blob: bff73f2b3c7c0ff53b658e8f85814d1eba868e23 [file] [log] [blame]
basic_vm;Onboard, distribute and instantiate an Openstack VM using à la carte BPMN, replaced the former basic_vm test;`code <>`__;`onap_pythonsdk <>`__, `pythonsdk-tests <>`__
basic_network (new);Onboard, distribute and instantiate a Neutron network;`code <>`__;`onap_pythonsdk <>`__, `pythonsdk-tests <>`__
basic_cnf;Onboard (new), distribute and instantiate a Kubernetes pods;`code <>`__;`onap_pythonsdk <>`__, `pythonsdk-tests <>`__
cmpv2 (new);CMPv2 Usecase functionality;`code <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
ves-collector (new);Suite for checking handling events by VES Collector;`code <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
hv-ves;HV-VES 'Sunny Scenario' Robot Framework test - message is sent to the collector and Kafka topic is checked if the message has been published. Content is decoded and checked.;`code <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
5gbulkpm;5G Bulk PM Usecase functionality;`code <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
pnf-registrate;Executes the PNF registration test cases including setup and teardown;`code <>`__;`robotframework <>`__