blob: 6ac7a0a396d48a8da8675ded83f79134125ea136 [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Where to Access Information
Data Router uses logback framework to generate logs.
Error / Warning Messages
Currently Data Router does not have any unique error codes. However the following are the common HTTP error codes that
could possibly occur in Data Router:
OK = 200 : The normal response from a successful update or get of a feed or subscription
CREATED = 201 : the normal response from successfully creating or subscribing to a feed.
NO_CONTENT = 204 : the normal response from a successful publish attempt and on successfully deleting a feed or subscription
MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301 :the normal redirect response from prov to a publisher
BAD_REQUEST = 400: Usually indicates that either Json object in request body is incorrect in some way, or an Invalid parameter value was included in query string.
UNAUTHORIZED = 401 : Usually indicated either request was missing Authorization header, or indicates incorrect Username/password credentials
FORBIDDEN = 403 : Usually indicates the request originated from an unauthorized IP address, or that a client certificate was not a part of authorized list.
NOT_FOUND = 404 : Usually indicates an incorrect URI
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405 : Indicates an HTTP method is not accepted for given URI