Michal Jagiello | 6e88d54 | 2023-04-19 09:53:38 +0000 | [diff] [blame^] | 1 | {% macro color(failing, total) %} |
| 2 | {% if failing == 0 %} |
| 3 | is-success |
| 4 | {% else %} |
| 5 | {% if (failing / total) <= 0.1 %} |
| 6 | is-warning |
| 7 | {% else %} |
| 8 | is-danger |
| 9 | {% endif %} |
| 10 | {% endif %} |
| 11 | {% endmacro %} |
| 12 | |
| 13 | {% macro percentage(failing, total) %} |
| 14 | {{ ((total - failing) / total) | round }} |
| 15 | {% endmacro %} |
| 16 | |
| 17 | {% macro statistic(resource_name, failing, total) %} |
| 18 | {% set success = total - failing %} |
| 19 | <div class="level-item has-text-centered"> |
| 20 | <div> |
| 21 | <p class="heading">{{ resource_name | capitalize }}</p> |
| 22 | <p class="title">{{ success }}/{{ total }}</p> |
| 23 | <progress class="progress {{ color(failing, total) }}" value="{{ success }}" max="{{ total }}">{{ percentage(failing, total) }}</progress> |
| 24 | </div> |
| 25 | </div> |
| 26 | {% endmacro %} |
| 27 | |
| 28 | {% macro pods_table(pods) %} |
| 29 | <div id="pods" class="table-container"> |
| 30 | <table class="table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable"> |
| 31 | <thead> |
| 32 | <tr> |
| 33 | <th>Name</th> |
| 34 | <th>Ready</th> |
| 35 | <th>Status</th> |
| 36 | <th>Reason</th> |
| 37 | <th>Restarts</th> |
| 38 | </tr> |
| 39 | </thead> |
| 40 | <tbody> |
| 41 | {% for pod in pods %} |
| 42 | <tr> |
| 43 | <td><a href="./pod-{{ pod.name }}.html" title="{{ pod.name }}">{{ pod.k8s.metadata.name }}</a></td> |
| 44 | {% if pod.init_done %} |
| 45 | <td>{{ pod.running_containers }}/{{ (pod.containers | length) }}</td> |
| 46 | {% else %} |
| 47 | <td>Init:{{ pod.runned_init_containers }}/{{ (pod.init_containers | length) }}</td> |
| 48 | {% endif %} |
| 49 | <td>{{ pod.k8s.status.phase }}</td> |
| 50 | <td>{{ pod.k8s.status.reason }}</td> |
| 51 | {% if pod.init_done %} |
| 52 | <td>{{ pod.restart_count }}</td> |
| 53 | {% else %} |
| 54 | <td>{{ pod.init_restart_count }}</td> |
| 55 | {% endif %} |
| 56 | </tr> |
| 57 | {% endfor %} |
| 58 | </tbody> |
| 59 | </table> |
| 60 | </div> |
| 61 | {% endmacro %} |
| 62 | |
| 63 | {% macro key_value_description_list(title, dict) %} |
| 64 | <dt><strong>{{ title | capitalize }}:</strong></dt> |
| 65 | <dd> |
| 66 | {% if dict %} |
| 67 | {% for key, value in dict.items() %} |
| 68 | {% if loop.first %} |
| 69 | <dl> |
| 70 | {% endif %} |
| 71 | <dt>{{ key }}:</dt> |
| 72 | <dd>{{ value }}</dd> |
| 73 | {% if loop.last %} |
| 74 | </dl> |
| 75 | {% endif %} |
| 76 | {% endfor %} |
| 77 | {% endif %} |
| 78 | </dd> |
| 79 | {% endmacro %} |
| 80 | |
| 81 | {% macro description(k8s) %} |
| 82 | <div class="container"> |
| 83 | <h1 class="title is-1">Description</h1> |
| 84 | <div class="content"> |
| 85 | <dl> |
| 86 | {% if k8s.spec.type %} |
| 87 | <dt><strong>Type:</strong></dt> |
| 88 | <dd>{{ k8s.spec.type }}</dd> |
| 89 | {% if (k8s.spec.type | lower) == "clusterip" %} |
| 90 | <dt><strong>Headless:</strong></dt> |
| 91 | <dd>{% if (k8s.spec.cluster_ip | lower) == "none" %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}</dd> |
| 92 | {% endif %} |
| 93 | {% endif %} |
| 94 | {{ key_value_description_list('Labels', k8s.metadata.labels) | indent(width=6) }} |
| 95 | {{ key_value_description_list('Annotations', k8s.metadata.annotations) | indent(width=6) }} |
| 96 | {% if k8s.spec.selector %} |
| 97 | {% if k8s.spec.selector.match_labels %} |
| 98 | {{ key_value_description_list('Selector', k8s.spec.selector.match_labels) | indent(width=6) }} |
| 99 | {% else %} |
| 100 | {{ key_value_description_list('Selector', k8s.spec.selector) | indent(width=6) }} |
