| ================== |
| Installation Guide |
| ================== |
| |
| This project collects instructions related to the automatic creation |
| of a development environment. However, this requires only two |
| components previous to its execution. These are an automation |
| building tool (Vagrant) and a provider platform (VirtualBox, Libvirt |
| and OpenStack). This section explains how to install the most common |
| set of configuration(Vagrant/VirtualBox) in different Operating |
| Systems. |
| |
| Ubuntu 14.04 ("Trusty") |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ wget -q https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/1.9.7/vagrant_1.9.7_x86_64.deb |
| $ sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.9.7_x86_64.deb |
| $ echo "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian trusty contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list |
| $ wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox_2016.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add - |
| $ wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add - |
| $ sudo apt-get update -y |
| $ sudo apt-get install -y virtualbox-5.1 dkms |
| |
| .. end |
| |
| CentOS |
| ------ |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ wget -q https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/1.9.7/vagrant_1.9.7_x86_64.rpm |
| $ sudo yum install vagrant_1.9.7_x86_64.rpm |
| $ wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/rhel/virtualbox.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d |
| $ sudo yum --enablerepo=epel install dkms |
| $ wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | rpm --import - |
| $ sudo yum install VirtualBox-5.1 |
| |
| .. end |
| |
| Mac OS |
| ------ |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" |
| $ brew cask install vagrant |
| $ brew cask install virtualbox |
| |
| .. end |
| |
| Windows 7+ (PowerShell v2+) |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned |
| PS C:\> iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) |
| PS C:\> choco install vagrant |
| PS C:\> choco install virtualbox |
| |
| .. end |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| Some corporations use Proxy Servers to protect their assets |
| from security threats. This project uses the Proxy Environment |
| variables to connect to those servers in order to download the |
| content required during the setup. The methods to setup these |
| variables depends on the Operating system that is used. |
| |
| * Linux or Mac OS |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ export http_proxy=<proxy> |
| $ export https_proxy=<proxy> |
| $ export no_proxy=<no_proxy_urls> |
| |
| .. end |
| |
| * Windows |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| C:\> setx http_proxy <proxy> |
| C:\> setx https_proxy <proxy> |
| C:\> setx no_proxy <no_proxy_urls> |
| |
| .. end |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| Vagrant can be configured to use a different default provider |
| through the environment variable **VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER**. |