blob: 74a575cd5840d94e0f3978bdcdc5abf97dfe2635 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Testing PMSH functionality
Library OperatingSystem
Library RequestsLibrary
Library String
Test Setup Create Session pmsh_session ${PMSH_BASE_URL}
Test Teardown Delete All Sessions
*** Variables ***
${PMSH_BASE_URL} https://${PMSH_IP}:8443
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Health Check returns 200 when a REST GET request to healthcheck url
[Tags] PMSH_01
[Documentation] Verify Health Check returns 200 when a REST GET request to healthcheck url
[Timeout] 1 minute
${resp}= Get Request pmsh_session ${HEALTHCHECK_ENDPOINT}
VerifyResponse ${resp.status_code} 200
Verify Health Check response includes healthy status
[Tags] PMSH_02
[Documentation] Verify Health Check response includes healthy status
[Timeout] 1 minute
${resp}= Get Request pmsh_session ${HEALTHCHECK_ENDPOINT}
VerifyResponseContains ${resp.text} healthy
*** Keywords ***
[Arguments] ${actual_response_value} ${expected_response_value}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${actual_response_value} ${expected_response_value}
[Arguments] ${response_content} ${string_to_check_for}
Should Contain ${response_content} ${string_to_check_for}