blob: 8648f69abdca21e13824638fa813eacdba7b9abf [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
.. _docs_usecases:
Deprecated Use Cases and Functional Requirements
Each ONAP release deals with lots of use cases and functional requirements.
When possible, it is strongly recommended to automate the use cases.
In this case Integration team can take over the maintenance part of the use case.
If not automated, the use cases are fully under the responsibility of the use
case team and usually valid for the release the team was involved in.
However, these use cases, their artifacts remain in the repository.
Anyone can give a try even if the use cases are no more supported.
This section deals with such use cases.
These use cases have been part of one release but have not been tested on the
last releases. They might fully deprecated or usable through minor adaptations.
The entry points are the use case owners.
.. csv-table:: deprecated use case table
:file: ./files/csv/usecases-deprecated.csv
:widths: 50,20,10,20
:header-rows: 1
:delim: ;