| *** settings *** |
| Resource ../../common.robot |
| Library Collections |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library json |
| Library HttpLibrary.HTTP |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| @{return_ok_list}= 200 201 202 204 |
| ${queryswagger_url} /api/nslcm/v1/swagger.json |
| ${create_ns_url} /api/nslcm/v1/ns |
| ${delete_ns_url} /api/nslcm/v1/ns |
| ${get_ns_url} /api/nslcm/v1/ns |
| ${get_subscriptions_url} /api/nslcm/v1/subscriptions |
| ${healthcheck_url} /api/nslcm/v1/health_check |
| ${get_job_url} /api/nslcm/v1/jobs |
| ${vnfs_url} /api/nslcm/v1/ns/vnfs |
| ${terminate_vnfs_url} /api/nslcm/v1/ns/terminatevnf |
| ${vls_url} /api/nslcm/v1/ns/vls |
| ${sfcs_url} /api/nslcm/v1/ns/sfcs |
| ${pnfs_url} /api/nslcm/v1/pnfs |
| |
| ${ns_instances_url} /api/nslcm/v1/ns_instances |
| |
| #json files |
| ${create_ns_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/create_ns.json |
| ${heal_ns_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/heal_ns.json |
| ${instantiate_ns_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/instantiate_ns.json |
| ${postdeal_ns_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/postdeal_ns.json |
| ${scale_ns_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/scale_ns.json |
| ${update_ns_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/update_ns.json |
| ${terminate_ns_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/terminate_ns.json |
| ${update_job_ns_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/update_job_ns.json |
| ${create_vnf_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/create_vnf.json |
| ${terminate_vnf_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/terminate_vnf.json |
| ${create_vl_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/create_vl.json |
| ${create_sfcs_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/create_sfc.json |
| ${create_subscriptions_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/create_subscription.json |
| ${create_pnfs_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/create_pnf.json |
| |
| ${create_ns_instance_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/create_ns_instance.json |
| ${heal_ns_instance_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/heal_ns_instance.json |
| ${instantiate_ns_instance_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/instantiate_ns_instance.json |
| ${postdeal_ns_instance_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/postdeal_ns_instance.json |
| ${scale_ns_instance_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/scale_ns_instance.json |
| ${update_ns_instance_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/update_ns_instance.json |
| ${terminate_ns_instance_json} ${SCRIPTS}/../tests/vfc/nfvo-lcm/jsoninput/terminate_ns_instance.json |
| |
| #global variables |
| ${nsInstId} |
| ${jobInstId} |
| ${vnfInstId} |
| ${vlInstId} |
| ${sfcInstId} |
| ${pnfId} |
| ${nsInstanceId} |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| NslcmSwaggerTest |
| [Documentation] query swagger info of nslcm |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${NSLCM_IP}:8403 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${queryswagger_url} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${swagger_version}= Convert To String ${response_json['swagger']} |
| Should Be Equal ${swagger_version} 2.0 |
| |
| NslcmSwaggerByMSBTest |
| [Documentation] query swagger info of nslcm by MSB |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${queryswagger_url} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${swagger_version}= Convert To String ${response_json['swagger']} |
| Should Be Equal ${swagger_version} 2.0 |
| |
| CreateNSTest |
| [Documentation] Create NS function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${create_ns_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${create_ns_url} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${nsInstId}= Convert To String ${response_json['nsInstanceId']} |
| Set Global Variable ${nsInstId} |
| |
| CreateSfcTest |
| [Documentation] Create sfc function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${create_sfcs_json} |
| Set To Dictionary ${json_value} nsInstanceId=${nsInstId} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${sfcs_url} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${sfcInstId}= Convert To String ${response_json['sfcInstId']} |
| Set Global Variable ${sfcInstId} |
| |
| QuerySfcTest |
| [Documentation] Query sfc function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${sfcs_url}/${sfcInstId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| DeleteSfcTest |
| [Documentation] Delete sfc function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Delete Request web_session ${sfcs_url}/${sfcInstId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| CreateVnfTest |
| [Documentation] Create vnf function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${create_vnf_json} |
| Set To Dictionary ${json_value} nsInstanceId=${nsInstId} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${vnfs_url} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${vnfInstId}= Convert To String ${response_json['vnfInstId']} |
| Set Global Variable ${vnfInstId} |
| |
| QueryVnfTest |
| [Documentation] Query vnf function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${vnfs_url}/${vnfInstId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| TerminateVnfTest |
| [Documentation] Terminate vnf function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${terminate_vnf_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${terminate_vnfs_url} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| CreateVlTest |
| [Documentation] Create vl function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${create_vl_json} |
| Set To Dictionary ${json_value} nsInstanceId=${nsInstId} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${vls_url} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${vlInstId}= Convert To String ${response_json['vlId']} |
| Set Global Variable ${vlInstId} |
| |
| QueryVlTest |
| [Documentation] Query vl function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${vls_url}/${vlInstId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| DeleteVlTest |
| [Documentation] Delete vl function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Delete Request web_session ${vls_url}/${vlInstId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| InstantiateNSTest |
| [Documentation] Instantiate Ns function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${instantiate_ns_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${create_ns_url}/${nsInstId}/instantiate ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| QueryNSTest |
| [Documentation] Query Ns function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${get_ns_url}/${nsInstId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| ScaleNSTest |
