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# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
# org.onap.dmaap
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# Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property.
#Possible working server for troubleshooting csm related items (used when testing/using invokeService or invokeAdapter components)
# The settings in this file control the behavior of the CSM Framework.
# The majority of the settings in this file adhere to the following
# pattern:
# [EntityType].[EntityId].[PropertyName]=[PropertyValue]
# Where:
# [EntityType] Identifies the type of entity (service or
# service group) that's being configured.
# [EntityId] Identifies the individual entity.
# [PropertyName] Identifies the property that is being set.
# [PropertyValue] Is the actual property value.
# In the formatting sample above, the EntityType can be setto one of the
# following values:
# * 'Service' if an individual service is being configured.
# * 'Group 'if a service group is being configured.
# The reference to 'entity' in the above description is intentionally
# generic. The CSM Framework supports the configuration of individual
# services as well as groups of services. The type of entity that is
# actually being configured is determined by the value of the
# [EntityType] portion of the property.
# There are two values for [EntityId] that have a special meaning within
# the CSM Framework:
# DefaultService - Identifies the default configuration for any service
# that is not explicitly configured elsewhere in this file.
# DefaultServiceGroup - This identifies the entity that provides the
# default configuration for any service group that is not explicitly
# configured elsewhere in this file.
# DO NOT use either of these as the identifier for any of your
# application-specific services or service groups.
# The CSM Framework treats all entity identifiers in a case-insensitive
# manner. The entity ids 'Service1' and 'SERVICE1' are equivalant. All
# properties with the same [EntityId] will be applied to the same
# configuration. The CSM Framework framework also treats property names
# in a case-insensitive manner. 'MaxRequestCount' and 'MAXREQUESTCOUNT'
# are considered equivalent within the CSM framework.
# The following properties are supported by the CSM Framework. Any
# properties that are entity-specific will include the '[EntityId].'
# prefix.
# [EntityType].[EntityId].Enabled - Indicates if the entity is enabled
# or disabled by default. The value of this property must be either
# 'true' or 'false'.
# [EntityType].[EntityId].MaxRequestCount - The maximum number of
# requests that can be running at any point in time. Once this limit is
# reached, the service is considered to be 'flooded', and subsequent
# requests are refused until the request count drops to the level
# specified by the RestartThreshold property. Once the restart
# threshold is reached, the service will be 'restarted' based on the
# values of the 'RestartFrequency' and 'RestartIncrement' properties.
# The value of this property must be a numeric value.
# The default value for this property is 20.
# [EntityType].[EntityId].MaxStalledRequestCount - the maximum number of
# 'stalled' requests that are allowed before subsequent requests are
# refused
# The value of this property must be a numeric value.
# The default value for this property is 10.
# [EntityType].[EntityId].RestartThreshold - the process count level at
# which requests will be allowed to proceed whenever a service becomes
# 'flooded'. This property is only used if the total process count
# reaches the level set by the 'MaxRequestCount' property. Once that
# occurs, subsequent requests will be refused until the active request
# count drops to the level specified by this property. Once the active
# request count drops to the level specified by this property, the
# service will be 'restarted' based on the values of the
# 'RestartFrequency' and 'RestartIncrement' properties. To cause the
# CSM framework to allow subsequent requests to proceed as soon as the
# active request count drops below level level set by the
# 'MaxRequestCount' property, just set this property to either -1 or 1
# less than the value of the 'MaxRequestCount' property.
# The value of this property must be a numeric value.
# The default value for this property is -1.
# [EntityType].[EntityId].RestartIncrement - This property, along with
# the 'RestartFrequency' property helps determine how quickly the active
# request count will rise to the 'maximum request count' whenever a
# service is 'restarted' after becoming 'flooded'. The
# 'RestartFrequency' property determines how frequenty the permissable
# number of active requests will be increased. This property determines
# how much the permissible number of active requests will increase by
# whenever it is raised. If this property is set to a positive value,
# then the 'RestartFrequency' property must also be set to a positive
# value. If this property is set to 0, then the 'RestartFrequency'
# property must also be set to 0. In other words, either both
# properties are 0 or both properties are greater than 0. When both
# properties are set to 0, then the permissable number of active
# requests immediately rises back up to the maximum request count once
# it has droppedback down to the 'restart threshold'. When both
# properties are greater than 0, then the permissable number of active
# requests gradually rises to the maximum request count.
# The value of this property must be a numeric value greater than or equal to 0.
# The default value for this property is 0.
# [EntityType].[EntityId].RestartFrequency - This property, along with
# the 'RestartIncrement' property helps determine how quickly the active
# request count will rise to the 'maximum request count' whenever a
# service is 'restarted' after becoming 'flooded'. The
# 'RestartIncrement' property determines how quickly the permissable
# number of active requests will be increased. This property determines
# how frequently that increase will occur. If this property is set to
# a positive value, then the 'RestartIncrement' property must also be
# set to a positive value. If this property is set to 0, then the
# 'RestartIncrement' property must also be set to 0. In other words,
# either both properties are 0 or both properties are greater than 0.
# When both properties are set to 0, then the permissable number of
# active requests immediately rises back up to the maximum request count
# once it has droppedback down to the 'restart threshold'. When both
# properties are greater than 0, then the permissable number of active
# requests gradually rises to the maximum request count.
# The value of this property must be a numeric value greater than or equal to 0.
# The default value for this property is 0.
# [EntityType].[EntityId].ServiceGroupId - This property is only
# relevant for entities that are configured as services (i.e. the
# [EntityType] portion of the property is set to 'Service'). When the
# 'ServiceGroupId' property is set to a non-blank value, the behavior of
# the service is controled by the configuration of the corresponding
# service group. There is no default value for this property.
# [EntityType].[EntityId].Timeout - the timeout, in milliseconds, for
# each process that is controlled by this configuration. Once the
# duration of a process exceeds this value, the process will be
# considered to have entered a 'stalled' state. The default value for
# this property is 10000.
# FrameworkEnabled: - This is the one property that is not specific to a
# single entity. This property determines whether the entire CSM
# Framework is enabled or disabled. When disabled, the CSM Framework
# does not track any process counts. All requests to access a service
# are allowed, regardless of the current level of activity. The value
# of this property must be either 'true' or 'false'.
# Enables the CSM Framework so that it can manage interactions with external
# services and/or resources. To disable the CSM Framework, simply set
# this property to false.
# These are the default settings for any service that is no explicitly configured
# below. A few things to note about this configuration:
# 1) The "Enabled" property is not explicitly set. Instead, we are relying
# on the default value of 'true'.
# 2) The Timeout and Type properties are also not explicitly set. Again, we
# are relying on the default values for these properties.
# These are the default settings for any service group that is referenced in
# a service configuration but not configured below.
# Currently CSI does not use any service group configurations!