifyIndex': 2892, 'Address': '',
'ServiceName': '',
'ServicePort': 12708, 'CreateIndex': 2825, 'ServiceAddress': '',
'ServiceTags': [], 'ServiceEnableTagOverride': False,
'ServiceID': ''}
expected = ["{0}:{1}".format(fixture["ServiceAddress"],
assert dis._resolve_name(partial(fake_lookup, fixture), fixture["ServiceName"]) == expected
# Fail case. When Registrator is misconfigured and ServiceAddress is not set
fixture = { 'Node': 'agent-one', 'ModifyIndex': 2892, 'Address': '',
'ServiceName': '',
'ServicePort': 12708, 'CreateIndex': 2825, 'ServiceAddress': '',
'ServiceTags': [], 'ServiceEnableTagOverride': False,
'ServiceID': ''}
with pytest.raises(dis.DiscoveryResolvingNameError):
dis._resolve_name(partial(fake_lookup, fixture), fixture["ServiceName"])
# Fail case. When lookup just blows up for some reason
def fake_lookup_blows(service_name):
raise RuntimeError("Thar she blows")
with pytest.raises(dis.DiscoveryResolvingNameError):
dis._resolve_name(fake_lookup_blows, fixture["ServiceName"])
def test_resolve_name_for_docker():
def fake_lookup(fixture, service_name):
if service_name == fixture["ServiceName"]:
return [fixture]
# Good case. Grabbed from Consul call
fixture = { 'Node': 'agent-one', 'ModifyIndex': 2892, 'Address': '',
'ServiceName': '',
'ServicePort': 12708, 'CreateIndex': 2825, 'ServiceAddress': '',
'ServiceTags': [], 'ServiceEnableTagOverride': False,
'ServiceID': ''}
expected = ["{0}:{1}".format(fixture["ServiceAddress"],
assert dis._resolve_name(partial(fake_lookup, fixture), fixture["ServiceName"]) == expected
# Fail case. When Registrator is misconfigured and ServiceAddress is not set
fixture = { 'Node': 'agent-one', 'ModifyIndex': 2892, 'Address': '',
'ServiceName': '',
'ServicePort': 12708, 'CreateIndex': 2825, 'ServiceAddress': '',
'ServiceTags': [], 'ServiceEnableTagOverride': False,
'ServiceID': ''}
with pytest.raises(dis.DiscoveryResolvingNameError):
dis._resolve_name(partial(fake_lookup, fixture), fixture["ServiceName"])
# Fail case. When lookup just blows up for some reason
def fake_lookup_blows(service_name):
raise RuntimeError("Thar she blows")
with pytest.raises(dis.DiscoveryResolvingNameError):
dis._resolve_name(fake_lookup_blows, fixture["ServiceName"])
def test_resolve_name_for_cdap(monkeypatch):
def fake_lookup(fixture, service_name):
if service_name == fixture["ServiceName"]:
return [fixture]
# Good case. Handle CDAP apps
fixture = {
"Node":"agent-one", "Address":"",
"ServiceID": "00b6210b71e445cdaadf76e620ebffcfhelloworldcdapappfoobardcaereworkdcaeecompcom",
"ServiceName": "00b6210b71e445cdaadf76e620ebffcfhelloworldcdapappfoobardcaereworkdcaeecompcom",
"ServiceAddress": "",
"ServicePort": 7777, "ServiceEnableTagOverride": False, "CreateIndex": 144733, "ModifyIndex":145169 }
class FakeRequestsResponse(object):
def __init__(self, url, broker_json):
self.url = url
self.broker_json = broker_json
def raise_for_status(self):
expected_broker_url = "http://{0}:{1}/application/{2}".format(
fixture["ServiceAddress"], fixture["ServicePort"],
if self.url == expected_broker_url:
return True
raise RuntimeError("Mismatching address")
def json(self):
return self.broker_json
# Simulate the call to the CDAP broker
broker_json = {
"serviceendpoints": "something" }
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "get", lambda url: FakeRequestsResponse(url, broker_json))
expected = [{ key: broker_json[key]
for key in ["connectionurl", "serviceendpoints"] }]
assert dis._resolve_name(partial(fake_lookup, fixture), fixture["ServiceName"]) == expected
def test_resolve_configuration_dict(monkeypatch):
service_name = ""
target_service_name = ""
# Fake the Consul calls
def fake_get_relationship(ch, service_name):
return [ target_service_name ]
monkeypatch.setattr(dis, "_get_relationships_from_consul",
fixture = [{ 'Node': 'agent-one', 'ModifyIndex': 2892, 'Address': '',
'ServiceName': target_service_name,
'ServicePort': 12708, 'CreateIndex': 2825, 'ServiceAddress': '',
'ServiceTags': [], 'ServiceEnableTagOverride': False,
'ServiceID': target_service_name }]
def fake_lookup(ch, service_name):
return fixture
monkeypatch.setattr(dis, "_lookup_with_consul", fake_lookup)
# Simple config case
test_config = { "target-node": "{{ target-node-type }}", "other-param": 123 }
expected = dict(test_config)
expected["target-node"] = [""]
actual = dis._resolve_configuration_dict(None, service_name, test_config)
assert Counter(actual) == Counter(expected)
# Nested config case
test_config = { "output_formats": { "target-node": "{{ target-node-type }}" },
"other-param": 123 }
expected = dict(test_config)
expected["output_formats"]["target-node"] = ""
actual = dis._resolve_configuration_dict(None, service_name, test_config)
assert Counter(actual) == Counter(expected)
def test_get_consul_host(monkeypatch):
with pytest.raises(dis.DiscoveryInitError):
monkeypatch.setenv("CONSUL_HOST", "i-am-consul-host")
assert "i-am-consul-host" == dis.get_consul_hostname()
assert "no-i-am" == dis.get_consul_hostname("no-i-am")