| .. _release_notes: |
| |
| .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
| International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 |
| |
| Integration Kohn Release Notes |
| ============================== |
| |
| .. csv-table:: Integration Releases |
| :file: ./files/csv/release-integration-ref.csv |
| :widths: 50,50 |
| :delim: ; |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| .. important:: |
| |
| - New repositories (see dedicated section) |
| - Bug fixes |
| |
| Quick Links: |
| |
| - `Kohn Integration page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Integration+Kohn>`_ |
| - `Kohn Integration JIRA follow-up <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Kohn+Integration+Blocking+points>`_ |
| - `Kohn Integration weather Board <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/0%3A+Integration+Weather+Board+for+Kohn+Release>`_ |
| |
| Code changes |
| ------------ |
| |
| Integration Repo |
| ................. |
| |
| :Release Date: 2022-10-27 |
| |
| |
| Version: 11.0.0 (aka Kohn) |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| .. csv-table:: Integration Changes |
| :file: ./files/csv/release-integration-features.csv |
| :widths: 30,70 |
| :delim: ; |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| |
| Onaptests (pythonsdk_tests) |
| ........................... |
| |
| Main changes: |
| |
| .. csv-table:: pythonsdk_tests Changes |
| :file: ./files/csv/release-pythonsdk-features.csv |
| :widths: 30,70 |
| :delim: ; |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| Robot (Testsuite) |
| ................. |
| |
| Version: 1.11.0 |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Main changes: |
| |
| .. csv-table:: Testsuite Changes |
| :file: ./files/csv/release-testsuite-features.csv |
| :widths: 30,70 |
| :delim: ; |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| |
| O-Parent |
| ........ |
| |
| Version: 3.3.2 |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| .. csv-table:: Oparent Changes |
| :file: ./files/csv/release-oparent-features.csv |
| :widths: 30,70 |
| :delim: ; |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| Demo Artifacts (Heat Templates) |
| ............................... |
| |
| Version: 1.11.0 |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| .. csv-table:: Demo Changes |
| :file: ./files/csv/release-demo-features.csv |
| :widths: 30,70 |
| :delim: ; |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| The demo artifacts are pushed to https://nexus.onap.org/content/repositories/releases/org/onap/demo/vnf |
| |
| |
| Use Cases and Requirements |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| See dedicated :ref:`Kohn Use Cases and requirements page <docs_usecases_release>` |
| |
| Maturity Testing Notes |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| :ref:`Maturity testing page <integration-s3p>` |
| |
| Open JIRAs/Known issues |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| Integration |
| ........... |
| |
| `Integration JIRA page <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20Integration%20>`_ |
| |
| Testsuite |
| ......... |
| |
| `Testsuite JIRA page <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20Test>`_ |