blob: 8071c434588249e0e317bf0403c1934b2beeb715 [file] [log] [blame]
core;Robot healthcheck tests of the core components (AA&I, DMAAP, Portal, SDC, SDNC, SO);`robot tests <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
full;Robot healthcheck tests for all the components, **holmes healthcheck** have been reintroduced;`robot tests <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
healthdist;Check the onboarding and distribution of the vFW;`robot tests <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
postinstall;Check dmaap and AA&I Design model DB tests;`robot tests <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
ves-collector (new);Suite for checking handling events by VES Collector;`code <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
hv-ves;HV-VES 'Sunny Scenario' Robot Framework test - message is sent to the collector and Kafka topic is checked if the message has been published. Content is decoded and checked.;`code <>`__;`robotframework <>`__
**basic_cds**;CDS blueprint enrichment, open a nodeport on CDS then enrich CDS CBA;`code <>`__;`onap_pythonsdk <>`__, `pythonsdk-tests <>`__
**basic_onboard**;onboard a model, subset of most of the other basic_* tests, created to perform stability testing;`code <>`__;`onap_pythonsdk <>`__, `pythonsdk-tests <>`__
**dcaemod**;Check new DCAEmod;`robot tests <>`__;`robotframework <>`__