| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Run healthchecks for DCAE VES |
| ... Testing /eventListener/v7 and /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoints for DCEA VES v7. |
| ... Testing /eventListener/v5 and /eventListener/v5/eventBatch for DCEA VES v5 with various event feeds from VoLTE, vFW and PNF |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library Collections |
| Library DcaeLibrary |
| Resource ./resources/dcae_keywords.robot |
| |
| Test Teardown Cleanup VES Events |
| Suite Setup Run keywords VES Collector Suite Setup DMaaP Generate Certs Create sessions Create header |
| Suite Teardown Run keywords VES Collector Suite Shutdown DMaaP Remove Certs |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| |
| #No authentication tests |
| |
| VES Collector HTTP Health Check |
| [Documentation] Run healthcheck over HTTP |
| Run Healthcheck ${http_session} |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event API V7 |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with Standard Defined Fields API V7 |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data with Standard Defined Fields to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7_STND_DEF_FIELDS} 202 stndDefined-gNB-Nokia-PowerLost |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with wrong JSON |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with invalid data to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_INVALID_JSON_V7} 400 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with missing mandatory parameter |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with lack of one of the mandatory parameters "domain" to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMETER_V7} 400 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with empty json |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with empty json to /eventListener/v7 endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_EMPTY_JSON} 400 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with parameter out of schema |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with parameter which is not defined in schema and send to /eventListener/v7 endpoint. Expected 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_SCHEMA_V7} 400 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with No Auth over HTTPS |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event over HTTPS with authentication disabled and expect ConnectionError |
| @{err_content} Create List Errno 111 |
| Send Request And Expect Error Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} ConnectionError:* @{err_content} |
| |
| Publish Single VES VoLTE Fault Event |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data to /eventListener/v5 endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event API V5 |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single measurement event with valid data to /eventListener/v5 endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_MEASURE_FILE} 202 0b2b5790-3673-480a-a4bd-5a00b88e5af6 |
| |
| Publish VES VoLTE Fault Batch Events |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data to /eventListener/v5/eventBatch endpoint and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_BATCH_DATA_FILE} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546025 |
| |
| Publish VES Batch Events with empty json |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post empty json to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_EMPTY_JSON} 400 |
| |
| Publish VES Batch Events with missing mandatory parameter |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post event list where one of the events doesn't have mandatory domain param, to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_BATCH_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAM_V7} 400 |
| |
| Publish VES Batch Events wih parameter out of schema |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post event list where one of the events have additional dummy param, to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint and expect 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_BATCH_PARAM_OUT_OF_SCHEMA_V7} 400 |
| |
| Publish VES Event With Invalid Method |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Use invalid Put instead of Post method to expect 405 Response Status Code |
| Log Send HTTP Request with invalid method Put instead of Post |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector With Put Method ${http_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 405 |
| |
| Publish VES Event With Invalid URL Path |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event to invalid url path and expect 404 Response Status Code |
| Log Send HTTP Request with invalid /listener/v5/ instead of /eventListener/v5 path |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} /listener/v5/ ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 404 |
| |
| Publish 'Other' Registration Event |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post an event aligned with “other” domain and expect HTTP 202 Accepeted Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_PNF_REGISTRATION} 202 QTFCOC540002E-reg |
| |
| Publish VES Event With Invalid Method V7 |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Use invalid Put instead of Post method to expect 405 Response Status Code |
| Log Send HTTP Request with invalid method Put instead of Post |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector With Put Method ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 405 |
| |
| Publish VES Event With Invalid URL Path V7 |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event to invalid url path and expect 404 Response Status Code |
| Log Send HTTP Request with invalid /listener/v5/ instead of /eventListener/v5 path |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} /listener/v7/ ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 404 |
| |
| Publish PNF Registration Event |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post PNF Registration event and expect HTTP 202 Accepeted Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${EVENT_PNF_REGISTRATION_V7} 202 registration_38407540 |
| |
| # Auth by certificate and basic auth username / password |
| |
| Enable VESC HTTPS with certBasicAuth |
| [Documentation] Enable VESC Https and Authentication and Run Health Check |
| Enable VESC with certBasicAuth |
| Run Healthcheck ${https_basic_auth_session} |
| |
| VES Collector HTTP Health Check with certBasicAuth |
| [Documentation] Run healthcheck over HTTP with certBasicAuth |
| Enable VESC with certBasicAuth |
| Run Healthcheck ${http_session} |
| |
| Healthcheck with Outdated Cert |
| [Documentation] Run healthcheck with outdated cert |
| ${uuid}= Generate UUID |
| ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=*/* X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID} |
| ${err_msg}= Run Keyword And Expect Error SSLError:* Get Request ${https_outdated_cert_session} /healthcheck headers=${headers} |
| Should Contain ${err_msg} certificate unknown |
| Log Recieved error message ${err_msg} |
