blob: 83190e00328508b2a9275a982482ab8a469c5b5c [file] [log] [blame]
################################### Set concurrentHashMap and timer info #######################
#Timer initial delay and the delay between in milliseconds before task is to be execute.
#Timer scheduleAtFixedRate period - time in milliseconds between successive task executions.
check.interval= 30000
#Longest time an event info can be stored in the concurrentHashMap for logging - in seconds.
#Size of the concurrentHashMap which stores the event starting time, etc - when its size reaches this limit, the Timer gets executed
#to remove all expired records from this concurrentHashMap.
#Size of the concurrentHashMap - when its size drops to this point, stop the Timer
################################### Set logging format #############################################
# set EELF for EELF logging format, set LOG4J for using log4j, set SYSTEMOUT for using system.out.println
#################################### Set level for EELF or SYSTEMOUT logging ##################################
# Set level for debug file. Set DEBUG to enable .info, .warn and .debug; set INFO for enable .info and .warn; set OFF to disable all
# Set level for metrics file. Set OFF to disable; set ON to enable
# Set level for error file. Set OFF to disable; set ON to enable
# Set level for audit file. Set OFF to disable; set ON to enable