| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Testing PM Mapper functionality |
| Library Collections |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library Process |
| Library String |
| Library libraries/DockerContainerManager.py |
| Library libraries/LogReader.py |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| |
| ${NR_VALID_METADATA_PATH} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/files-processing-config-pmmapper/assets/valid_metadata.json |
| ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG_CLEAR} docker exec pmmapper /bin/sh -c "echo -n "" > /var/log/ONAP/dcaegen2/services/pm-mapper/pm-mapper_output.log" |
| ${PUBLISH_NODE_URL} https://${DR_NODE_IP}:8443/publish/1 |
| ${CLI_EXEC_LOGS_LIST} docker exec datarouter-node /bin/sh -c "ls /opt/app/datartr/logs" |
| ${DOCKER_CLIENT_IMAGE} nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.services.pm-mapper:latest |
| ${FILE_PATH} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/files-processing-config-pmmapper/assets/ABigFile.xml |
| ${CONFIG_ENVS_1_1} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/files-processing-config-pmmapper/assets/config_1_1.env |
| ${CONFIG_ENVS_4_1} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/files-processing-config-pmmapper/assets/config_4_1.env |
| ${CONFIG_ENVS_10_1} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/files-processing-config-pmmapper/assets/config_10_1.env |
| ${CONFIG_ENVS_1_10} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/files-processing-config-pmmapper/assets/config_1_10.env |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| |
| Verify that PM Mapper rejects 6-9 messages when limitRate is 1 and threads count is 1 |
| [Documentation] Verify that PM Mapper rejects 6-9/10 messages. Configuration: limitRate=1, threadsCount=1 |
| [Timeout] 15 minute |
| |
| RestartPmmapper ${CONFIG_ENVS_1_1} |
| |
| ${testname}= Set Variable Afirst- |
| |
| SendFilesToDatarouter ${testname} |
| ${alllogs}= GetLogsOutput |
| ${filtered_logs}= GetFilteredLogs ${alllogs} ${testname} |
| ${dropped_nr}= GetDroppedNumber ${filtered_logs} |
| |
| Sleep 40s |
| ${isCorrectDroppedCount}= Evaluate ${5} < ${dropped_nr} < ${10} |
| SavePmMapperLogsAndDroppedCount config_1_1 ${dropped_nr} |
| Should Be True ${isCorrectDroppedCount} Pm-mapper drop: ${dropped_nr} messages. Expected drop count: 6-9 |
| ClearLogs |
| |
| Verify that PM Mapper rejects 0 messages when limitRate is 10 and threads count is 1 |
| [Documentation] Verify that PM Mapper rejects 0/10 messages. Configuration: limitRate=10, threadsCount=1 |
| [Timeout] 25 minute |
| |
| RestartPmmapper ${CONFIG_ENVS_10_1} |
| |
| ${testname}= Set Variable Athird- |
| |
| SendFilesToDatarouter ${testname} |
| ${alllogs}= GetLogsOutput |
| ${filtered_logs}= GetFilteredLogs ${alllogs} ${testname} |
| ${dropped_nr}= GetDroppedNumber ${filtered_logs} |
| |
| Sleep 15s |
| SavePmMapperLogsAndDroppedCount config_10_1 ${dropped_nr} |
| Should Be Equal As Numbers ${dropped_nr} 0 Pm-mapper drop: ${dropped_nr} messages. Expected drop count: 0 |
| ClearLogs |
| |
| Verify that PM Mapper rejects 0 messages when limitRate is 1 and threads count is 10 |
| [Documentation] Verify that PM Mapper rejects 0/10 messages. Configuration: limitRate=1, threadsCount=10 |
| [Timeout] 25 minute |
