| *** Settings *** |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library Process |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| |
| ${cli_exec} docker exec cli onap |
| ${cli_exec_cli_10_help} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=cli-1.0 && onap --help" |
| ${cli_exec_cli_10_version} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=cli-1.0 && onap --version" |
| ${cli_exec_cli_10_schema_refresh} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=cli-1.0 && onap schema-refresh" |
| ${cli_exec_cli_10_schema_validate} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=cli-1.0 && onap schema-validate -i -l schema-refresh.yaml" |
| ${cli_exec_cli_10_schema_validate_invalid} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=cli-1.0 && onap schema-validate -i -l invalid-yaml-path.yaml" |
| ${cli_exec_cli_10_schema_validate_empty} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=cli-1.0 && onap schema-validate" |
| |
| ${cli_exec_onap_11} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=onap-1.1 && onap" |
| ${cli_exec_onap_11_microservice_create} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=onap-1.1 && onap microservice-create --service-name test-service --service-version v1 --service-url /api/test/v1 --host-url http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 80" |
| ${cli_exec_onap_11_microservice_list} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=onap-1.1 && onap microservice-list --host-url http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 --long" |
| ${cli_exec_onap_11_microservice_show} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=onap-1.1 && onap microservice-show --service-name test-service --service-version v1 --host-url http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80" |
| ${cli_exec_onap_11_microservice_delete} docker exec cli bash -c "export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=onap-1.1 && onap microservice-delete --service-name test-service --service-version v1 --host-url http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 --node-ip --node-port 80" |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| Liveness Test |
| [Documentation] Check cli liveness check |
| Create Session cli http://${CLI_IP}:8080 |
| CheckUrl cli / |
| |
| Check Cli help |
| [Documentation] check cli help command |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_cli_10_help} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} CLI version |
| |
| Check Cli Version Default |
| [Documentation] check cli default version |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_cli_10_version} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} : cli-1.0 |
| |
| Check Cli Scheam Refresh |
| [Documentation] check cli schema-refresh command |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_cli_10_schema_refresh} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} sl-no |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} command |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} product-version |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} schema |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} version |
| |
| Check Cli Schema Validate With Valid Path |
| [Documentation] check cli schema-validate command with valid path |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_cli_10_schema_validate} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} sl-no |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} error |
| |
| Check Cli Scheam Validate With Invalid Path |
| [Documentation] check cli version |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_cli_10_schema_validate_invalid} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 1 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} 0x0007 |
| |
| Check Cli Scheam Validate Empty Argument |
| [Documentation] check cli schema validate with empty argument |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_cli_10_schema_validate_empty} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 1 |
| Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} 0x0015 |
| |
| Check Cli create microservice |
| [Documentation] check create microservice |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_onap_11_microservice_create} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| |
| Check Cli list microservice |
| [Documentation] check list microservice |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_onap_11_microservice_list} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| |
| Check Cli show microservice |
| [Documentation] check show microservice |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_onap_11_microservice_show} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| |
| Check Cli delete microservice |
| [Documentation] check delete microservice |
| ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_onap_11_microservice_delete} shell=yes |
| Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0 |
| |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| CheckUrl |
| [Arguments] ${session} ${path} |
| ${resp}= Get Request ${session} ${path} |
| Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200 |