| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| set -o xtrace |
| |
| source /var/onap/functions |
| |
| hbase_version=1.2.3 |
| aai_src_folder=$git_src_folder/aai |
| aai_repos=("aai-common" "aai-config" "aai-data" "aai-service" "data-router" "logging-service" "model-loader" "resources" "rest-client" "router-core" "search-data-service" "test-config" "traversal" "sparky-fe" "sparky-be") |
| |
| # install_hadoop() - Function that installs Hadoop |
| function install_hadoop { |
| local release=titan |
| local version=1.0.0 |
| local filename=$release-$version-hadoop1 |
| local dest_folder=/opt/hadoop/current |
| |
| if [ ! -d $dest_folder ]; then |
| curl http://s3.thinkaurelius.com/downloads/$release/$filename.zip -o /tmp/${filename}.zip |
| install_package unzip |
| mkdir -p $dest_folder |
| unzip /tmp/${filename}.zip -d $dest_folder |
| pushd $dest_folder/${filename} |
| # Change commitlog_directory and data_file_directories values (https://stackoverflow.com/a/26856246/1707651) |
| sed -i "s|db/cassandra/data|/tmp/data|g" conf/cassandra/cassandra.yaml |
| sed -i "s|db/cassandra/commitlog|/tmp/commitlog|g" conf/cassandra/cassandra.yaml |
| |
| install_java |
| ./bin/titan.sh start |
| popd |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # install_haproxy() - Function that install HAProxy |
| function install_haproxy { |
| if is_package_installed haproxy; then |
| return |
| fi |
| install_package software-properties-common |
| add-apt-repository -y ppa:vbernat/haproxy-1.7 |
| install_package haproxy |
| cp /var/onap/files/haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/ |
| cp /var/onap/files/aai.pem /etc/ssl/private/ |
| chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/aai.pem |
| chown root:ssl-cert /etc/ssl/private/aai.pem |
| mkdir /usr/local/etc/haproxy |
| #echo " localhost aai-traversal.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org aai-resources.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org" >> /etc/hosts |
| |
| service haproxy restart |
| } |
| |
| # clone_all_aai_repos() - Function that clones AAI source repo. |
| function clone_all_aai_repos { |
| for dirc in ${aai_repos[@]}; do |
| clone_repo aai/$dirc $aai_src_folder/$dirc |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # compile_aai_repos() - Function that compiles AAI source repo. |
| function compile_aai_repos { |
| local repos=("aai-common" "resources" "logging-service" "traversal") |
| if [[ "$compile_repo" == "True" ]]; then |
| repos=("${aai_repos[@]}") |
| fi |
| |
| for dirc in ${repos[@]}; do |
| compile_src $aai_src_folder/$dirc |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # setup_titan() - Function that configures AAI services to connect to Hadoop Titan |
| function setup_titan { |
| local subdirectory="bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops" |
| install_python_package crudini |
| |
| for dirc in resources/aai-resources traversal/aai-traversal; do |
| for file in titan-cached.properties titan-realtime.properties; do |
| crudini --set "$aai_src_folder/$dirc/$subdirectory/$file" "" "storage.backend" "cassandra" |
| crudini --set "$aai_src_folder/$dirc/$subdirectory/$file" "" "storage.hostname" "localhost" |
| done |
| done |
| |
| # Add the schema to the local isntance |
| compile_src $aai_src_folder/resources/aai-resources/ |
| uninstall_packages default-jre openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre openjdk-7-jre-headless |
| pushd $aai_src_folder |
| java -DAJSC_HOME=$aai_src_folder/resources/aai-resources -DBUNDLECONFIG_DIR="bundleconfig-local" -cp aai-common/aai-core/target/aai-core-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:resources/aai-resources/target/aai-resources.jar:resources/aai-resources/target/userjars/* org.openecomp.aai.dbgen.GenTester |
| popd |
| } |
| |
| # start_aai_microservices() - Function that starts AAI microservices |
| function start_aai_microservices { |
