blob: 02ae1b95ab732350bd2915bf59f7520a972d50f7 [file] [log] [blame]
5G functional requirement,Link,Contacts
5G Realtime PM and High Volume Stream Data Collection, :ref:`official doc <docs_realtime_pm>`,M.Przybysz
5G PNF Plug and Play, :ref:`official doc <docs_5g_pnf_pnp>`, M.Przybysz K.Kuzmicki
5G Bulk PM, :ref:`official doc <docs_5g_bulk_pm>`, J.Cuddy
5G OOF and PCI,:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_oof_pci>`, Reshmasree c
5G NRM Network Resource Model (Configuration management),:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_NRM_Configuration>`,Y.Wang C.Huang
5G NETCONF configuration,:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_Configuration_over_NETCONF>`, A.D.Singh
5G PNF Pre-Onboarding & Onboarding,,M.Przybysz K.Kuzmicki D.Melia A.Walshe
5G OOF SON,:ref:`official doc <docs_5G_oof_pci>`,Reshmasree c
5G E2E Network Slicing ,:ref:`official doc<docs_E2E_network_slicing>`,C.Chen Z.Min Swaminathan S
5G ORAN A1 Adapter (SDNR),:ref:`official doc <docs_5g_a1_adaptor>`,SandeepShah