parameters: | |
ubuntu_1604_image: "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Generic" | |
apt_proxy: | |
docker_proxy: | |
rancher_vm_flavor: m1.large | |
k8s_vm_flavor: m4.xlarge | |
etcd_vm_flavor: m1.medium | |
orch_vm_flavor: m1.medium | |
public_net_id: fbe8fd92-6636-4e63-ab28-bb6a5b0888a9 | |
oam_network_cidr: | |
integration_gerrit_branch: master | |
helm_deploy_delay: 4m | |
integration_override_yaml: > | |
global: | |
repository: __docker_proxy__ | |
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent | |
robot: | |
enabled: true | |
flavor: large | |
appcUsername: "" | |
appcPassword: "demo123456!" | |
openStackKeyStoneUrl: "" | |
openStackPublicNetId: "__oam_network_id__" # NOTE: for TLAB, openStackPublicNetId needs to be oam_network_id instead of public_net_id | |
openStackTenantId: "${OS_PROJECT_ID}" | |
openStackUserName: "${OS_USERNAME}" | |
ubuntu14Image: "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Generic" | |
ubuntu16Image: "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Generic" | |
openStackPrivateNetId: "__oam_network_id__" | |
openStackPrivateSubnetId: "__oam_subnet_id__" | |
openStackPrivateNetCidr: "__oam_network_cidr__" | |
openStackOamNetworkCidrPrefix: "10.0" | |
dcaeCollectorIp: "__k8s_01_vm_ip__" | |
vnfPubKey: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDKXDgoo3+WOqcUG8/5uUbk81+yczgwC4Y8ywTmuQqbNxlY1oQ0YxdMUqUnhitSXs5S/yRuAVOYHwGg2mCs20oAINrP+mxBI544AMIb9itPjCtgqtE2EWo6MmnFGbHB4Sx3XioE7F4VPsh7japsIwzOjbrQe+Mua1TGQ5d4nfEOQaaglXLLPFfuc7WbhbJbK6Q7rHqZfRcOwAMXgDoBqlyqKeiKwnumddo2RyNT8ljYmvB6buz7KnMinzo7qB0uktVT05FH9Rg0CTWH5norlG5qXgP2aukL0gk1ph8iAt7uYLf1ktp+LJI2gaF6L0/qli9EmVCSLr1uJ38Q8CBflhkh" | |
demoArtifactsVersion: "1.3.0" | |
demoArtifactsRepoUrl: "" | |
scriptVersion: "1.3.0" | |
rancherIpAddress: "__rancher_ip_addr__" | |
config: | |
openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "${OS_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED}" | |
so: | |
enabled: true | |
so-openstack-adapter: | |
config: | |
openStackUserName: "${OS_USERNAME}" | |
openStackKeyStoneUrl: "" | |
openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "${OS_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED}" | |
appc: | |
enabled: true | |
replicaCount: 3 | |
config: | |
enableClustering: true | |
openStackType: "OpenStackProvider" | |
openStackName: "OpenStack" | |
openStackKeyStoneUrl: "" | |
openStackServiceTenantName: "${OS_PROJECT_NAME}" | |
openStackDomain: "${OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME}" | |
openStackUserName: "${OS_USERNAME}" | |
openStackEncryptedPassword: "${OS_PASSWORD}" | |
sdnc: | |
enabled: true | |
replicaCount: 3 | |
config: | |
enableClustering: true | |
aai: | |
enabled: true | |
liveness: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 120 | |
aai-data-router: | |
liveness: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 120 | |
aai-sparky-be: | |
liveness: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 120 | |
aai-spike: | |
liveness: | |
initialDelaySeconds: 120 | |
portal: | |
enabled: true | |
global: | |
portalHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
portal-mariadb: | |
config: | |
sdcFeHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
papHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
vidHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
aaiSparkyHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
cliHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
portalSdkHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
dmaapBcHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
msbHostName: "__portal_hostname__" | |
vid: | |
enabled: true | |
config: | |
portalhost: "__portal_hostname__" | |
aaf: | |
enabled: true | |
cassandra: | |
enabled: true | |
clamp: | |
enabled: true | |
cli: | |
enabled: true | |
consul: | |
enabled: true | |
contrib: | |
enabled: true | |
dcaegen2: | |
enabled: true | |
dmaap: | |
enabled: true | |
esr: | |
enabled: true | |
log: | |
enabled: true | |
sniro-emulator: | |
enabled: true | |
oof: | |
enabled: true | |
msb: | |
enabled: true | |
multicloud: | |
enabled: true | |
nbi: | |
enabled: true | |
policy: | |
enabled: true | |
pomba: | |
enabled: true | |
sdc: | |
enabled: true | |
uui: | |
enabled: true | |
vfc: | |
enabled: true | |
vnfsdk: | |
enabled: true |