| install_maven |
| export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx5120m -XX:PermSize=2024m -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=9446,server=y,suspend=n" |
| for svc in resources traversal; do |
| pushd $aai_src_folder/resources |
| mvn -P runAjsc |
| popd |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # _pull_hbase_image() - Pull HBase container image from a Docker Registry Hub |
| function _pull_hbase_image { |
| docker_openecomp_login |
| docker pull $nexus_docker_repo/aaidocker/aai-hbase-${hbase_version} |
| } |
| |
| # install_hbase() - Install HBase Service |
| function install_hbase { |
| docker rm -f hbase |
| _pull_hbase_image |
| docker run -d --net=host --name="hbase" $nexus_docker_repo/aaidocker/aai-hbase-${hbase_version} |
| } |
| |
| # install_ajsc() - Install ASJC Java service container |
| function install_ajsc_aai { |
| cat <<EOL > /etc/ajsc-aai.conf |
| AAI_REPO_PATH=r/aai |
| AAI_CHEF_ENV=simpledemo |
| AAI_CHEF_LOC=/var/chef/aai-data/environments |
| docker_gitbranch=master |
| EOL |
| docker rm -f aai-service |
| if [[ "$build_image" == "True" ]]; then |
| build_docker_image $aai_src_folder/aai-service/ajsc-aai |
| else |
| pull_openecomp_image ajsc-aai |
| fi |
| |
| docker run --env-file /etc/ajsc-aai.conf --name=aai-service --net=host -v /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -it -d $nexus_docker_repo/openecomp/ajsc-aai:$docker_version |
| } |
| |
| # install_model_loader() Install Model Loader |
| function install_model_loader { |
| cat <<EOL > /etc/model-loader.conf |
| DISTR_CLIENT_ASDC_ADDRESS=${SDC_ADDRESS:-c2.vm1.sdc.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8443} |
| DISTR_CLIENT_PASSWORD=${SDC_PASSWORD:-OBF:1ks51l8d1o3i1pcc1r2r1e211r391kls1pyj1z7u1njf1lx51go21hnj1y0k1mli1sop1k8o1j651vu91mxw1vun1mze1vv11j8x1k5i1sp11mjc1y161hlr1gm41m111nkj1z781pw31kku1r4p1e391r571pbm1o741l4x1ksp} |
| |
| APP_SERVER_BASE_URL=${APP_SERVER_URL:-https://c1.vm1.aai.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8443} |
| APP_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=OBF:1i9a1u2a1unz1lr61wn51wn11lss1unz1u301i6o |
| APP_SERVER_AUTH_PASSWORD=${APP_PASSWORD:-OBF:1qvu1v2h1sov1sar1wfw1j7j1wg21saj1sov1v1x1qxw} |
| EOL |
| |
| ARGS="" |
| |
| docker rm -f model-loader-service |
| if [[ "$build_image" == "True" ]]; then |
| build_docker_image $aai_src_folder/model-loader/ |
| ARGS+="--env-file /etc/model-loader.conf model-loader" |
| else |
| pull_openecomp_image model-loader |
| ARGS+="--name=model-loader-service -it -d --env-file /etc/model-loader.conf $nexus_docker_repo/openecomp/model-loader:$docker_version" |
| fi |
| docker run ${ARGS} |
| } |
| |
| # _wait_for_sdc() - Function that determines if SDC is up and running |
| function _wait_for_sdc { |
| if [[ -s "/opt/config/sdc_ip_addr.txt" ]]; then |
| SDC_IP_ADDR=$(cat /opt/config/sdc_ip_addr.txt) |
| else |
| SDC_IP_ADDR="" |
| fi |
| |
| # Run Health Check against SDC and verify that all five components are up |
| RES=$(curl http://$SDC_IP_ADDR:8181/sdc1/rest/healthCheck | grep -c "OK") |
| while [[ $RES -lt 5 ]]; do |
| RES=$(curl http://$SDC_IP_ADDR:8181/sdc1/rest/healthCheck | grep -c "OK") |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # init_aai() - Function that initialize AAI services |
| function init_aai { |
| install_hadoop |
| install_haproxy |
| |
| if [[ "$clone_repo" == "True" ]]; then |
| clone_all_aai_repos |
| if [[ "$compile_repo" == "True" ]]; then |
| compile_aai_repos |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| setup_titan |
| #start_aai_microservices |
| |
| mkdir -p /opt/openecomp/aai/logs |
| mkdir -p /opt/openecomp/aai/data |
| |
| install_hbase |
| |
| # Wait 3 minutes before instantiating the A&AI container |
| sleep 180 |
| |
| install_ajsc_aai |
| _wait_for_sdc |
| if [[ "$skip_install" == "False" ]]; then |
| install_model_loader |
| fi |
| } |