| |
| Publish Single VES Fault Event Over HTTPS |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data to /eventListener/v5 endpoint over HTTPS and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Log Login User=${VESC_HTTPS_USER}, Pd=${VESC_HTTPS_PD} |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015 |
| |
| Publish Single VES Measurement Event Over HTTPS |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single measurement event with valid data to /eventListener/v5 endpoint over HTTPS and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_ANY_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_MEASURE_FILE} 202 0b2b5790-3673-480a-a4bd-5a00b88e5af6 |
| |
| Publish VES Fault Batch Events Over HTTPS |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data to /eventListener/v5/eventBatch endpoint over HTTPS and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_PATH} ${EVENT_BATCH_DATA_FILE} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546025 |
| |
| Publish VES Event With Invalid URL Path HTTPS |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event to invalid url path over HTTPS and expect 404 response Status Code |
| Log Send HTTP Request with invalid /eventlistener/v5/ instead of /eventListener/v5 path |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} /eventlistener/v5 ${EVENT_DATA_FILE} 404 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event over HTTP |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event over HTTP with authentication enabled and expect 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${http_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} 400 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with certBasicAuth over HTTPS |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and valid username/password to /eventListener/v7 endpoint over HTTPS and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event with Standard Defined Fields with certBasicAuth over HTTPS |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data with Standard Defined Fields and valid username/password to /eventListener/v7 endpoint over HTTPS and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7_STND_DEF_FIELDS} 202 stndDefined-gNB-Nokia-PowerLost |
| |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event over HTTPS with wrong JSON |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with invalid data and valid username/password to /eventListener/v7 endpoint over HTTPS and expect 400 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_INVALID_JSON_V7} 400 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event With Wrong Auth |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and invalid username/password to /eventListener/v7 endpoint over HTTPS and expect 401 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_wrong_auth_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} 401 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event With Cert |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and valid certificate to /eventListener/v7 endpoint over HTTPS and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_valid_cert_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} 202 ab305d54-85b4-a31b-7db2-fb6b9e546015 |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event With Wrong Cert |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and invalid certificate to /eventListener/v7 endpoint over HTTPS and expect SSLError with certificate unknown |
| @{err_content} Create List certificate unknown |
| Send Request And Expect Error Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_invalid_cert_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} SSLError:* @{err_content} |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event With Outdated Cert |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and outdated certificate to /eventListener/v7 endpoint over HTTPS and expect SSLError with certificate unknown |
| @{err_content} Create List certificate unknown |
| Send Request And Expect Error Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_outdated_cert_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} SSLError:* @{err_content} |
| |
| Publish Single VES VNF Measurement Event Without Auth And Cert |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and without certificate or username/password to /eventListener/v7 endpoint over HTTPS and expect 401 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_no_cert_no_auth_session} ${VES_EVENTLISTENER_V7} ${VES_VALID_JSON_V7} 401 |
| |
| Publish V7 Batch Event with certBasicAuth over HTTPS |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and valid username/password to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint over HTTPS and expect 202 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_basic_auth_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_VALID_BATCH_JSON_V7} 202 Fault_Vscf:Acs-Ericcson_PilotNumberPoolExhaustion |
| |
| Publish V7 Batch Event With Wrong Auth |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and invalid username/password to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint over HTTPS and expect 401 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_wrong_auth_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_VALID_BATCH_JSON_V7} 401 |
| |
| Publish V7 Batch Event With Cert |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and valid certificate to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint over HTTPS and expect 202 Response |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_valid_cert_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_VALID_BATCH_JSON_V7} 202 Fault_Vscf:Acs-Ericcson_PilotNumberPoolExhaustion |
| |
| Publish V7 Batch With Wrong Cert |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and invalid certificate to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint over HTTPS and expect SSLError with certificate unknown |
| @{err_content} Create List certificate unknown |
| Send Request And Expect Error Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_invalid_cert_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_VALID_BATCH_JSON_V7} SSLError:* @{err_content} |
| |
| Publish V7 Batch Event With Outdated Cert |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and outdated certificate to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint over HTTPS and expect SSLError with certificate unknown |
| @{err_content} Create List certificate unknown |
| Send Request And Expect Error Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_outdated_cert_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_VALID_BATCH_JSON_V7} SSLError:* @{err_content} |
| |
| Publish V7 Batch Event Without Auth And Cert |
| [Tags] DCAE-VESC-R1 |
| [Documentation] Post single event with valid data and without certificate or username/password to /eventListener/v7/eventBatch endpoint over HTTPS and expect 401 Response Status Code |
| Send Request And Validate Response Publish Event To VES Collector ${https_no_cert_no_auth_session} ${VES_BATCH_EVENT_ENDPOINT_V7} ${VES_VALID_BATCH_JSON_V7} 401 |