| |
| RestartPmmapper ${CONFIG_ENVS_1_10} |
| |
| ${testname}= Set Variable Afourth- |
| |
| SendFilesToDatarouter ${testname} |
| ${alllogs}= GetLogsOutput |
| ${filtered_logs}= GetFilteredLogs ${alllogs} ${testname} |
| ${dropped_nr}= GetDroppedNumber ${filtered_logs} |
| |
| Sleep 15s |
| SavePmMapperLogsAndDroppedCount config_1_10 ${dropped_nr} |
| Should Be Equal As Numbers ${dropped_nr} 0 Pm-mapper drop: ${dropped_nr} messages. Expected drop count: 0 |
| ClearLogs |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| SendFilesToDatarouter |
| [Arguments] ${testnr} |
| FOR ${i} IN RANGE 10 |
| SendToDatarouter ${FILE_PATH} ${NR_VALID_METADATA_PATH} X-ONAP-RequestID=${i} ${testnr} ${i} |
| END |
| Sleep 20s |
| |
| SendToDatarouter |
| [Arguments] ${filepath} ${metadatapath} ${request_id} ${testnr} ${i} |
| ${pmdata}= Get File ${filepath} |
| ${metatdata} Get File ${metadatapath} |
| ${newFilename} Catenate SEPARATOR= ${testnr} ${i} .xml |
| ${resp}= PutCall ${PUBLISH_NODE_URL}/${newFilename} ${request_id} ${pmdata} ${metatdata.replace("\n","")} pmmapper |
| VerifyResponse ${resp.status_code} 204 |
| |
| PutCall |
| [Arguments] ${url} ${request_id} ${data} ${meta} ${user} |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ONAP-RequestID=${request_id} X-DMAAP-DR-META=${meta} Content-Type=application/octet-stream X-DMAAP-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user} Authorization=Basic cG1tYXBwZXI6cG1tYXBwZXI= |
| ${resp}= Evaluate requests.put('${url}', data="""${data}""", headers=${headers}, verify=False, allow_redirects=False) requests |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| VerifyResponse |
| [Arguments] ${actual_response_value} ${expected_response_value} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${actual_response_value} ${expected_response_value} |
| |
| ClearLogs |
| Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG_CLEAR} shell=yes |
| |
| GetLogsOutput |
| ${filesString}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_LOGS_LIST} shell=yes |
| ${filesList}= Get Log Files List ${filesString.stdout} |
| ${output}= Set Variable ${EMPTY} |
| FOR ${file} IN @{filesList} |
| ${file_path}= Catenate SEPARATOR= "cat /opt/app/datartr/logs/ ${file} " |
| ${exec}= Catenate docker exec datarouter-node /bin/sh -c ${file_path} |
| ${single_file}= Run Process ${exec} shell=yes |
| ${output}= Catenate SEPARATOR=\n ${output} ${single_file.stdout} |
| END |
| [Return] ${output} |
| |
| GetFilteredLogs |
| [Arguments] ${all_logs} ${testname} |
| ${filtered_logs}= Filter Unique ${all_logs} ${testname} |
| [Return] ${filtered_logs} |
| |
| GetDroppedNumber |
| [Arguments] ${logs_output} |
| ${number}= Get Number Of Dropped Messages ${logs_output} |
| [Return] ${number} |
| |
| RestartPmmapper |
| [Arguments] ${envs} |
| Remove Container ${CLIENT_CONTAINER_NAME} |
| Sleep 5s |
| Run Pmmapper Container ${DOCKER_CLIENT_IMAGE} ${CLIENT_CONTAINER_NAME} ${envs} ${DR_NODE_IP} ${NODE_IP} |
| Sleep 15s |
| |
| SavePmMapperLogsAndDroppedCount |
| [Arguments] ${test_name} ${dropped_count} |
| Run Process echo "Dropped: ${dropped_count}" > %{WORKSPACE}/archives/${test_name}_dropped_count.log shell=yes |
| Run Process docker logs ${CLIENT_CONTAINER_NAME} > %{WORKSPACE}/archives/${test_name}_pm_mapper_container_logs.log shell=yes |
| |