| The bundleconfig-local directory contains the necessary configuration files to be used for running locally. When running |
| locally, the "mvn -P runLocal" or the "mvn -P runAjsc" profiles will be using this bundleconfig-local directory as the AJSC_CONF |
| directory. When deploying to a CSI env, the bundleconfig-csi directory will be copied to the ultimate installation/bundleconfig |
| directory and will be used for your AJSC service once installed. If you are not deploying to a CSI env, please look at the |
| antBuild/build.xml file for help in some simple copying of the appropriate folders/files for a NON-CSI env. |
| |
| For more information on these files, please goto wiki link: http://wiki.web.att.com/display/ajsc/Configuration+Opportunities+within+the+AJSC |
| |
| The ajsc-shared-config directory houses the shared configurations that will be used in CSI envs. This includes the logging |
| functionality of the logback.xml and some csm related artifacts that may be necessary to use while running locally. |
| When running locally, the system property, "AJSC_SHARED_CONFIG", will point to this location to utilize the logback.xml. |