blob: 8af66a5df4c4ee90fe5ea59042f48dce02fa8421 [file] [log] [blame]
#Robot functions that will be shared also with other tests
*** Settings ***
Library OperatingSystem
*** Keywords ***
#Robot function to extract the json object from a file
[Arguments] ${file_path}
${json_file}= Get File ${file_path}
${json_object}= Evaluate json.loads('''${json_file}''') json
[Return] ${json_object}
#Robot function to transform the json object to a string
[Arguments] ${json_value}
${json_string}= Stringify Json ${json_value}
[Return] ${json_string}
#Robot function to generate a random IP
${numbers}= Evaluate random.sample([x for x in range(1, 256)], 4) random
${generated_ip}= Catenate ${numbers[0]}.${numbers[1]}.${numbers[2]}.${numbers[3]}
[Return] ${generated_ip}
Get Data From File
[Arguments] ${file}
${data}= Get File ${file}
[Return] ${data}