| Issue key;Summary;Contact;Comment |
| REQ-381;Bulk PM / PM Data Control Extension;Mark Scott; |
| REQ-352;Extend ORAN A1 Adapter and add A1 Policy Management;John Keeney; |
| REQ-341;ONAP CNF orchestration - Enhancements;Lukasz Rajewski;Changes of this feature are described in :ref:`vFW CNF use case <docs_vFW_CNF_CDS>` |
| REQ-338;Support for Test Result Auto Analysis & Certification (NFV Testing Automatic Platform);Lei Huang; |
| REQ-337;Support for Test Task Auto Execution (NFV Testing Automatic Platform);Lei Huang; |
| REQ-336;Support for Test Environment Auto Deploy(NFV Testing Automatic Platform);Lei Huang; |
| REQ-335;Support for Test Topology Auto Design (NFV Testing Automatic Platform);Lei Huang; |
| REQ-334;ETSI-Alignment for Guilin and Honolulu;Byung-Woo Jun; |
| REQ-331;Policy Based Filtering;Pam Dragosh; |
| REQ-327;ONAP/3GPP & O-RAN Alignment-Standards Defined Notifications over VES (Guilin);Marge Hillis; |
| REQ-324;Support xNF Software Upgrade in association to schema updates;Zu Qiang; |
| REQ-322;Configuration & Persistency Service in R7;Tony Finnerty; |
| REQ-321;CMPv2 Enhancements for R7;Pawel Baniewski;cmpv2 automated test integrated in CI/CD, see :ref:`automated test page <release_automated_usecases>` |
| REQ-319;PNF PreOnboarding in R7;Ben Cheung; |
| REQ-318;PNF Plug & Play in R7;Ben Cheung; |