blob: d1666fa1c7877e5dfb05d94af05cb2411ca53a87 [file] [log] [blame]
# CDT Regression Testing # Set the MAINURL via the command line
# run as:
# 1) execute a .profile that sets and exports DEV2 and DEV4
# 2) robot --variable MAINURL:$DEV# filename.robot
*** Variables ***
# ${MAINURL} is now set from the command line per above
| ${BROWSER} | chrome
| ${SHORTTIME} | 5s
| ${LONGTIME} | 180s
| ${TENMINUTES} | 600s
#| ${FFPROFILE_DIR} | /home/dvz/.mozilla/firefox/s87c07vn.AppCZoomed50
| ${MAINURL} | https://localhost:8080/index.html
| ${USER_ID} | csituser
*** Keywords ***
| Setup1 | Open browser | ${MAINURL} | ${BROWSER} | | | | |
| Setup2 | SLEEP | 2s
# Refresh the ${MAINURL} which is used as starting point within each test file
| RefreshMainURL
| | Go To | ${MAINURL}
# Make sure you can get to APPC server - Wrap in implicit wait then reset
# Want to wait a few seconds to see if Server error appears.
# Can't add an explicit wait to "Page should not contain"
| CheckForServerError
| | [Arguments] | ${WAITTIME}
| | Set Selenium Implicit Wait | ${WAITTIME}
| | Page Should Not Contain | Error in connecting to APPC Server
| | Set Selenium Implicit Wait | 0
| ClickButtonByContent
| | [Arguments] | ${TEXT}
| | ${RETVAL} | Execute Javascript | function clickButtonByTextContent(buttontext) { var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button'); for (var i=0, l=buttons.length; i<l; i++) { if (buttons[i].firstChild.nodeValue == buttontext) { buttons[i].click(); return 0 } } return 1 }; var retval=clickButtonByTextContent('${TEXT}'); return retval;
| | Return From Keyword | ${RETVAL}
| ClickButtonByClassName
| | [Arguments] | ${TEXT}
| | ${RETVAL} | Execute Javascript | function clickButtonByClassName(theclass) { var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button'); for (var i=0, l=buttons.length; i<l; i++) { if (buttons[i].firstChild.nodeValue == theclass) { buttons[i].click(); return 0 } } return 1 }; var retval=clickButtonByClassName(${TEXT}); return retval;
| | Return From Keyword | ${RETVAL}
| EnterElementByClassName
| | [Arguments] | ${THECLASS} | ${INPUTVALUE}
| | ${RETVAL} | Execute Javascript | function enterElementByClassName(theclass,theinput) { var element = document.querySelector('.'+theclass).value = theinput; return 0 }; var retval=enterElementByClassName(${THECLASS},${INPUTVALUE}); return retval;
| | Return From Keyword | ${RETVAL}
*** Settings ***
| Library | ExtendedSelenium2Library
| Library | OperatingSystem
#| Library | Dialogs
| Library | DateTime