| [Documentation] Scale Ns function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${scale_ns_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${create_ns_url}/${nsInstId}/scale ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| HealNSTest |
| [Documentation] Heal Ns function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${heal_ns_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${create_ns_url}/${nsInstId}/heal ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${jobInstId}= Convert To String ${response_json['jobId']} |
| Set Global Variable ${jobInstId} |
| |
| UpdateJobTest |
| [Documentation] Update Ns Job function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${update_job_ns_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${get_job_url}/${jobInstId} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| |
| GetJobTest |
| [Documentation] Query Ns Job function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${get_job_url}/${jobInstId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| PostdealNSTest |
| [Documentation] Postdeal Ns function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${postdeal_ns_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${create_ns_url}/${nsInstId}/postdeal ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| UpdateNSTest |
| [Documentation] Scale Ns function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${update_ns_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| Log ${json_string} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${create_ns_url}/${nsInstId}/update ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| TerminateNSTest |
| [Documentation] Terminate Ns function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${terminate_ns_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${create_ns_url}/${nsInstId}/terminate ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| DeleteNSTest |
| [Documentation] Delete NS function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Delete Request web_session ${delete_ns_url}/${nsInstId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| LcmHealthCheckTest |
| [Documentation] check health for nslcm by MSB |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${healthcheck_url} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${health_status}= Convert To String ${response_json['status']} |
| Should Be Equal ${health_status} active |
| |
| LcmGetNsTest |
| [Documentation] get ns instances for nslcm by MSB |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${get_ns_url} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| CreatePnfsTest |
| [Documentation] Create pnf function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${create_pnfs_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${pnfs_url} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${pnfId}= Convert To String ${response_json['pnfId']} |
| Set Global Variable ${pnfId} |
| |
| QueryAllPnfsTest |
| [Documentation] Query all pnfs function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${pnfs_url} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| QueryPnfsTest |
| [Documentation] Query pnf function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${pnfs_url}/${pnfId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| DeletePnfTest |
| [Documentation] Delete pnf function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Delete Request web_session ${pnfs_url}/${pnfId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| CreateNSInstanceTest |
| [Documentation] Create NS Instance function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${create_ns_instance_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${ns_instances_url} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| ${response_json} json.loads ${resp.content} |
| ${nsInstanceId}= Convert To String ${response_json['id']} |
| Set Global Variable ${nsInstanceId} |
| |
| QueryNSInstancesTest |
| [Documentation] Query Ns Instances function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${ns_instances_url} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| QueryNSIntanceTest |
| [Documentation] Query One Ns Instance function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${ns_instances_url}/${nsInstanceId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| InstantiateNSInstanceTest |
| [Documentation] Instantiate Ns function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${instantiate_ns_instance_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${ns_instances_url}/${nsInstanceId}/instantiate ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| ScaleNSInstanceTest |
| [Documentation] Scale Ns Instance function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${scale_ns_instance_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${ns_instances_url}/${nsInstanceId}/scale ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| HealNSInstanceTest |
| [Documentation] Heal Ns Instance function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${heal_ns_instance_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${ns_instances_url}/${nsInstanceId}/heal ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| UpdateNSInstanceTest |
| [Documentation] Scale Ns Instance function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${update_ns_instance_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| Log ${json_string} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${ns_instances_url}/${nsInstId}/update ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| TerminateNSInstanceTest |
| [Documentation] Terminate Ns Instance function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${terminate_ns_instance_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${ns_instances_url}/${nsInstanceId}/terminate ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| DeleteNSInstanceTest |
| [Documentation] Delete NS Instance function test |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Delete Request web_session ${ns_instances_url}/${nsInstanceId} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| LcmCreateSubscriptionsTest |
| [Documentation] Postdeal Ns function test |
| ${json_value}= json_from_file ${create_subscriptions_json} |
| ${json_string}= string_from_json ${json_value} |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| Set Request Body ${json_string} |
| ${resp}= Post Request web_session ${get_subscriptions_url} ${json_string} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |
| |
| LcmGetSubscriptionsTest |
| [Documentation] get subscriptions for nslcm by MSB |
| ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json |
| Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IAG_IP}:80 headers=${headers} |
| ${resp}= Get Request web_session ${get_subscriptions_url} |
| ${responese_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code} |
| List Should Contain Value ${return_ok_list} ${responese_code} |