| *** Settings *** |
| |
| Resource ../../../common.robot |
| Resource ./cert-service-properties.robot |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library HttpLibrary.HTTP |
| Library Collections |
| Library ../libraries/CertClientManager.py ${MOUNT_PATH} ${TRUSTSTORE_PATH} |
| Library ../libraries/JksFilesValidator.py ${MOUNT_PATH} |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Create sessions |
| [Documentation] Create all required sessions |
| Create Client Cert Session alias ${AAFCERT_URL} client_certs=${certs} verify=${ROOTCA} |
| Set Suite Variable ${https_valid_cert_session} alias |
| |
| Run Healthcheck |
| [Documentation] Run Healthcheck |
| ${resp}= Get Request ${https_valid_cert_session} /actuator/health |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| Validate Recieved Response ${resp} status UP |
| |
| Validate Recieved Response |
| [Documentation] Validare message that has been received |
| [Arguments] ${resp} ${key} ${expected_value} |
| ${json}= Parse Json ${resp.content} |
| ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${json} ${key} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${value} ${expected_value} |
| |
| Send Get Request And Validate Response |
| [Documentation] Send request to passed url and validate received response |
| [Arguments] ${path} ${resp_code} |
| ${resp}= Get Request ${https_valid_cert_session} ${path} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${resp_code} |
| |
| Send Get Request with Header |
| [Documentation] Send request to passed url |
| [Arguments] ${path} ${csr_file} ${pk_file} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| ${headers}= Create Header with CSR and PK ${csr_file} ${pk_file} |
| ${resp}= Get Request ${https_valid_cert_session} ${path} headers=${headers} |
| |
| Send Get Request with Header And Expect Success |
| [Documentation] Send request to passed url and validate received response |
| [Arguments] ${path} ${csr_file} ${pk_file} |
| ${resp}= Send Get Request with Header ${path} ${csr_file} ${pk_file} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 |
| Check Message Recieved On Success ${resp.content} |
| |
| Check Message Recieved On Success |
| [Documentation] Check if correct messsage has been sent on successful request |
| [Arguments] ${content} |
| ${resp_content}= Parse Json ${content} |
| Dictionary Should Contain Key ${resp_content} certificateChain |
| @{list}= Get From Dictionary ${resp_content} certificateChain |
| List Should Contain Certificates @{list} |
| Dictionary Should Contain Key ${resp_content} trustedCertificates |
| |
| List Should Contain Certificates |
| [Documentation] Verify if list contains certificates |
| [Arguments] @{list} |
| :FOR ${content} IN @{list} |
| \ Should Contain ${content} BEGIN CERTIFICATE |
| \ Should Contain ${content} END CERTIFICATE |
| |
| Send Get Request with Header And Expect Error |
| [Documentation] Send request to passed url and validate received response |
| [Arguments] ${path} ${csr_file} ${pk_file} ${resp_code} |
| ${resp}= Send Get Request with Header ${path} ${csr_file} ${pk_file} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${resp_code} |
| |
| Create Header with CSR and PK |
| [Documentation] Create header with CSR and PK |
| [Arguments] ${csr_file} ${pk_file} |
| [Return] ${headers} |
| ${csr}= Get Data From File ${csr_file} |
| ${pk}= Get Data From File ${pk_file} |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary CSR=${csr} PK=${pk} |
| |
| Send Post Request And Validate Response |
| [Documentation] Send request to passed url and validate received response |
| [Arguments] ${path} ${resp_code} |
| ${resp}= Post Request ${https_valid_cert_session} ${path} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${resp_code} |
| |
| Run Cert Service Client And Validate JKS File Creation And Client Exit Code |
| [Documentation] Run Cert Service Client Container And Validate Exit Code |
| [Arguments] ${env_file} ${expected_exit_code} |
| ${can_open}= Can Open Keystore And Truststore With Pass |
| Remove Client Container And Save Logs ${CLIENT_CONTAINER_NAME} positive_path |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${exit_code} ${expected_exit_code} Client return: ${exitcode} exit code, but expected: ${expected_exit_code} |
| Should Be True ${can_open} Cannot Open Keystore/TrustStore by passpshase |
| |
| Run Cert Service Client And Validate JKS Files Contain Expected Data |
| [Documentation] Run Cert Service Client Container And Validate JKS Files Contain Expected Data |
| [Arguments] ${env_file} ${expected_exit_code} |
| ${data} ${isEqual}= Get And Compare Data ${env_file} |
| Remove Client Container And Save Logs ${CLIENT_CONTAINER_NAME} positive_path_with_data |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${exit_code} ${expected_exit_code} Client return: ${exitcode} exit code, but expected: ${expected_exit_code} |
| Should Be True ${isEqual} Keystore doesn't contain ${data.expectedData}. Actual data is: ${data.actualData} |
| |
| Run Cert Service Client And Validate Http Response Code And Client Exit Code |
| [Documentation] Run Cert Service Client Container And Validate Exit Code |
| [Arguments] ${env_file} ${expected_api_response_code} ${expected_exit_code} |
| ${can_find_API_response}= Can Find Api Response In Logs ${CLIENT_CONTAINER_NAME} |
| ${api_response_code}= Get Api Response From Logs ${CLIENT_CONTAINER_NAME} |
| Remove Client Container And Save Logs ${CLIENT_CONTAINER_NAME} negative_path |
| Should Be True ${can_find_API_response} Cannot Find API response in logs |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${api_response_code} ${expected_api_response_code} API return ${api_response_code} but expected: ${expected_api_response_code} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${exit_code} ${expected_exit_code} Client return unexpected exit code return: ${exitcode} , but expected: ${expected_exit_code} |