| #!/bin/bash -x |
| |
| if [ -z "$WORKSPACE" ]; then |
| export WORKSPACE=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel` |
| fi |
| |
| source $WORKSPACE/test/ete/scripts/install_openstack_cli.sh |
| |
| $WORKSPACE/test/ete/scripts/teardown-onap.sh |
| |
| STACK="ete-$(uuidgen | cut -c-8)" |
| echo "New Stack Name: ${STACK}" |
| |
| |
| SENTINEL='Docker versions and branches' |
| YAML_FILE=${ONAP_WORKDIR}/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.yaml |
| ENV_FILE=${WORKSPACE}/test/ete/labs/windriver/onap-openstack.env |
| cp ${ONAP_WORKDIR}/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env ${WORKSPACE}/test/ete/labs/windriver/onap-openstack-demo.env |
| envsubst < ${WORKSPACE}/test/ete/labs/windriver/onap-openstack-template.env | sed -n "1,/${SENTINEL}/p" > ${ENV_FILE} |
| pushd ${ONAP_WORKDIR}/demo |
| echo " # Rest of the file was AUTO-GENERATED from" |
| echo " #" $(git config --get remote.origin.url) heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env $(git rev-parse HEAD) | tee -a ${ENV_FILE} |
| popd |
| sed "1,/${SENTINEL}/d" ${ONAP_WORKDIR}/demo/heat/ONAP/onap_openstack.env >> ${ENV_FILE} |
| cat ${ENV_FILE} |
| |
| #diff ${WORKSPACE}/test/ete/labs/windriver/onap-openstack-template.env ${WORKSPACE}/test/ete/labs/windriver/onap-openstack.env |
| |
| # reduce DCAE VM sizes |
| sed -i 's|__dcaeos_flavor_id__:.*|__dcaeos_flavor_id__: { get_param: flavor_medium }|' ${YAML_FILE} |
| sed -i 's|__dcaeos_flavor_id_cdap__:.*|__dcaeos_flavor_id_cdap__: { get_param: flavor_large }|' ${YAML_FILE} |
| |
| openstack stack create -t ${YAML_FILE} -e ${WORKSPACE}/test/ete/labs/windriver/onap-openstack.env $STACK |
| |
| while [ "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS" == "$(openstack stack show -c stack_status -f value $STACK)" ]; do |
| sleep 20 |
| done |
| |
| STATUS=$(openstack stack show -c stack_status -f value $STACK) |
| echo $STATUS |
| if [ "CREATE_COMPLETE" != "$STATUS" ]; then |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| |
| # wait until Robot VM initializes |
| ROBOT_IP=$($WORKSPACE/test/ete/scripts/get-floating-ip.sh onap-robot) |
| echo "ROBOT_IP=${ROBOT_IP}" |
| |
| if [ "" == "${ROBOT_IP}" ]; then |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| ssh-keygen -R ${ROBOT_IP} |
| |
| SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/onap_key |
| |
| until ssh -o StrictHostKeychecking=no -i ${SSH_KEY} root@${ROBOT_IP} "docker ps | grep -q openecompete_container" |
| do |
| sleep 2m |
| done |