blob: 3962d4e5f1e1d3ddb6e5651fbe6857edd050255b [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Library OperatingSystem
Library RequestsLibrary
Library Process
Resource ../../resources/common-keywords.robot
Test Teardown
*** Variables ***
${CONSUL_UPL_APP} /usr/bin/curl -v -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --data-binary @${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/consul/c12_feed2_PM_MEAS.json
${CONSUL_UPL_APP_INSECURE_SFTP} /usr/bin/curl -v -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --data-binary @${SIMGROUP_ROOT}/consul/c12_feed2_PM_MEAS_no_strict_host_key_checking.json
${CONSUL_GET_APP} /usr/bin/curl -v
${CBS_GET_MERGED_CONFIG} /usr/bin/curl -v
*** Test Cases ***
######### Single file, SFTP, various SFTP Strict host key checking settings
Verify single event with SFTP file, when host known and strict host key checking enabled. From event poll to published file
[Documentation] Verify single event with SFTP file, when host known and strict host key checking enabled. From event poll to published file.
[Setup] Setup Strict Host Key Checking Test ${CONSUL_UPL_APP} all_hosts_keys
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec MR Sim Emitted Files Equal 1 #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec DR Sim Query Not Published Equal 1 #Verify 1 query response for not published files
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec DR Sim Published Files Equal 1 #Verify 1 file published to DR sim
DR Redir Sim Downloaded Volume Equal 1 000 000 #Verify 1 000 000 bytes published file data in DR redir sim
[Teardown] Test Teardown
Verify single event with SFTP file, when host unknown and strict host key checking disabled. From event poll to published file
[Documentation] Verify single event with SFTP file, when host unknown and strict host key checking disabled. From event poll to published file.
[Setup] Setup Strict Host Key Checking Test ${CONSUL_UPL_APP_INSECURE_SFTP} known_hosts_empty
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec MR Sim Emitted Files Equal 1 #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec DR Sim Query Not Published Equal 1 #Verify 1 query response for not published files
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec DR Sim Published Files Equal 1 #Verify 1 file published to DR sim
DR Redir Sim Downloaded Volume Equal 1 000 000 #Verify 1 000 000 bytes published file data in DR redir sim
[Teardown] Test Teardown
Verify single event with SFTP file, when no known hosts file and strict host key checking enabled. From event poll to published file
[Documentation] Verify single event with SFTP file, when host unknown and strict host key checking enabled. File not published.
[Setup] Setup Strict Host Key Checking Test ${CONSUL_UPL_APP} no_known_hosts_file
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec MR Sim Emitted Files Equal 1 #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec DR Sim Query Not Published Equal 1 #Verify 1 query response for not published files
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec DR Sim Published Files Equal 1 #Verify 1 file published to DR sim
DR Redir Sim Downloaded Volume Equal 1 000 000 #Verify 1 000 000 bytes published file data in DR redir sim
[Teardown] Test Teardown
Verify single event with SFTP file, when host unknown and strict host key checking enabled. File not published
[Documentation] Verify single event with SFTP file, when host unknown and strict host key checking enabled. File not published.
[Setup] Setup Strict Host Key Checking Test ${CONSUL_UPL_APP} known_hosts_empty
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec MR Sim Emitted Files Equal 1 #Verify 1 file emitted from MR sim
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 minute 10 sec DR Sim Query Not Published Equal 1 #Verify 1 query response for not published files
Sleep 60
DR Sim Published Files Equal 0 #Verify no file was published to DR sim
[Teardown] Test Teardown
*** Keywords ***
Setup Strict Host Key Checking Test
[Documentation] Sets up strict host key checking test with single 1MB file
[Arguments] ${consul_config_request} ${known_hosts_file}
Set Environment Variable MR_TC --tc100
Set Environment Variable DR_TC --tc normal
Set Environment Variable DR_REDIR_TC --tc normal
Set Environment Variable MR_GROUPS OpenDcae-c12:PM_MEAS_FILES
Set Environment Variable DR_REDIR_FEEDS 2:A
Set Environment Variable FTP_FILE_PREFIXES A
Set Environment Variable NUM_FTPFILES 1
Set Environment Variable NUM_PNFS 1
Set Environment Variable FILE_SIZE 1MB
Set Environment Variable FTP_TYPE SFTP
Set Environment Variable NUM_FTP_SERVERS 1
Set Environment Variable DR_FEEDS 2:A
Set Environment Variable DR_REDIR_SIM drsim_redir
Set Environment Variable SFTP_SIMS sftp-server0:22
Set Environment Variable FTPS_SIMS ftpes-server-vsftpd0:21
${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ./ cwd=${SIMGROUP_ROOT}
Log To Console Simulator-start:
Log To Console ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}
MR Sim Emitted Files Equal 0 #Verify 0 file emitted from MR sim
DR Sim Published Files Equal 0 #Verify 0 file published to DR sim
${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${consul_config_request} shell=yes
Log To Console Consul APP write:
Log To Console ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}
${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CONSUL_GET_APP} shell=yes
Log To Console Consul APP read:
Log To Console ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}
${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CBS_GET_MERGED_CONFIG} shell=yes
Log To Console CBS merged configuration:
Log To Console ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}
Sleep 10
${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${DFC_ROOT}/ cwd=${DFC_ROOT} env:KNOWN_HOSTS=${known_hosts_file}
Log To Console Dfc-start:
Log To Console ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${cli_cmd_output.stderr}