| 101 | {% endif %} |
| 102 | {% endif %} |
| 103 | {% if k8s.phase %} |
| 104 | <dt><strong>Status:</strong></dt> |
| 105 | <dd>{{ k8s.phase }}</dd> |
| 106 | {% endif %} |
| 107 | {% if k8s.metadata.owner_references %} |
| 108 | <dt><strong>Controlled By:</strong></dt> |
| 109 | <dd>{{ k8s.metadata.owner_references[0].kind }}/{{ k8s.metadata.owner_references[0].name }}</dd> |
| 110 | {% endif %} |
| 111 | </dl> |
| 112 | </div> |
| 113 | </div> |
| 114 | {% endmacro %} |
| 115 | |
| 116 | {% macro pods_container(pods, parent, has_title=True) %} |
| 117 | <div class="container"> |
| 118 | {% if has_title %} |
| 119 | <h1 class="title is-1">Pods</h1> |
| 120 | {% endif %} |
| 121 | {% if (pods | length) > 0 %} |
| 122 | {{ pods_table(pods) | indent(width=2) }} |
| 123 | {% else %} |
| 124 | <div class="notification is-warning">{{ parent }} has no pods!</div> |
| 125 | {% endif %} |
| 126 | </div> |
| 127 | {% endmacro %} |
| 128 | |
| 129 | {% macro two_level_breadcrumb(title, name) %} |
| 130 | <section class="section"> |
| 131 | <div class="container"> |
| 132 | <nav class="breadcrumb" aria-label="breadcrumbs"> |
| 133 | <ul> |
| 134 | <li><a href="./index.html">Summary</a></li> |
| 135 | <li class="is-active"><a href="#" aria-current="page">{{ title | capitalize }} {{ name }}</a></li> |
| 136 | </ul> |
| 137 | </nav> |
| 138 | </div> |
| 139 | </section> |
| 140 | {% endmacro %} |
| 141 | |
| 142 | {% macro pod_parent_summary(title, name, failed_pods, pods) %} |
| 143 | {{ summary(title, name, [{'title': 'Pod', 'failing': failed_pods, 'total': (pods | length)}]) }} |
| 144 | {% endmacro %} |
| 145 | |
| 146 | {% macro number_ok(number, none_value, total=None) %} |
| 147 | {% if number %} |
| 148 | {% if total and number < total %} |
| 149 | <span class="tag is-warning">{{ number }}</span> |
| 150 | {% else %} |
| 151 | {{ number }} |
| 152 | {% endif %} |
| 153 | {% else %} |
| 154 | <span class="tag is-warning">{{ none_value }}</span> |
| 155 | {% endif %} |
| 156 | {% endmacro %} |
| 157 | |
| 158 | {% macro summary(title, name, statistics) %} |
| 159 | <section class="hero is-light"> |
| 160 | <div class="hero-body"> |
| 161 | <div class="container"> |
| 162 | <h1 class="title is-1"> |
| 163 | {{ title | capitalize }} {{ name }} Summary |
| 164 | </h1> |
| 165 | <nav class="level"> |
| 166 | {% for stat in statistics %} |
| 167 | {% if stat.total > 0 %} |
| 168 | {{ statistic(stat.title, stat.failing, stat.total) | indent(width=8) }} |
| 169 | {% endif %} |
| 170 | {% endfor %} |
| 171 | </nav> |
| 172 | </div> |
| 173 | </div> |
| 174 | </section> |
| 175 | {% endmacro %} |
| 176 | |
| 177 | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| 178 | <html> |
| 179 | <head> |
| 180 | <meta charset="utf-8"> |
| 181 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> |
| 182 | <title>Tests results - {% block title %}{% endblock %}</title> |
| 183 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bulma@0.9.0/css/bulma.min.css"> |
| 184 | <script defer src="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.3.1/js/all.js"></script> |
| 185 | {% block more_head %}{% endblock %} |
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| 187 | <body> |
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| 189 | <div class="navbar-brand"> |
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| 201 | <div id="navbarBasicExample" class="navbar-menu"> |
| 202 | <div class="navbar-start"> |
| 203 | <a class="navbar-item"> |
| 204 | Summary |
| 205 | </a> |
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