blob: afe4301a18baf8d5a056e2f92cc5532381a42b1a [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Resource ./resources/vnfsdk_keywords.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Perform vnf refrepo healthcheck
[Documentation] Check if vnf refrepo is up and running
Create Session refrepo ${base_url}
${response}= Get Request refrepo /PackageResource/healthcheck
Should Be Equal As Strings ${response.status_code} 200
Validate correct, no security CSAR
[Documentation] Valid CSAR with no security should PASS validation and should return no error
${response}= Run curl -s --location --request POST '${base_url}/vtp/executions' --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: application/json' --form 'file=@${csarpath}/${csar_valid_no_security}' --form 'executions=${execute_no_security_csar_validation}'
${response}= String.Replace String ${response} \\n ${SPACE}
# Removing strings that are causing errors during evaluation,
# those strings are dependent on validation response and may need to be changed if vnf refrepo response changes
${response}= Remove String ${response} \\\\ \\u003c \\u003e \\"
${json_response}= evaluate json.loads('''${response}''') json
Should Be Equal As Strings ${json_response[0]["results"]["criteria"]} PASS
FOR ${resault} IN @{json_response[0]["results"]["results"]}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resault["errors"]} []
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resault["passed"]} True