blob: e3d0a950ff72542e1057804925cfb1b7ff5d8395 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Library Collections
Library RequestsLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
Library json
*** Variables ***
${MESSAGE} Hello, world!
*** Test Cases ***
Distribute Service Template
Create Session refrepo http://${REPO_IP}:8085
${data}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}data${/}distributeServiceTemplate.json
&{headers}= Create Dictionary Authorization=Basic bXNvX2FkbWluOnBhc3N3b3JkMSQ= resource-location=/distribution-test-zip/unzipped Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
log to console \nAbout to POST ${REPO_IP}
${resp}= Post Request refrepo /test/treatNotification/v1 data=${data} headers=${headers}
log to console \nAFRTE POST
Run Keyword If '${resp.status_code}' == '200' log to console \nexecuted with expected result