blob: 884c8f97dd03cab0e12a7d2dc45428f4f684ace7 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource is filling out json string templates and returning the json back
Library RequestsLibrary
Library eteutils/
Library OperatingSystem
*** Keywords ***
Fill JSON Template
[Documentation] Runs substitution on template to return a filled in json
[Arguments] ${json} ${arguments}
${returned_string}= Template String ${json} ${arguments}
${returned_json}= To Json ${returned_string}
[Return] ${returned_json}
Fill JSON Template File
[Documentation] Runs substitution on template to return a filled in json
[Arguments] ${json_file} ${arguments}
${json}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${json_file}
${returned_json}= Fill JSON Template ${json} ${arguments}
[Return] ${returned_json}