blob: 5150a4b355a8940748b789c279c9fb0b563110dc [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Integration tests for PRH.
... PRH receive events from DMaaP and produce or not PNF_READY notification depends on required fields in received event.
Suite Setup Run keywords Create header
... Create sessions
Library resources/
Resource resources/prh_library.robot
*** Variables ***
${PRH_URL} http://${PRH}
${EVENT_WITH_ALL_VALID_REQUIRED_FIELDS} {"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":"NOK6061ZW1"}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"}}}
${Not_json_format} ""
*** Test Cases ***
Valid DMaaP event can be converted to PNF_READY notification
[Documentation] PRH get valid event from DMaaP with required fields - PRH produce PNF_READY notification
[Tags] PRH Valid event
[Template] Valid event processing
{"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":"NOK6061ZW2"}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":""}}}
{"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":"ERI6061ZW3"}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8b2e:0370:7334"}}}
Invalid DMaaP event cannot be converted to PNF_READY notification
[Documentation] PRH get invalid event from DMaaP with missing required fields - PRH does not produce PNF_READY notification
[Tags] PRH Invalid event
[Template] Invalid event processing
{"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":"NOK6061ZW4"}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":""}}}
{"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":""}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2a:0370:7334"}}}
{"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":""}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":""}}}
{"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":""}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8b2f:0370:7334"}}}
{"event": {"commonEventHeader": {"sourceName":""}, "pnfRegistrationFields": {"oamV4IpAddress":"", "oamV6IpAddress":""}}}
Get valid event from DMaaP and record in AAI does not exist
[Documentation] PRH get valid event from DMaaP with all required fields and in AAI record doesn't exist - PRH does not produce PNF_READY notification
[Tags] PRH Missing AAI record
[Timeout] 30s
Set PNF name in AAI wrong_aai_record
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 300ms Check PRH log Connection closed prematurely
Event in DMaaP is not JSON format
[Documentation] PRH get not JSON format event from DMaaP - PRH does not produce PNF_READY notification
[Tags] PRH
Set event in DMaaP ${Not_json_format}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 300ms Check PRH log |java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not a JSON Array:
Get valid event from DMaaP and AAI is not responding
[Documentation] PRH get valid event from DMaaP with all required fields and AAI is not responding - PRH does not produce PNF_READY notification
[Tags] PRH AAI
[Timeout] 180s
Stop AAI
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 100x 300ms Check PRH log aai