blob: 7f6688f055efb654e264c4cb24da831869452ef7 [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. integration-tooling:
.. _integration-simulators:
Simulators are regularly created for use cases. The goal of this section is to:
- Highlight the existing Simulators
- Provide recommendations when starting developing a new simulator
.. important::
Before developing a new simulator, check that it does not exist...and
refactor/contribute to existing simulators rather than recreating new ones.
Existing simulators
.. csv-table:: Simulators
:file: ./files/csv/simulators.csv
:widths: 10,50,20,20
:delim: ;
:header-rows: 1
The simulator code
We recommend to create a dedicated repository (ask Integration team).
.. csv-table:: Simulator repositories
:file: ./files/csv/repo-simulators.csv
:widths: 30,50,20
:delim: ;
:header-rows: 1
From this repository, create a jenkins job to automatically build the dockers.
Helm Chart
It is recommended to create a helm chart in order to run the simulators.
Wrapper for simulators
1. In order to deploy the Helm release with a simulator, place a YAML file
describing the Helm release in src/onaptests/templates/helm_charts.
The structure of the YAML file should be like in the example below.
Dependencies contain all the charts that need to be pulled.
.. code-block:: YAML
# Helm release information
api_version: # API_VERSION
app_version: # APP_VERSION
chart_name: # SIMULATOR_NAME
version: # CHART_VERSION
# Helm charts that need to be pulled
version: # CHART_VERSION
repository: # URL
local_repo_name: # REPO_NAME
2. Install the Helm release:
.. code-block:: Python
from onaptests.steps.wrapper.helm_charts import HelmChartStep
chart = HelmChartStep(
cleanup = BOOLEAN,
chart_info_file = YAML_FILE_NAME # name, not the path
3. Start the simulator via an API call:
.. code-block:: Python
start = SimulatorStartStep(
cleanup = BOOLEAN,
https = BOOLEAN,
host = HOSTNAME,
port = PORT,
endpoint = START_ENDPOINT, # if applicable
method = REQUEST_METHOD, # GET, POST etc.
data = PAYLOAD # {"json": {...}, ...}
4. Undeploy the Helm release:
.. code-block:: Python